Iron Man Iron Man's Super bowl Plans!

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Firms Try New Ways
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January 28, 2008; Page B4

The Super Bowl is still the ultimate traditional television event, but companies are exploring new ways to bring their ads online.
Marketers are going deeper into everything from Web video to profiles on social-networking sites. For companies forking over as much as $2.7 million for 30 seconds of television ad time during the game, the goal of the online push is to try to make that steep investment go further. The marketers that don't have a TV presence during the game hope to tap the Super Bowl's massive following on the cheap.
PepsiCo's Pepsi-Cola North America plans to bolster its TV spots with an ad blitz on Yahoo this weekend. Viacom's Paramount Pictures has secured a three-year Super Bowl package with to be the dominant advertiser on the site. Verizon Communications, which has never bought a TV spot for the big game, is sponsoring AOL's Super Sunday Ad Poll, which lets visitors watch and rank the commercials that air during the game. Meanwhile, dozens of advertisers are bidding on search terms related to the Super Bowl through Google.
Not that long ago, all Super Bowl advertising centered on game day, with the TV network that bought the broadcast rights to the game reaping all the ad revenue. But now it has turned into a weeks-long frenzy, with an increasing number of participants trying to profit from the action.
News Corp.'s Fox is airing the game this year, but it doesn't have a monopoly on the online Super Bowl audience. For months, ad-sales teams at companies from Google to Yahoo to Walt Disney's ESPN -- all of which are featuring extensive pre- and post-Super Bowl coverage -- have been designing ad packages of their own.
Some of the sites are hosting, free, the Super Bowl commercials that run during the game. MySpace, which News Corp. owns, is posting all of the commercials broadcast during the game on a special section of the social-networking site at no extra charge to those advertisers. Google's YouTube, Time Warner's AOL and Yahoo are doing the same for their commercial polls. Hosting those commercials helps the sites build viewer traffic, which then allows them to sell more paid advertising.
That paid advertising ranges from small banner ads on a network of sports-related sites to taking over all the ad space on a Web site. Prices can be as small as a $1 bid on a search keyword (if a person searches on that keyword, the advertiser's link shows up in the results) to hundreds of thousands of dollars to sponsor the sites.

Theh link on the top has a better explanation on how it works which is as follows:

Paramount Pictures is using its ad spending to promote the May release of superhero film “Iron Man.” People who watch the game on TV will see a commercial for the movie. People who visit any of the major online Super Bowl ad polls will also see the spot. Visitors to MySpace can see an Iron Man profile on the site. And if people search for terms related to Iron Man on Google, it will turn up there as well. On, ads will show the TV spot and prompt visitors to go to the “Iron Man” Web site to register for downloads and giveaways.
So it'll be online everywhere probably after it's been shown on the Superbowl. It makes sense this way.
Can't wait, only five more days!
So it'll be online everywhere probably after it's been shown on the Superbowl. It makes sense this way.

:woot: Great start. :woot: See IM everywhere on the internet like the 1st Pirates movie was. You could not go to a website without seeing some kind of an advertisment for the 1st Pirates movie.
I'm more excited for this than the game. The Patriots are going to win, though I want the Giants to win. I HATE the patriots! Steelers FTW.

I'm hoping Paramount surprises us with an Indy IV trailer too. :D
I wish there would be less corny substance in the ads, and more IM flying over LA and shooting the repulsors.
I'm more excited for this than the game. The Patriots are going to win, though I want the Giants to win. I HATE the patriots! Steelers FTW.

I'm hoping Paramount surprises us with an Indy IV trailer too. :D

The trailer's pretty much the reason i'm watching the game.

I'm still very bitter how the Cowboys choked and lost to the hated G-Men and the Patriots are about to go 19-0. :cmad:
I wish there would be less corny substance in the ads, and more IM flying over LA and shooting the repulsors.

That's what I'm hoping for the Superbowl spot. A shot of him using his repulsors in action.

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