The Dark Knight Stax dissects The Dark Knight

I think Flass will be the Bollock of this franchise - so I say save him.
Loeb of course is cannon fodder.
Sal Maroni needs to be dealt with by Two-Face.
Rachel Dawes should live.
Gilda Dent would make for a very very very intresting victim.
Gordon won't die, but Gordon's wife (again) would be a very intresting victim - also it would open up the door for Sarah Essen.
What I'd like to see is a mofia team up with the Joker to take out Dent during his trial. A paid off doc (Dr. Quinzel maybe?) is fixing up Joker after the big showdown with Batman preparing him for the trial. She has to replace several teeth (seems Tim Sale's Batman is always knocking out Joker's teeth) and gives him false teeth filled with the chemicals to scar Dent. During the trial he drops the false teeth into his water glass where they disolve into acid, and you know what happens. In the 3rd film, Joker escapes from prision and back stabs the mob. Again a theme from the Sale/Loeb books that the mob shouldn't do business with the "freaks"
Good article.:up: Thanks for posting that Babs.
StorminNorman said:
I think Flass will be the Bollock of this franchise - so I say save him.
Loeb of course is cannon fodder.
Sal Maroni needs to be dealt with by Two-Face.
Rachel Dawes should live.
Gilda Dent would make for a very very very intresting victim.
Gordon won't die, but Gordon's wife (again) would be a very intresting victim - also it would open up the door for Sarah Essen.


zer00 said:


I was responding to a poster before mine that talked about the Joker's victims. It was not just some random tangent.
I like the article. It gets me more and more excited to see The Joker in The Dark Knight. I hope alot of what was said does as far as Rachel possibly being crippled by The Joker. I want The Joker to be pure evil. I hope they do explore a criminal background in The Joker ( not the Jack Napier angle per-se) but exploring it anway and The Joker's revenge on people he was involved with in his pre-Joker days and the cops like Loeb or Gordon that imprisioned him. Not over the top,where you per-se "like The Joker", but like the performace of Ledger but really have a dislike for the character and you are glad he gets captured . You know that is guy is pure evil and dangerous and needs to be locked up.(can you catch my drift on that)
StorminNorman said:
I think Flass will be the Bollock of this franchise - so I say save him.
Loeb of course is cannon fodder.
Sal Maroni needs to be dealt with by Two-Face.
Rachel Dawes should live.
Gilda Dent would make for a very very very intresting victim.
Gordon won't die, but Gordon's wife (again) would be a very intresting victim - also it would open up the door for Sarah Essen.
Isn't Bollock suppose to be a good guy?
Flass is just a corrupt bastard. Sorry, can't see that happening.
^agreed. Bollock may have disliked Batman, but he was always portrayed as a genuinely good guy. . .at least from what I'd seen.

Stax speculation is pretty good, but I don't think it's wise to do so.

I doubt Nolan, Goyer, or JN would simply transmit intersecting thoughts without adding their own style of letting these events take place.

Regarding most of the things that I read, I usually take it as thing that won't appear in the film. . . unless it comes from the source (Nolan, main character-actor, exec producer, Goyer, etc. . .)
Can we all stop referring to him as 'Bollock'?!

Spidey, Spidey, Spidey..........just so you know...... 'bollock' is a slang word for 'testicle'.

It's not a case of being a spelling 'nazi' at all - hey, everone makes spelling mistakes.

It was more a case of not having a long-standing comicbook character referred to as a sexual organ. ;)
kewwwl article but I hope Im not paying my money to see the same thing on the bigscreen. For once I want to be totally entertained and suspended not watching some fan theories unfold.
If they bring him in at all, I say Bullock should be the franchise's Bullock.
Bullock isn't on the take, he's just a bit of a slob, and sometimes ignores proper procedure. I hope they do bring him in at some point, he's one of my favorite characters.

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