Is the world going to hell?

Alex The Great

Sep 22, 2007
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I mean look. recently we've had

terrorists attacks, disasters. more violence in IRAQ and Afghanistan and a bad govermernt in all sorts of countries. Teenagers and small children are being kidnappend and raped everywhere u go (kind of). the world going to hell?
There should be a minimum of a 6 month probation period before noobs should be allowed to create threads.
it doesn't really stack up against other times in history in the going to hell department.

well......withall the **** that's happened recently i just put it out there *shrugs*
There has always been violence and such. Some years it's worse than others.
You are just noticing current events. Things have been worse. World Wars, depressions, etc...
Psycho Symbiote said:
Is the world going to hell?
According to the Book of Revelation, the world's been heading for hell ever since Jesus left. Judging by recent events, that belief isn't too far off. In the last 60 years alone, we've had 4 major wars (WW2, Vietnam, Desert Storm, & Iraq), a steady rise in the rates of unplanned pregnancy, abortion, permarital sex, suicide, drug abuse, and divorce. Plus, it seems as though a new Hollywood celebrity "exits the closet" every week or so.
According to the Book of Revelation, the world's been heading for hell ever since Jesus left. Judging by recent events, that belief isn't too far off. In the last 60 years alone, we've had 4 major wars (WW2, Vietnam, Desert Storm, & Iraq), a steady rise in the rates of unplanned pregnancy, abortion, permarital sex, suicide, drug abuse, and divorce. Plus, it seems as though a new Hollywood celebrity "exits the closet" every week or so.

But 500 years ago, instead of 4 big wars, you had 4000 smaller wars. And as for the rise in unplaned pregnancy and premarital, those are simply nonsense claims. Unless you can find accurate records on premarital sex and unplanned pregnancy from 2000 years ago and on, you argument holds no weight. The only reason these numbers seem to be rising is that the population is risng, because our doctors and scientists have been able to raise health awareness and manufacture more effective medicines in recent years. Better mdical practices yields a higher population, and a higher population yields a higher deathrate.

Anybody that thinks we are living in the end times based on the world's current events only thinks that way because they want to think that they are living in the most important time in history. No one likes to think that they lived in the time when nothing massive happened.
Regarding the "end of days", I love what I heard a rather famous minister say once. He was discussing the Rapture and the tribulation, and boiled it all down to the following statement...

"Basically, I'm a "pan tribulationist", because I think it's all gonna pan out the way God wants it to...and the trick is not trying to figure out "when", it's to be ready whenever. And, the way you do that, is you live like Jesus is coming back tomorrow, and you work like He ain't never gonna show up. That way, no matter what happens, no one gets surprised."
I'm not gonna touch the "Are we going to hell?" thing at all, but I will say that if we are, we're not heading there any faster or slower than we have before.
I mean look. recently we've had

terrorists attacks, disasters. more violence in IRAQ and Afghanistan and a bad govermernt in all sorts of countries. Teenagers and small children are being kidnappend and raped everywhere u go (kind of). the world going to hell?

You forgotten the multiple mass shootings that have happened recently...but yeah, we're all going to hell.:csad:
I don't think a few bad occurrences warrant freaking out about the Apocalypse. Bad crap happens all the time. All through history, bad crap has happened. Bad crap happened today. And I'm willing to bet my life saving that in the future, bad crap will happen.
Our history teachers are really failing our children these days. :(

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