The design is exactly the same right down to the seams......only the materials have changed.
On the contrary, it's clear that there are more differences than just the leather/denim-ish look of the material in the new concept pic. To clarify my point, here's a list of all the differences I see....
- The older pic has a full neck area to the outfit, extending up under the helmet, while the newer pic shows a collar that is not attached to the helmet, and even buttons up in the front.
- The older pic has Cap's ears covered with the black piece that the helmet strap attaches to, while the newer pic has the ears exposed.
- While the older pic shows a helmet with a strap that goes just BEHIND the chin, where it meets the neck; the new pic shows the straps attached to the little "cup" directly ON the chin.
- The belt in the old pic with it's more modern, "techy" looking buckle is clearly not the same as the traditional buckle seen in the newer pic.
- The boots in the new pic, while they look the same or similar to the ones in the older pic, still do not have the reddish "cuff" at the top where they meet the pants, as in the old image.
- The white sleeves in the older pic go under the gloves, while in the newer one the sleeves cover the gloves.
- The somewhat "techy" look of the seamlines in the older pic is mostly gone except for the center chest area. The abdominal area still has the same vertical seams, but not the diagonal ones you can see between them in the older pic. Also, this new one doesn't have the same seamwork on the legs as the VERY modern looking seams on the legs in the older pic.
Now while all these differences are relatively minor, they are still differences in DESIGN, not just differences of material. And, there is also one MAJOR difference....
- The upper torso/shoulder harness area is totally different. The straps in the old pic: Black. In the newer one: Blue. Also, the newer pic doesn't have remotely the same shoulder pads as the older pic. In fact it doesn't seem to be any kind of shoulder pad at all, just a flap of blue fabric that goes down the sleeves.
All of the differences lead me to believe that we are looking at 2 different designs for pre- and post- freeze Cap.