Juno was awesome...


Aug 3, 2012
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Srsly... the movie was funny and tomboy Ellen Page was so hot. :hrt:

I love tomboys... especially disgusting ones like Juno. :doh:

I would marry the Juno character...
I'm a big defender of the movie. One of the best of 2007
same here i love that movie

and i will defend diablo cody aswell:cmad:bring it on haters
I loved it too. Watch it everytime it's on.
this movie needs defenders? who the hell could hate on this? Its such a great film...
Agreed. Great movie. I remember after seeing Hard Candy and X3 that Ellen Page was going places
I liked alot of it.... aside from whatever pseudo-hipster tongue it was that the characters were speaking in.
anyone watch mtv's awkward show reminds me totally of juno especially they way the character's talk

it's like a juno tv series pre preggo lol
glad to see the Juno love. Seriously if people remembered 2007 there was a weird (online) backlash against this film. Keep in mind that it was mostly online and every film gets a backlash eventually if it gets too popular.
There is a backlash by people who hate the snappy dialogue and think it's "too hipster" or "overrated" and the like.

I have always been a fan. One of my favorites of 2007, which had a lot of great movies.
I liked Juno. It was good enough. Very charming and harmless.
Ellen Page's performance was great, it was enough to help me ignore Michael Cera's.
I'm in the camp that was annoyed by the dialogue. I did like Ellen Page, though. But this was another fad movie like Napoleon Dynamite. Nobody gives them much thought these days.
admittedly, the dialogue during Ellen's scenes with that overgrown 40 year old kid rocker were kind of annoying. Like when they're talking about the bands and yada? Are those the ones people are hating on?
I loved the dialog, and I'm awesome, therefore the dialog must be awesome. SCIENCE!!!
I loved Juno also, and I love the dialog. It's still one of my favorite movies from an awesome 2007.
admittedly, the dialogue during Ellen's scenes with that overgrown 40 year old kid rocker were kind of annoying. Like when they're talking about the bands and yada? Are those the ones people are hating on?

I can't stand the conversation she has with her friend in the beginning. The one where she tells her she's pregnant. The line "Honest to blog" makes me want to start a forest fire.
I'm in the camp that was annoyed by the dialogue. I did like Ellen Page, though. But this was another fad movie like Napoleon Dynamite. Nobody gives them much thought these days.
In the case of "Juno," though, it's actually a good movie.
^ Agreed. I will admit that it was more obnoxious reading the script than the movie, but Reitman did a good job at cutting down some of Diablo Cody's dialogue.
I don't agree that Juno was a 'fad' movie. Far from it.
Don't know why, 5 years later, this suddenly needs defending, but yes, it was a good movie and Ellen Page is fantastic.
It's not sudden. With it's fans, there are also groups of people who hate Juno because of the dialogue and characterization because it can be easily seen as too quirky for it's own good. I read the script, and while there aren't many changes, the changes to the dialogue makes the movie flow much better because when I was reading the script, the movie did feel obnoxious at times. I would have hated to see this movie get made because I dislike Diablo Cody's writing style. Even her descriptions of everything is pretty annoying.
I would've liked this movie a lot more if it wasn't for the obnoxious dialouge.
As a major Ellen Page fan, this is my least favourite of her movies. I could only watch it once. She's always good though.

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