Killer Croc as the Villain


Aug 1, 2012
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After the outcome of Dark Knight Rises, the reboot for the Batman movies needs a major villain that has never been seen in film. That specific villain for fans to see is none other than

Major villain? Killer Croc? He's not main villain material at all. Maybe as the reboot's version of Hugo Strange's monster men but not as the main villain.
I'd be laughing and annoyed at the same time if this happened. He's a supporting villain. And coming off the Lizard, I doubt we should see him for quite a while. And I hope not cuz I can care less about Batman fighting huge monsters. It's not my thing.

You also have to think of business. Which makes me think a suggestion like that is coming from a pure fanboy perspective and not a logical one. This is a multi-billion dollar franchise. No director or studio will agree to put the next (or the next few) Batman films with "Killer Croc" as the villain. The general audience would laugh at that name and won't be interested.

After the outcome of Dark Knight Rises, the reboot for the Batman movies needs a major villain that has never been seen in film.

After the outcome of TDKR? What does that mean?

Major villain? Killer Croc? He's not main villain material at all. Maybe as the reboot's version of Hugo Strange's monster men but not as the main villain.

I'd honestly like to see Killer Croc as the muscle for Penguin.

After the outcome of TDKR? What does that mean?

I'd honestly like to see Killer Croc as the muscle for Penguin.
OMFG, the top comment for that video :

The funny thing is, pretty much every time Batman's been hit with a rock it's almost killed him.
In Vendetta, Killer Croc almost crushes Batman to death with a rock before succumbing to tranquilizer darts.
In Justice League, Joker knocks Batman out with a bag of rocks.
In Batman: Arkham City, Batman will die if you choose to have Catwoman not save him. When she does save him, she lifts some rocks off of him.
Killer Croc is a freakin' genius. "

whoever that person is, I love him/her. :hrt:

I liked his depiction in Azzarello/Bermejo's "Joker " when Joker made him his muscle. but that's just me.
Lol, the last one doesn't quite make sense though...if Catwoman doesn't save Batman, it's not the rubble that kills Batman, it's if the helicopters continue to blow **** up which would include Batman again. Think he/her was reaching on the last one, but the first two made me think about it and agree.
Major villain? Killer Croc? He's not main villain material at all. Maybe as the reboot's version of Hugo Strange's monster men but not as the main villain.

This. Killer Croc is not, and will never be, a "major villain."
Once again, can someone point me in the direction of a good Killer Croc story?
Major villain? Killer Croc? He's not main villain material at all. Maybe as the reboot's version of Hugo Strange's monster men but not as the main villain.

BAM! Somebody has been listening to me! :woot:
As one of Strange's monster men or Penguin/Black Masks henchman...sure. Id like to see that. Brian Azzarello style. But only a small appearance.
I would like to see Killer Croc in his original appearance or like Bermejo did him in his Joker novel. Not the Lizzard type freak he became nowadays. Not sure if the could work as a main villain but as a side-kick or muscle - why not?
I would like to see Killer Croc in his original appearance or like Bermejo did him in his Joker novel. Not the Lizzard type freak he became nowadays. Not sure if the could work as a main villain but as a side-kick or muscle - why not?

I agree with this. I never much cared for the portrayal of Croc as a literal crocodile man. I much prefer the idea of an absurdly muscular man with a nasty skin condition. Either way, I wouldn't want him to be a main villain, but rather a henchman for one of the crime leaders of Gotham. My ideal Batman reboot movie would be about the crime wars between Black Mask and Penguin, with Killer Croc being the muscle of one of them.
Would I like to see Killer Croc as the main villain of a Batman film? Nah, not really. Would I like to see Killer Croc as a supporting villain in a Batman film? Sure. Killer Croc hasn't got the brains to hatch a scheme that could last for a whole film, he's a character that's good for one or two decent fights. I thin he'd be much more suited to being muscle for another character, or having a rather simple sub plot that runs at the same time as another villains plans.
He may not be main villain material as he is. But with a bit of narrative dressing up I'm sure he could be. Was Penguin main villain material before Burton?
I wouldn't mind seeing Strange especially in a Batman: Prey type movie.


The benefit of having Strange as the villain is that they could play up paranoia and surveillance, and really build him up to be as devastating a villain as Bane.

I wouldn't mind a Croc who's surprisingly self-aware and pretty cunning as a main physical antagonist. I hate the idea of him being completely stupid; he should know he's not any smarter than his bosses, but it would be cool to see him have some common sense whenever Batman shows up. I figure he should be a freakishly strong warrior with major mood swings(probably tied to Hugo Strange in some way), but also a guy with some professional codes that he tries to follow.

Think of Deniro in Heat, but bigger, much less educated and a guy who likes working with a crew of loyal friends. And if anyone of them betray him, he'll rip their ******** heads off and beat them to death with them. Keep his new 52 hatred of substance abuse (again, think Hugo Strange), and make his more animalistic side a definite anomaly. This is the guy who bit off Officer Cash's hand, but this is also a guy who prefers to wear nicer suits and to have you mind your own business when he's around.

And make sure he sounds like Tychus Findley.
nothing about Killer Croc interests me.

Clayface is more interesting for an out there fantasy villain.
I wouldn't mind a Croc who's surprisingly self-aware and pretty cunning as a main physical antagonist. I hate the idea of him being completely stupid; he should know he's not any smarter than his bosses, but it would be cool to see him have some common sense whenever Batman shows up. I figure he should be a freakishly strong warrior with major mood swings(probably tied to Hugo Strange in some way), but also a guy with some professional codes that he tries to follow.

Think of Deniro in Heat, but bigger, much less educated and a guy who likes working with a crew of loyal friends. And if anyone of them betray him, he'll rip their ******** heads off and beat them to death with them. Keep his new 52 hatred of substance abuse (again, think Hugo Strange), and make his more animalistic side a definite anomaly. This is the guy who bit off Officer Cash's hand, but this is also a guy who prefers to wear nicer suits and to have you mind your own business when he's around.

And make sure he sounds like Tychus Findley.

I think he would be too similar to Bane. I understand you don't want him to be too smart, but I think the general audience who have seen TDKR would see a Bane with scales
I can see the following combos:
Hugo Strange/Killer Croc
Penguin/Mr Freeze
Riddler/Poison Ivy

These off-beat oddity villains SHOULD be done. But they need to buddy up with someone a little more grounded. It's the only way I'll take them seriously after Nolan's trilogy.
I think he would be too similar to Bane. I understand you don't want him to be too smart, but I think the general audience who have seen TDKR would see a Bane with scales

Self-aware that he's not that smart, not self aware of his place in the world. And I want him smart enough that Bane beating him or being smarter is actually a big deal.
If I were to be in charge of a Batman film, Killer Croc would actually be my first choice for main villain. Think "Broken City".
Killer Croc should be in a Batman movie at some point but definitely not as the main villain. Part of what makes the great Batman villains great is that Batman has to match wits with them. Those are the kinds of villains that should get head billing.

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