World Is Lois and Clark worth buying?


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
cause i am thinking of buying it, this is for a casual fan too not just like a die-hard superman fan but i do enjoy the character
I casually would watch a few episodes but I prefer the pilot episode, I'd rent it first.
TimDrake64x said:
cause i am thinking of buying it, this is for a casual fan too not just like a die-hard superman fan but i do enjoy the character

Bare in mind, it's not about Superman per se as much as it is about Lois and Clark's relationship. It's a very light, romantic, family-friendly version of the story. There are no supervillains, no fights, not much Superman mythology. You have to enjoy the interaction of Cain and Hatcher or you won't like the show.
i meen the idea sounds interesting so i guess i can try to rent it, would a blockbuster or a movie gallery have it?
you could probroly find it cheap on amazon. I love the show personally
pwl4life said:
I love the show personally

Me too. The only thing lacking was Cain as Superman - he was too pent up, too self-councious, and he looked about twenty years old.
Kevin Roegele said:
Me too. The only thing lacking was Cain as Superman - he was too pent up, too self-councious, and he looked about twenty years old.

That didn't really bother me much as I looked at the show as his first years as Superman when he was first becoming a hero. I kinda liked the idea of him growing into the hero he is, better than just showing up and automatically knowing what to do in every situation like in the movie. In the movie he finds the fortress, dissapears fr a few years to learn with jor-el, then shows up and he's superman. whereas in this show we see him finding his way to being the hero he is. this is one of the reasons why I like L&C. It wasn't perfect, but neither where the movies, but the show was pretty damn good
pwl4life said:
That didn't really bother me much as I looked at the show as his first years as Superman when he was first becoming a hero. I kinda liked the idea of him growing into the hero he is, better than just showing up and automatically knowing what to do in every situation like in the movie. In the movie he finds the fortress, dissapears fr a few years to learn with jor-el, then shows up and he's superman. whereas in this show we see him finding his way to being the hero he is. this is one of the reasons why I like L&C. It wasn't perfect, but neither where the movies, but the show was pretty damn good

But you don't see Superman learning to be a hero. This isn't Batman Begins. Cain's portrayal of Supes didn't change whatsoever from the first season to the last. He didn't make mistakes at first, he didn't learn anything along the way. It was set in stone from day one.
I thought there were a few episode where he came off looking like a hero. The green glow of home, the house of luthor, fly hard, Super Mann,Tempus Anyone?,Lord of the Flys ,Battleground Earth ,'Twas the Night Before Mxymas,& Meet John Doe are some of the best episodes from the series in my opinion and Superman really comes off looking like a hero (some more than others).

And if you look at Superman from "strange visitor [from another planet]" and then look at superman from the new krypton arc with lord Nor, you can really see a difference.I think we would have seen even more growth if the series waited a little longer to put lois and clark togeather and Superman encountered more super villians than just metallo, Mxyzptlk,Nor, and luthor.

I don't think L&C is the best interpretation of Superman but it is my favorite and was pretty good especially for the first 2 seasons. (it kinda fell off around the 4th) but it's definatly worth buying IMHO
pwl4life said:
I thought there were a few episode where he came off looking like a hero. The green glow of home, the house of luthor, fly hard, Super Mann,Tempus Anyone?,Lord of the Flys ,Battleground Earth ,'Twas the Night Before Mxymas,& Meet John Doe are some of the best episodes from the series in my opinion and Superman really comes off looking like a hero (some more than others).

And if you look at Superman from "strange visitor [from another planet]" and then look at superman from the new krypton arc with lord Nor, you can really see a difference.I think we would have seen even more growth if the series waited a little longer to put lois and clark togeather and Superman encountered more super villians than just metallo, Mxyzptlk,Nor, and luthor.

I understand what you are saying. But I think this may be more to do with Cain growing more relaxed and confident in the role.

pwl4life said:
I don't think L&C is the best interpretation of Superman but it is my favorite and was pretty good especially for the first 2 seasons. (it kinda fell off around the 4th) but it's definatly worth buying IMHO

Agreed. It makes great television. At the moment I watch one episode before I go to bed.
Yes it is. Lois & Clark, IMO, is one of the best interpretations of Superman along with the movies. I think its a damn good show, got me fanatic for Superman again, it has Teri Hatcher aka the best Lois ever and fits the era of Superman that I like wich is the Byrne interpretation with a more human Superman.

I really love the show. Neverending battle, the green glow of home, Tempus Fugitive is one of the shows best episodes. Also, IMO its a thousand times better than that stupid TV show called Smallville. After watching Reckoning, one of the show worst episodes, i`m done with this show.

At least in Lois & Clark you feel the Superman magic, even if it doesn`t have the fortress of solitude or more Superman elements.The magic is the relationship between Cain and Hatcher.
I forgot which episode it was but from what i can rmember i liked the episode with the guy fromthe jeffersons :up:
DrMylesOBoogie said:
Season 1 is brilliant. Best live action interpertation of Superman to date.

I strongly disagree. Donner's 1978 Superman movie has a far better Superman - come on, Reeve is vastly superior to Cain; better writing, direction, effects, music. I'd argue Teri Hatcher is the superior Lois, but that's all L&C has over the movie.
ok i just bought it and ive watched the 1st and 2nd episodes and i love it. sure its a little corny but come on, its a guy in a big blue suit flying around. i love how the show the kents reaction to clark saying that no one will notice him because he wont have the glasses. its just like ok ur just gona have to accept this. i think cain is as good as reeves and everyone else is great except lex luthor, hes just a little weird in this but the convo b/t him and supes the 1st time they meet is great. over all definatly woth buying. thanx guys
Kevin Roegele said:
I strongly disagree. Donner's 1978 Superman movie has a far better Superman - come on, Reeve is vastly superior to Cain; better writing, direction, effects, music. I'd argue Teri Hatcher is the superior Lois, but that's all L&C has over the movie.

Id say that Cains Clark Kent is definately superior to Chris Reeves, I absolutely hated Clark in the movies he is supposed to be mild mannered not down right unlikable. I also prefer Lex in the series.
Happenstance said:
Id say that Cains Clark Kent is definately superior to Chris Reeves, I absolutely hated Clark in the movies he is supposed to be mild mannered not down right unlikable. I also prefer Lex in the series.

Cain is great as Clark, but weak as Superman. The show is unbalanced. The very concept of Superman demands Clark be meek and forgettable for the dramatic contrast to be as powerful as possible.
I never thought he was that weak as Superman but I know I was definately in a minority with that. Still the show was focused on Lois and Clark and I expect if it'd been more on Superman we'd have got a lot more development in Cains performance of him.
I think the reason I liked the Lois & Clark series so much was because it did set Superman up as just the disguise, it made more sense to me. Clark was raised on Earth and even if he does have all these powers he'd still act like us. The series didnt make him change his basic personality when he was Clark Kent.
Kevin Roegele said:
I strongly disagree. Donner's 1978 Superman movie has a far better Superman - come on, Reeve is vastly superior to Cain; better writing, direction, effects, music. I'd argue Teri Hatcher is the superior Lois, but that's all L&C has over the movie.

I'd have to add one more thing besides Teri Hatcher, in terms of L&C one-upping the movie. And that's Lane Smith as Perry White. IMO, he is by far the best version of Perry I've ever seen.
Happenstance said:
I never thought he was that weak as Superman but I know I was definately in a minority with that. Still the show was focused on Lois and Clark and I expect if it'd been more on Superman we'd have got a lot more development in Cains performance of him.
I think the reason I liked the Lois & Clark series so much was because it did set Superman up as just the disguise, it made more sense to me. Clark was raised on Earth and even if he does have all these powers he'd still act like us. The series didnt make him change his basic personality when he was Clark Kent.

But the point of Superman is the very basic power fantasy; beneath the facade of a normal man is the invincible hero. Clark, the man on top, the glasses and suit, is literally just a cover that is removed - and Superman is underneath.

The 'Clark is the real person' invented by John Byrne in The Man of Steel is really just a conceit to Marvel Comics, that Superman had to become a fallable character with an intresting personal life.
mathhater said:
I'd have to add one more thing besides Teri Hatcher, in terms of L&C one-upping the movie. And that's Lane Smith as Perry White. IMO, he is by far the best version of Perry I've ever seen.

:up: Good call. It was only when I picked up the season one DVD last week that I realised Smith was playing the whole thing for laughs. And he is hysterical. His comic timing is superb.
Kevin Roegele said:
The 'Clark is the real person' invented by John Byrne in The Man of Steel is really just a conceit to Marvel Comics, that Superman had to become a fallable character with an intresting personal life.

I guess I just prefer it that way, makes more sense to me and otherwise I doubt id read comics that much if it was just one side or the other was interesting.
Happenstance said:
I guess I just prefer it that way, makes more sense to me and otherwise I doubt id read comics that much if it was just one side or the other was interesting.

Absolutely dude, I like it both ways.

Er....that came out wrong.

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