Keaton should run for president


Dec 14, 2005
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It would be awesome to have Keaton for a president. If there was a terrorist threat, he could give his Batman stare at the camera, and Bin Laden would piss his pants. He would also bring common sense to Washington, and deal with the ****ed up budget.

Let's recruit him.
"Vote for me or die!"
Lol, actually Christopher Walken is running for President in 2008.
Just imagine his speech to terrorists: "I want you to tell all your friends about me..."
The Keat man rules !
I love the irony here. Batman is himself a terrorist, although he targets criminals.
Hey, if Arnie can somehow become Governor of California......if a guy who has built his reputation on being a terrible actor with huge muscles who spends most of his films killing people, can become an elected official in the US....
Wait, it isn't? that's like saying Father Christmas ain't real :D
Two Face said:
Wait, it isn't? that's like saying Father Christmas ain't real :D

He is real, I saw him the other day in a documentary. I think it was called the Chronicles of Narnia or something....
Keaton can be president

Buscemi is GOD

oh, and moving this thread ;)
Kevin Roegele said:
He is real, I saw him the other day in a documentary. I think it was called the Chronicles of Narnia or something....

Great! *dances around*
I would love to see Keaton and Walken gang up on Bush and just start beating the **** outta him. :batman: :up:
Palpadious said:
I would love to see Keaton and Walken gang up on Bush and just start beating the **** outta him. :batman: :up:


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