X-Gal123 said:Admantium is really close to industructable. The only ways that it can be destroyed or manipulated, that I've heard is when you get it extremely hot or is manipulated by Magneto. In some X-men book I read aout Days Future Past Wolverine's flesh was vaporized but his adamantium skeleton was still there.
Aidan06 said:i also heard that about wolverine regenerating if his skeleton was taken from the acid, can't remember where though,
Crowley9 said:Captain America's shield is made of stronger material, which is a mixture of adamantium and vibranium (another fictional metal in Marvel universe). That was a one-time metallurgical fluke nobody has been able to reproduce.
I remember reading that in the comics. She can phase through adamantium, but it is supposedly so hard that it causes her great pain, though no actual physical damage, I think.Manic said:Doesn't Shadowcat have trouble phasing through the stuff?
Crowley9 said:I remember reading that in the comics. She can phase through adamantium, but it is supposedly so hard that it causes her great pain, though no actual physical damage, I think.
Leto Atrides said:Since scientists in the comics can't make really make adamantium (which you can with an alloy), I'd assume it was an element.
Aidan06 said:how strong is adamantium compared to other metals? such as titanium etc?