The Dark Knight JOKER:don't choose an actor purely because they look right...


Jun 24, 2005
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a lot of the names that are being bandied about by people on forums such as this, are preoccupied by the look and don't really take into consideration the actors ability to act! please think before suggesting actors!

my favourite is chris eccleston; yes he has joker features, but that is a bonus; he is a fantastic actor.

Bettany is also a fantastic actor, with a few prosthetics he could do it.

roth, depp, brody are all fantastic actors.

i haven't seen hulme in anything other than matrix where he had little to no opportunity to showcase his talents.

glover, isn't convincing; he does look right but this should not be a reason for his casting; although a lot of people seem to be falling into this trap.

people if we were to go on looks alone in any film, then ashton kutcher would be awesome!!!
Agreed, although I don't see why there seems to be so much support lately for Christopher Eccleston. I've only seen him in two films (Gone in 60 Seconds and 28 Days Later) and he didn't really stand out to me in either one. Can you list any films that he was in that made you think he was a good actor and right for the role?
Eccleston would be a great choice, indeed.

For That-Guy's information: he played Norfolk in Elizabeth, he was one of the three main characters in Shallow Grave, and was chief inspector Bilborough in the British t.v. series Cracker. And of course he played the role of the Doctor in Doctor Who. He is a very gifted, very versatile actor, and would make a perfect Joker.
I totaly agree with don't cast n actor who just looks like the joker...hell there are prothetics that could do that.

But please don't turn this into another who should play the joker.


stay out of trouble.
Everyman said:
Eccleston would be a great choice, indeed.

For That-Guy's information: he played Norfolk in Elizabeth, he was one of the three main characters in Shallow Grave, and was chief inspector Bilborough in the British t.v. series Cracker. And of course he played the role of the Doctor in Doctor Who. He is a very gifted, very versatile actor, and would make a perfect Joker.

Thanks. I'll have to check those out. I've watched Cracker before, but it was a LONG time ago and the only person I remember on it was Robbie Coltrane (who ROCKS by the way... say, if he can do an American accent, he might make an awesome Penguin).
That-Guy said:
Agreed, although I don't see why there seems to be so much support lately for Christopher Eccleston. I've only seen him in two films (Gone in 60 Seconds and 28 Days Later) and he didn't really stand out to me in either one. Can you list any films that he was in that made you think he was a good actor and right for the role?

television production of othello (jokerish as ben jago)
DR Who (controlled mania personified)
second coming (he played the second christ and convinced)
Cracker season 1(intense)
shallow grave (scary nutter personified)
His standout performance to me was "Shallow Grave". That one tracking shot where he's crawling through the attic, wild eyes staring through the various peepholes into the apartment below, really made you think he was crazy. A really interesting film actually. Eccleston's the only character in it with a conscience, so naturally he's hte one who flips his lid...
I think Ecclestone(sp?) and Vincent Cassels are the two best choices......;
You mean we should consider talent as well?! WHAT A REVELATION! -_-
I agree too I choose a actor that has the look and ability to act too Benicio Del Torro is great watch his movies this guy is my Joker to challenge Bale's Batman in Gotham
dogsgotlipstick said:
glover, isn't convincing; he does look right but this should not be a reason for his casting; although a lot of people seem to be falling into this trap.
With roles in Back to The Future, The River's Edge, Willard, every character has been shy and socially awkward. Joker is supposed to be evil and charasmatic. I just don't see him pulling it off successfully.
Exactly. That's most likely why they cast Nicholson. Nicholson was a little heavyset and old, but he had the personality for the role, plus he's one of the all time greatest actors ever, so those qualities overshadowed the whole looks element. Danny DeVito had both the looks and talents for the role, which is a rarities in Hollywood.

So they should definitely choose an actor for talent more than looks. I really can't think of an actor that has both qualities to them.
TheJuice said:
dogsgotlipstick said:
glover, isn't convincing; he does look right but this should not be a reason for his casting; although a lot of people seem to be falling into this trap.
With roles in Back to The Future, The River's Edge, Willard, every character has been shy and socially awkward. Joker is supposed to be evil and charasmatic. I just don't see him pulling it off successfully.

Exactly. Glover has the charisma of toast.

That why I like Bettany and Law.

Paul can play a psycho, and has charm in a lot of roles.

Jude has enough charisma to light up Times Square.
Oh boy, another Joker thread....why can't we just use one thread. We all have opinions, but we don't all start threads.
Farva said:
Oh boy, another Joker thread....why can't we just use one thread. We all have opinions, but we don't all start threads.

but this is a different kind of thread,unfortunatly some seem to think its another casting thread...

I believe the intention of this thread is to say you don't have to pick an actor because he looks like the joker.In this case acting ability. :up:
That-Guy said:
Thanks. I'll have to check those out. I've watched Cracker before, but it was a LONG time ago and the only person I remember on it was Robbie Coltrane (who ROCKS by the way... say, if he can do an American accent, he might make an awesome Penguin).

Coltrane would indeed make a great Penguin, a much more aristocratic one than De Vito (although I loved Batman Returns, it was more a German Expressionnist fantasy than a Batman movie).

And back on the thread's topic: the actor playing Joker should have a relative ressemblance to the character, but let's not forget that 1)like every comic book character, the Joker has been drawn very differently from an artist to another 2)what matters in the end is how the actor can play the Joker.
ROBOCOP CPU001 said:
but this is a different kind of thread,unfortunatly some seem to think its another casting thread...

I believe the intention of this thread is to say you don't have to pick an actor because he looks like the joker.In this case acting ability. :up: is "picking an actor" different from "casting"? Sounds the same to me. But if you prefer, please, enjoy the new thread.
Mark Hammil here we come.

We should also title this 'don't choose actors purely because they sound like Joker'

I'm sick of hearing Mark Hamills name. The guy admits he sucks at live action, he is old, he is fat, he has no charisma, looks nothing like Joker, and somehow 'sounds exactly like' a character that has never spoken in his original medium.

I would sooner take Ashton Kutcher for Joker than I would Mark Hamill.
TheScarecrow said:
We should also title this 'don't choose actors purely because they sound like Joker'

I'm sick of hearing Mark Hamills name. The guy admits he sucks at live action, he is old, he is fat, he has no charisma, looks nothing like Joker, and somehow 'sounds exactly like' a character that has never spoken in his original medium.

I would sooner take Ashton Kutcher for Joker than I would Mark Hamill.

Aww come on now, Stan Lee likes me, why can't you?


Ok, Fine, I rescind my Joker application, you nasty mean people!
Signed. Mark Hamill​
TheScarecrow said:
We should also title this 'don't choose actors purely because they sound like Joker'

I'm sick of hearing Mark Hamills name. The guy admits he sucks at live action, he is old, he is fat, he has no charisma, looks nothing like Joker, and somehow 'sounds exactly like' a character that has never spoken in his original medium.

I would sooner take Ashton Kutcher for Joker than I would Mark Hamill.
Agreed. Good voices actors aren't necessarily good actors, let alone great one. Aside from his voice, Mark Hamill has nothing to play the Joker. He is not exactly reknown to be a very expressive actor, something the Joker should definitely be.
Farva said:
Aww come on now, Stan Lee likes me, why can't you?


Ok, Fine, I rescind my Joker application, you nasty mean people!
Signed. Mark Hamill

Tha was a funny come back
Everyman said:
Agreed. Good voices actors aren't necessarily good actors, let alone great one. Aside from his voice, Mark Hamill has nothing to play the Joker. He is not exactly reknown to be a very expressive actor, something the Joker should definitely be.

Ala Kevin Conroy
dogsgotlipstick said:
people if we were to go on looks alone in any film, then ashton kutcher would be awesome!!!

awsome! in episode 1 in season 3 of "that 70s show", reefer madness, ash has this great look and laughter for the joker! and he is a graet actor, too.

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