Is anybody doing something, if anything, to get people to go see this movie?
I really want Iron Man 2 to beat TDK's record - so I'm doing my part.
1) I've encouraged all my friends, family and co-workers to see it opening weekend
2) I'm committed to seeing it multiple times that weekend: Midnight opener, Friday matinee, Saturday night, Sunday night.
3) Hosting an Iron Man 2 party on Saturday night - where my guests (people who wouldn't normally see this opening weekend) are coming for free food and a showing of "Iron Man" on Blu-ray, then we're heading out to the theatre to watch the sequel. Kind of a cheap move, I turned it into a social event so people would come opening weekend. And hey, even if they don't like the movie, who can turn down Arc Reactor cupcakes? t:
So what are you all doing to help IM2's chances?
I really want Iron Man 2 to beat TDK's record - so I'm doing my part.
1) I've encouraged all my friends, family and co-workers to see it opening weekend
2) I'm committed to seeing it multiple times that weekend: Midnight opener, Friday matinee, Saturday night, Sunday night.
3) Hosting an Iron Man 2 party on Saturday night - where my guests (people who wouldn't normally see this opening weekend) are coming for free food and a showing of "Iron Man" on Blu-ray, then we're heading out to the theatre to watch the sequel. Kind of a cheap move, I turned it into a social event so people would come opening weekend. And hey, even if they don't like the movie, who can turn down Arc Reactor cupcakes? t:
So what are you all doing to help IM2's chances?