This seems to be happening with every slasher remake, i mean wasn't rebooting supposed to give new like to these dead franchises?
Friday the 13th was going to get a sequel soon after, it isn't and after 3 years it seems dead, Nightmare on Elm Street was the same, even before the release of the film a sequel was anounced, it seemed even more possible than a friday the 13th one, right now it seems more dead than another Friday the 13th movie.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was one of the first slashers being rebooted, it had a Prequel instead of a sequel, the studio could have made another but wasn't very interested in doing it, even making the Prequel seemed like too much for them, noow they're going to reboot again with a direct sequel for the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Halloween got a reboot by Rob Zombie, it didn't seem that well received and the sequel wasn't very promoted, it didn't even reach the theatres in my country, and the final reviews were terrible, they're planing a 3rd film without Rob Zombie that has yet to materialise.
Evil Dead is going to click the reboot buttom without Ash Williams, which is a shame as fans have been waiting for an Evil Dead 4 for years, Hellraiser can't even succeed in rebooting itself, it's reboot has been in development for some time now.
In the end the only of these rebooted iconic horror franchises that are actually getting some kind of activitu are the Evil Dead reboot and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D, which are themselves reboots in their oun way. It's a real shame as i would like to see Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street movies on a regular basis like Saw and Paranormal Activity.