Comics Jean Grey!


Phoenix Particle
Apr 10, 2006
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Does anyone else badly miss Jean from the comics?

She's been in it from the beginning and is my favourite character :(

Though I love Emma and Scott's relationship and issues, Scott belongs with Jean...

And I really hope she comes back for good (although that might make her death pointless...)

I just find it sad she's gone :( :)
How can you miss her? She will be back like, in 12 seconds! She dies every 8 minutes!!!
It would be awkward if she came back and got with Scott. He is the biggest **** ever. I bet if she came back he would ditch Emma.
cookiva said:
How can you miss her? She will be back like, in 12 seconds! She dies every 8 minutes!!!


Yea, I miss her too. :(
jimjam-06 said:
Does anyone else badly miss Jean from the comics?

She's been in it from the beginning and is my favourite character :(

Though I love Emma and Scott's relationship and issues, Scott belongs with Jean...

And I really hope she comes back for good (although that might make her death pointless...)

I just find it sad she's gone :( :)

Agree on all points except I'd like to see her single for a good long while.
Intheknow101 said:
Agree on all points except I'd like to see her single for a good long while.

Yeah I think I'd like to see that too :)

That might be interesting

But I do want in the end for there to be always Jean and Scott

But I agree, her being single would be very cool actually
I dont want Jean to come back. I love her and all. but there is no place for her. Shes to strong to be on any team and the Xmen dont fight people like they used to.
Exploding Boy said:
I dont want Jean to come back. I love her and all. but there is no place for her. Shes to strong to be on any team and the Xmen dont fight people like they used to.

I dunno with people like Scarlet Witch, Magneto, Jamie Braddock and Vulcan around. I'd say the X-Men need a powerhouse like Jean. Around her New X-Men/Green Phoenix levels is fine, not like her white phoenix level. Psionic Circuit breakers like last ime should do the trick.:)

or move her to the Avengers. There's plenty of threats around.
What might be interesting is Jean leading a team of her own, completely seperate from Scott and even Logan... give her a fresh start, some lesser-known X-Men to lead, and let her be *herself* for a while, neither threat nor third point on a love triangle.

And I'd say those things even if I didn't have a fanfic stemming from basically that premise...
Intheknow101 said:
I dunno with people like Scarlet Witch, Magneto, Jamie Braddock and Vulcan around. I'd say the X-Men need a powerhouse like Jean. Around her New X-Men/Green Phoenix levels is fine, not like her white phoenix level. Psionic Circuit breakers like last ime should do the trick.:)

or move her to the Avengers. There's plenty of threats around.

What are they going to do to depowered Magneto and Wanda? That they would need Jean for?
Would love for Jean to come back. Though I wouldn't want her with Scott. Let him have the skank Emma. Jean's to good for him anyway.

Finally got a chance to check out Astonishing X-men #1, I loved the comment by Emma that even with her her wit, the best body money can buy she still loses out to a corpse. Damn right I say! Even with Jean dead, Logan and Scott were still fighting over her. That's seriously got to hurt if you are the other woman in the situation.

I'd rather if Jean was solo for a whilie. If she has to be paired with someone let it be someone new or even Logan or someone beside Scott.
Exploding Boy said:
What are they going to do to depowered Magneto and Wanda? That they would need Jean for?

I doubt they will be depowered for long. Magneto always gets his powers back and rears his head every couple of years. And they could have used her for the cosmic event Annhilation but Marvel editors didn't want them using her.

And in the mean time Vulcan is pretty damn powerful as well as Jamie Braddock.
Effect said:
Would love for Jean to come back. Though I wouldn't want her with Scott. Let him have the skank Emma. Jean's to good for him anyway.

Finally got a chance to check out Astonishing X-men #1, I loved the comment by Emma that even with her her wit, the best body money can buy she still loses out to a corpse. Damn right I say! Even with Jean dead, Logan and Scott were still fighting over her. That's seriously got to hurt if you are the other woman in the situation.

I'd rather if Jean was solo for a whilie. If she has to be paired with someone let it be someone new or even Logan or someone beside Scott.

Even though Emma's a skank I can't help but like her!

I love that Scott and Logan fought over her and yeah I loved when Emma said that...

I just hope she does "rise again" because she's died so much that the last time just seemed like such a LAST TIME, though I know it's her thing to come back from the dead :)
I hope she come back soon too. I think she needs to do a solo title with like another X-men you wouldn't expect and create a whole new relationship and make fans go wow this is cool and stuff. Like a book with like Jean/Magma a new and different combo it would be pretty awesome or if it was a guy put her with someone like Iceman or heck bring back a charater that we havent seen a in awhile like Scarlet Witch or Gambit someone you never expect to be paired up with her.
Effect said:
Would love for Jean to come back. Though I wouldn't want her with Scott. Let him have the skank Emma. Jean's to good for him anyway.

Finally got a chance to check out Astonishing X-men #1, I loved the comment by Emma that even with her her wit, the best body money can buy she still loses out to a corpse. Damn right I say! Even with Jean dead, Logan and Scott were still fighting over her. That's seriously got to hurt if you are the other woman in the situation.

I'd rather if Jean was solo for a whilie. If she has to be paired with someone let it be someone new or even Logan or someone beside Scott.

I agree. As for Jean coming back, I can't say I have that strong of an opinion on it because she's still in the Ultimate universe, and I love her in that series. Still, she's one of my favorites overall, so if she came back I wouldn't complain ;)
I think I put it like this in another thread:

Bad writing: dont bring her back
Decent writing: bring her back in a few years
Excellent writing: of course, bring her back

I'm really liking her in the Ultimate line so I could do without a resurrection in 616 especially if its poor.
They'll invariably bring her back. Everytime they kill off a character, they let the fans opinions build up and then make the character return.
Jean doesn't neeeeed a man to complete her life!
*triple-snap, ghetto neck-roll*

I think when Jean comes back, she should be single for a good, long while. Also, I don't see her membership with the X-Men being a problem. When Jean first became the Phoenix, it was Claremont's attempt to give the X-Men their very own Thor-like godly character. I think she wouldn't be too overpowered if they kept her around at, say, Nate Grey's level.
Without a real good storyline to bring her back within, I'd rather she stay dead, because... well, out of all the X-Men, Jean's existence is the MOST cyclical, followed by Storm herself.
I would love to see a cosmic story revolving around Jean essentially finding herself. I mean there could be a lot of solo character development surrounding her finding of all the "shattered" pieces left over at the end of Endsong. This would give her a chance to shine on her own without depending on a man or a team or a flaming bird or anything else. It would essentially be Jean, finding herself. The writers could also take the opportunity to firmly set the Phoenix mythos so that it can't ever be f***ed with again.

Then, after she finds herself, she should take a team of X-men with her and go fight the good fight far away from Scott and the mansion and everything else resembling her old life. I would actually love to see her set up a school somewhere on the west coast.
If Jean does come back, which i dont really want her too, I would love to see her spend time with her kids and have a real family,not with Scott but just with the Kids. And go and see Xman because I love him.
Maybe we can have her caught up in a dimensional realm with Doctor Strange and she can interact with past memories and dead and living characters. Just a possibility.

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