Joker unpopular?

I still will never get it. Not even when I was a kid was I scared of clowns, especially growing up when their had been a serial killer who was one on the side(Gacy).

Some kids are just, well...*****es.
Poltergeist didn't help the cause, when I was a kid.

And to others, IT screwed with his or her mind as well.

But I agree, Fig; clowns really never "scared" me to the point of tears.
I still will never get it. Not even when I was a kid was I scared of clowns, especially growing up when their had been a serial killer who was one on the side(Gacy).

Some kids are just, well...*****es.

in all fairness it was ill kids the interviewed so they're bound to be somewhat cowrdly
Clowns are scary because they're exaggerated humans. They don't look normal. Not to mention a lot of horror involves using things that are supposed to be cute and innocent, like dolls and clowns and turn them into creepy little things.
I'm not afraid of clowns, but I'm not sure why they're here. They're not funny at all. They're annoying. Like, Jar Jar Binks annoying.
I never understood why people feared clowns. I never really thought of it much except when I watched Rugrats. But when I started high school, a bunch of girls who I wanted expect to be - told me they were afraid of clowns and such. I wonder what triggers it.
I don't like big ugly clowns, but more reserved clowns are fun :up:
I don't know about clowns but I have always been afraid of black and white minstrels *they're very similar* I have always blamed it on some stupid horror movie with killer minstrels

LOL, now see. That clown is actually trying to look scary. That I can understand for a child but I don't get the ones that are scared of super duper happy looking clowns.
One of my ex's is afraid of clowns :o
My aunt is a clown. She better find a new line of work.
I have to admit, I am terrified of clowns. And no not because of Stephen King's It. Try Killer Clowns from Outer Space! :o
^:eek: Long time no see.
I have to admit, I am terrified of clowns. And no not because of Stephen King's It. Try Killer Clowns from Outer Space! :o

I loved 'Killer Clowns'. But after seeing the film I didn't trust popcorn anymore.
I've never been scared of clowns, but that doesn't mean I liked them. I don't think anyone likes clowns. Except maybe Ronald McDonald. :huh:
I have hated clowns since I was 5 years old.....can't remember why, but they totally freak me out.
I've never been scared of clowns, but that doesn't mean I liked them. I don't think anyone likes clowns. Except maybe Ronald McDonald. :huh:

"Want a happy meal....hahahahaha"

"Want a happy meal....hahahahaha"

See, now that wouldn't scare me because he's looking intentionally scary and ******ed. A guy that's dressed as a clown that looks sullen...that would be scary.
I never understood the fear of clowns...I have a picture of myself sitting with a clown when I was 4 years old and I looked like the happiest kid in the world.


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