I like Rayne's idea of "his suit losing colour in the acid, and not wearing silk" ...and i would be glad to make this "the official joker in batman" thread

. So here is my input.
I think that the joker should have a bit more crazed look to him. He could wear the purple suit, but not hav it so nice and clean. Maybe more blotchy and infected looking, (this could be the suit that he was wearing wen he fell into the chemicals, and he doesnt always hav to wear it, but in main scenes, so that its his trade mark, or goodluck charm or sumthing). It should be a little bit frayed, and look recked with some nics and scratches, and the colour should be a bit off and not perfectly STRAIGHT PURPLE (since it kinda got bleached in the acid).
Now for the actual JOKER!, i think a good take for the Joker would be (if anyone saw the short trailer "GRAYSON", i think the joker in that looks horrific

, he is scary looking, but looks happy at the same time. Perfect combo. He has alot of rinkles, and saggy looking skin (cuz it got messed up in the chemical bath) and his eyes are very dark and evil looking. Kind of looks like he is sick or on drugs, becuz around his eyes are very dark. I beleive this would be the best look. SOrt of like the HUSH Joker, which looked creepy, disgusting, but funny. He should look terrifying, like a crazyed maniac (which he is).
I would like to see the comedian origins. Therefore it DOES show his relation with Batman. He is a comedian, gets mixed up with the rong group. They kill his wife who is pregnant with his kid. This causes him to lose it, so the audience will feel sympathy for the character, THAN! he goes on a crime spree, batman shows up chucks him in the chemicals. AND THATS WHEN IT BEGINS!...this shows his transition from normal to insane. and if done right, you wil feel sorry for him at first, but than after he becomes joker, you will hate him, but also love him. LOVE HIM BECUZ HE IS SO EVIL! but really want batman to take him down at the same time.
IMO, this is how i would do the joker in a BB sequal (which i hope is the 3rd movie), so it can be like the finale, between the 2 greatest characters of all time