James Franco's take on why studios keep rebooting superhero films

God I hate this guy. Not only is he not a good enough actor to have the ego he has, but he almost presents himself as a mentally unstable person. I still to this day can't figure out why he's getting work. It doesn't seem like anyone likes him. His Oscar nominated performance in 127 Hours was not spectacular and was overrated, and he was completely miscast and uninteresting as Oz. His hosting of the Oscars was a total insult, and he should be ashamed of himself for being so unprofessional. The guy is a total waste. There isn't a single thing about him I like. He's full of himself, he writes movie reviews just to be different, he stars on a soap opera just to be different, he teaches a college class about his own movies, the list just goes on and on. He's a stoner and he can barely speak coherently.

All my opinion, of course.
He raped your puppy didn't he?
he writes movie reviews just to be different, he stars on a soap opera just to be different, he teaches a college class about his own movies, the list just goes on and on.

This is what's so interesting about him. He does things no other actor does.

And I will say, he's not lying. it all comes down to Hollywood wanting $$$.

ASM was rebooted so quickly because of $$$.

We might not like that, but that's what these "suits" see. Everyone hates "suits." They don't see things like the crowd and creative people see, they just see $$$.
This is what's so interesting about him. He does things no other actor does.

And I will say, he's not lying. it all comes down to Hollywood wanting $$$.

ASM was rebooted so quickly because of $$$.

We might not like that, but that's what these "suits" see. Everyone hates "suits." They don't see things like the crowd and creative people see, they just see $$$.

Oh, I don't disagree with his point. He's right. What I don't understand is, why the hell is he writing reviews and articles about it? Lol, like, just go away already.

And I would admire the soap operas and the movie reviews and the college classes... but he's not a good actor. None of these things are making him better. He just gets his paws all over these things, and the results are "meh." And don't get me wrong, he can do these things for the experience of it, but I'm not even convinced that he's really doing it for his craft; I don't think he even cares about his craft. It's like he does all of these things just to be different. He's like the biggest Hollywood hipster, and I hate throwing that word around.

And yes, he raped my puppy, because he thought it would be different.
He's writing reviews and articles because he is interested in writing reviews and articles. Some posters on here write reviews and articles and no one throws a fit, why should someone throw a fit over him doing it? Celebrities are people too, you know.

I think he's good.

Actually, Danny McBride raped your puppy then Jonah Hill saw it and joined him for a two way having Danny rape it up the butt while Jonah Hill had it suck his dick. Then Jay Baruchel came in with Seth Rogen and ran away to tell James while Seth video taped it while giving that classic Seth Rogen laugh and screamed that he was going to put it all over youtube. Then James came in and told them, "enough with the beastiality already!" true story.
I've been saying since The Avengers came out, that because that movie made a billion dollars, now every movie has to make a billion dollars. It can't make 500 million, it can't make 750 million... it has to be a billion or it's a "bomb" or a "flop", or it's a disappointment. It's going to absolutely kill the industry.

I can imagine a total apocalypse happening in Hollywood where the money being put into movies is just not equaling the money coming in anymore, and it will wipe out the "blockbuster." Independent films will come back, younger, new voices will get a chance, and our smaller Fincher and Aronofsky films will be the "event" films of the year.

I mean, the signs are there, more than ever:

Cowboys and Aliens
After Earth
Green Lantern
John Carter
Speed Racer

I have a strong suspicion that The Lone Ranger is the next warning.
Man of Steel
The Avengers
Iron Man 3

This isn't something new really...

Every year you have some flops and some box office successes and they're all from the same five top studios.

Also, please, PLEASE PLEASE lock your dog away before Danny McBride finds it again.
This isn't something new really...

Every year you have some flops and some box office successes and they're all from the same five top studios.

I'm not sure though. One thing that never happened back in the day was a total oversaturation of these big movies. All these movies are starting to look the same. Like it's all blending together with their blue and orange posters and cinematography.

There was like a three year period where we had The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Percy Jackson, Chronicles of Narnia, Eragon, The Spiderwick Chronicles... and I still to this day never determined which was which. It's all one big 20 hour movie to me :oldrazz:
I'm not sure though. One thing that never happened back in the day was a total oversaturation of these big movies. All these movies are starting to look the same.

Don't take offense to this, but, how old are you?
I do take offense. What's your point? How old are you?
I do take offense. What's your point? How old are you?

Just turned 25, so I'm used to summers being this packed by now because it seems largely that's what I grew up with. Maybe it was a lot more sparse for older generations though?

Weird lol, late 26? I just always remembered going to movies two to three times a week... unless I just go a lot and it's always seemed stuff lol. So, as the guy who's practically always went two to three times a week - doesn't seem that different. Granted it was a different genre, but I always remember them big and stuffed together. Just this summer is really weird in that the months of May and June have been overboard while the rest of the summer is relatively quiet.
Seems to me like back in the 90s comedies used to be serve as a replacement of many of today's action blockbusters.

To be honest, both Ultimatehero and Rocketman make very valid points. It's kind of nauseating how repetitive and dull a lot of the movies released these days are, but that's been the case for many a year now.

Still, I have to admit, I'm kind of getting bored of every summer being ALL about superhero films. If 12 year-old me had a Delorian, he would literally go to the future to punch me in the face for saying that.
Well...yeah. It's either book adaptations, or CBM. Most of the artsy stuff is saved for Fall/Early December. Spring is a terrible time to release movies (good luck, CA:TWS), and the beginning of the year always has the most boring crap out. Although Franco hit the nail on the head, we all knew that. I'm sure we'll be seeing a ton of reboots for anything by 2017.
If you watch an interview with Franco its very clear he does all this **** because it interests him and he gets annoyed that the media makes a big deal out of it. He actually denied Rolling Stone a few years ago when they asked him to do a story on him taking college classes.

Also your wack if you think he's a bad actor. Spring Breakers. 127 Hours. Milk. And he does EVERYTHING. He's in Oscar bait, comedies, soap operas, he's even playing a villain in a Jason Statham film.

I don't love the guy or anything, but I certainly don't get the hate.
I love Franco. Yeah, he's got an ego on him, but he seems like a nice enough guy. Also, he's freaking hilarious lol
Just turned 25, so I'm used to summers being this packed by now because it seems largely that's what I grew up with. Maybe it was a lot more sparse for older generations though?

It's because you're being desensitized.
I've got nothing against Franco. He was pretty miscast in Oz, but he's kind of charming even when he's bad. I enjoyed him in the Spidey films (he was a redeeming factor of Spider-Man 3) and I enjoyed his little article here. I mean, it was one long exercise in pointing out the obvious, but he had a fun and interesting way of doing it.
Well there's two main reasons. Writers keep writing themselves into a corner, and they will lose the series to Marvel if they don't keep making movies.
Franco has an ego. But just when you think it is unwarranted after he Oz, he does something like Spring Breakers. Terrible movie? Definitely. Is Franco amazing in it? That is an understatement.

Plus, he is right on the money. And is saying what anyone knows. The best quote:

So these films are made. Again and again. And if Brandon Routh doesn’t work as Superman, or if Sam Raimi can’t agree on the villain for a fourth Spider-Man, they will just make new versions without them.

How true.

Franco is nuts and does intentionally crash and burn like at the Oscars or (IMO) his performance in Oz. But then he does projects like This is the End. I cannot hate the guy and there is nothing in this article you should be upset about unless you work at Sony and/or on TASM films. Then you might be angry and it would be understandable.
Franco is one of the most interesting artists alive today, to me.
I never got the *****eness of James Franco. Not saying he isnt *****y but I like him so much that I dont feel it. But even before he became a star I liked him. Im also in a period where I like almost every celebrity who is a little controversial or little full of themselves.

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