PSU442 said:but we have heard she smokes... but is trying to quit
Fatboy Roberts said:Cigarettes don't go "click" when you push on them.
I seriously doubt she's going to smoke in the movie. She's got an asthmatic 6 year old for Christ's sake. Novel or not, I don't see that happening onscreen.
Mentok said:Its a nice little detail that Lois uses a tape recorder and Clark uses a pan and pencil.
Showtime029 said:Well, Clark is famous in all arcs of the comic for carrying around a it's a nice tribute.
haha...that's a good me the money!!Mentok said:
You complete me showtime.
She smokes in #2.lujho said:I don't think Lois even smoked in SUperman 2, 3, or 4. I can't understand why people are so hung up on the topic. Heroines in family movies haven't smoked for about 20 years. I'm 99.999% certain that Singer wouldn't go against that trend, for obvious reasons.
yes...and would it be too lame to have her drinking orange juice?Gamma Ray said:I want to see her smoke. It's part of her character.
fangrl06 said:yes...and would it be too lame to have her drinking orange juice?