Yea, sure...I too loved Face Off but c'mon....enough with the big name stars to move a film franchise for Batman.
I dont want to see anyone that I've already seen a million times in other films let alone a big name. Bale was not exactly a house hold name...look at him now. That's the logic that should be followed for the next film. Enough with the 'hey, lets get the big name for that role!!!' and see another repeat of Arnold in B&R.
I consider Morgan Freemans role as supporting, and maybe even cameo 'at best'. Used to hold the reality world and Batmans world together and done so beautifully by an Oscar winning actor.
Roles of the villains 'TO ME' should be reserved to actors looking to make their mark, be passionate about the role and go into this knowing full well it could lead to huge open doors in Hollywood...rather than going into this thinking..."Well, OK...I'm here now...let's start filming and where the flock is my assistent with my coffee? I have to be at a brunch in 20Min so let's get the shoot over with."
Sorry, to me acting is 'still' a job, something people put effort into and I want to see an actor doing just that...ACTING!