Is my monitor... DYING?


Jun 15, 2005
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I've had this Dell monitor for probably around 4-5 years and recently (from last month or so) it would flicker in a wierd way, and sometimes it lowers the brightness but eventually comes back to full brightness.

Let me try to explain what my monitor looks like when it flickers... think of a puddle of water, stick your finger in the middle and pull it out... you see a cone shaped after effect from ur finger, and a rippling effect for the rest of the water. Its sort of like that.

So, is my monitor dying? Is this its way of telling me to let it rest in peace?
It very well could be dying. I had a monitor die out in a similar way..
When was the last time you Degaussed your monitor? Do you have a magnetic cable shield on the monitor cable? Have you placed a new cordless phone of some kind near the monitor or something sort of fixture that contains a large magnet, like an unshielded audio speaker?

I was just going to ask him if he keeps his cell phone near it, because I found out that whenever my cell would ring my monitor would flicker like that.
Green Lantern said:
I was just going to ask him if he keeps his cell phone near it, because I found out that whenever my cell would ring my monitor would flicker like that.

sometimes i do, but thats expected because the waves from the cellphone interfere with monitors.

jaguarr said:
When was the last time you Degaussed your monitor? Do you have a magnetic cable shield on the monitor cable? Have you placed a new cordless phone of some kind near the monitor or something sort of fixture that contains a large magnet, like an unshielded audio speaker?


Never degaussed.

so is it time for me to get a new monitor?
Try degaussing it first. You should be able to do it from the front control panel on your monitor. Chances are that your monitor is starting to die, though, yes.

Aight, i just degaussed it.

What symptoms should i look out for if my monitor is indeed dying?

and... this thing won't explode in my face right...
It's giving you the symptoms of a dying monitor, actually. Sometimes a degaussing will help, though, so it was worth a try. Time to buy a new monitor. It shouldn't explode on you but it will probably die on you soon.

jaguarr said:
It's giving you the symptoms of a dying monitor, actually. Sometimes a degaussing will help, though, so it was worth a try. Time to buy a new monitor. It shouldn't explode on you but it will probably die on you soon.


cool, i guess.

so any suggestions on a new monitor? or just the standard flat panel?
You can probably contact Dell and they'll send you a new monitor. I have a Gateway and my montor would turn off randomly and would keep turning off after I turned it on again. This would continue for about 20 min. I contacted them and they sent me a replacement monitor (same model. but that one was scratched so they sent me a newer model).
Spidey-Bat said:
You can probably contact Dell and they'll send you a new monitor. I have a Gateway and my montor would turn off randomly and would keep turning off after I turned it on again. This would continue for about 20 min. I contacted them and they sent me a replacement monitor (same model. but that one was scratched so they sent me a newer model).
My warranty with Dell is years over, lol.
Dell tech support sucks anyway. They're all a bunch of idiots who ask you 30 dozen questions even if you know what's wrong. :down

Anyway, yeah, its probably dying. Though, I've had monitors do this and after a few weeks, it just stopped. It was weird. Of course, I had another one do it and it died a week later.
X-Chick said:
Dell tech support sucks anyway. They're all a bunch of idiots who ask you 30 dozen questions even if you know what's wrong. :down

Anyway, yeah, its probably dying. Though, I've had monitors do this and after a few weeks, it just stopped. It was weird. Of course, I had another one do it and it died a week later.


So (everyone) what kind of monitor should I shop for to replace this one?

This happened to mine aswell.Until eventually it didn't even turn on..... Just bought a new one.
The Moniter died back in the original Crisis. Sheesh, it's been 20 years, get over it

the problem could also be because of your motherboard or video card
boyscouT said:
anyone else agree with this?

Yeah, it could also be a possibility as well. Good thought from the Mexican Green Goblin.

Someone get a crash cart and 10cc's of nitroglycerine. I need a chest tube tray 32 french. Lets move it, were gonna lose it! Youre not gonna die on me damnit!
Darthphere said:
Someone get a crash cart and 10cc's of nitroglycerine. I need a chest tube tray 32 french. Lets move it, were gonna lose it! Youre not gonna die on me damnit!

:up: lmfaooooooooooo
One quick way to know if it's your video card fault is by checking the display adapters in Device Manager. If it has a ? inside a yellow circle by its side it's has the wrong drivers installed or not working right.
Everything seems to be working properly. I guess my monitor is indeed dying.
Best way to check if it is your pc or monitor is to plug another monitor into the computer if its fine with another one you need a new monitor :)
i think it could be a magnet or something. one time my fridge was all covered up with magnets so i layed a couple by the TV, when i turned it on the next day, the whole right side was blue,green and red, and whenever i tried to change a channel it would ripple like u said

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