just how strong is adamantium?


Feb 17, 2006
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how strong is adamantium compared to other metals? such as titanium etc?
It's tensile strenth is ridiculously high. Let's put it this way: Thor, using Mjolnir, can slightly dent a chunk of it. It is by far stronger than any other metal, and I believe it is literally indestructable to any non-magic or -cosmic force.
Sadly, for Wolverine, it is nothing but putty to Magneto.

He was able to reduce it to an almost liquid state and draw it out of Wolverine through his pores .... ouch.
Admantium is really close to industructable. The only ways that it can be destroyed or manipulated, that I've heard is when you get it extremely hot or is manipulated by Magneto. In some X-men book I read aout Days Future Past Wolverine's flesh was vaporized but his adamantium skeleton was still there.
X-Gal123 said:
Admantium is really close to industructable. The only ways that it can be destroyed or manipulated, that I've heard is when you get it extremely hot or is manipulated by Magneto. In some X-men book I read aout Days Future Past Wolverine's flesh was vaporized but his adamantium skeleton was still there.

Yup...Logan gets blown away, but his skeleton is still intact.

Adamantium is the strongest metal in the Marvel Universe (unless some new thing has recently came along or I've forgotten another metal). It can be melted at an extremely high temperature...but even then, it's not destroyed, cause it'll solidify. Magneto can manipulate it, but that's about it.
Captain America's shield is made of stronger material, which is a mixture of adamantium and vibranium (another fictional metal in Marvel universe). That was a one-time metallurgical fluke nobody has been able to reproduce.
is it true that in the future they keep wolverines skeleton is a batt of acid and if they take it out wolverine will regenerate? thats what someone told me
i haven't herd tht before, did this sum one say wot story he herd this from
i also heard that about wolverine regenerating if his skeleton was taken from the acid, can't remember where though, i also heard that adamantium is 13 times stronger than titanium, anyone believe that?
Aidan06 said:
i also heard that about wolverine regenerating if his skeleton was taken from the acid, can't remember where though,

I never heard that, but it would make sense. I guess adamantium is the metallic form of diamond. I remember a comic book fight where Wolverine and Collosus are fighting The Blob and Juggernaut. Wolverine's claws weren't doing a whole lot against Juggernaut's armor, but Collosus broke through.
Can't adamantium also be cut by vibranium?

What is vibranium, anyway? Jugding by its name, I'm going to guess it's some sort of metal with strange vibrative frequency that lets it cut through anything. Doesn't Shadowcat have trouble phasing through the stuff?
Vibranium's (or is it Vibrandium?) vibrations don't let it cut through anything. The metal absorbs energy, and dissipates it through vibrations. Cap's shield is pretty much indestructible because the adamantium is already hard, and the vibranium dissipates any force that is not resisted by the adamantium. Also, this does not mean the Cap's shield's alloy is necessarily stronger, it is just better suited to being a material for a shield.

Adamantium can not be destroyed. Magneto can only bend it. And in a lab it can be made into a shape through a ton of heat. But even then it just changes shape. Pretty much as WalkingDead stated (I just felt the need to clarify what he said a bit).
Crowley9 said:
Captain America's shield is made of stronger material, which is a mixture of adamantium and vibranium (another fictional metal in Marvel universe). That was a one-time metallurgical fluke nobody has been able to reproduce.

Nah it's not stronger really...it just absorbs impact and vibrations like a sponge...hence making it a great shield, due to the Vibranium.
Thanks for clearing up the properties of Cap's shield for me.

Manic said:
Doesn't Shadowcat have trouble phasing through the stuff?
I remember reading that in the comics. She can phase through adamantium, but it is supposedly so hard that it causes her great pain, though no actual physical damage, I think.
Crowley9 said:
I remember reading that in the comics. She can phase through adamantium, but it is supposedly so hard that it causes her great pain, though no actual physical damage, I think.

Which is kind of silly when you consider she phased through Wolverine before with no problems.

Dang Recon:(
I'm goin from movies here and wanna know the comic side.

Ok so I was watching X1 and X2 in row the other day and came across this little chunk of wierdness. X1, Jean said it was a metal alloy. X2, Stryker said that it could be procesed from it's raw form. Now what is it? Is it an alloy or elemental?
Since scientists in the comics can't make really make adamantium (which you can with an alloy), I'd assume it was an element.
Anyone who have transmutation powers would have no trouble handling it. ie Sersi
Leto Atrides said:
Since scientists in the comics can't make really make adamantium (which you can with an alloy), I'd assume it was an element.

That makes more sense to me. Famke messed up her line then.
im sure wolverines claws were sliced off but i cant remember when where or hu by
Aidan06 said:
how strong is adamantium compared to other metals? such as titanium etc?

As far as I know, adamantium is supposed to be the strongest and most dense metal and therefore is virtually indestructible.
Adamantium is sometimes called an alloy (presumably of steel and some other substance), sometimes a metal. And it exists outside the Marvel Universe in other sci-fi stories, where there is sometimes an ore from which it is obtained.

I think Jean Grey called it an alloy in X1 because there is no known metal of that name if they were going for a realism approach, and because it is sometimes called an alloy in the comics.

Thor got so angry once, he did break some cables that had adamantium in them back in the late 70s, early 80s.

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