Kingdom Come


You Are My World
Apr 7, 2004
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How amazing would it be if they did an animated DTV on Kingdom Come. I know Bruce Timm is supposedly not fond of the story and there's been some talk about the animation style not suiting it but I think it can be done.


If anyones read Thy Kingdom Come they'll know that only portions of all 3 books conain Alex Ross artwork and the rest doesn't and that looks fine so why couldn't it be animated like that?


After seeing them do the Dark Knight Returns which I'm sure we never thought would happen why not do Kingdom Come?!
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Care to explain your response? Its quite a clear post one of the main reasons people think Kingdom Come wouldn't work is because of the artwork in the book and how it would translate to a cartoon yet I pointed out in the sequel Thy Kingdom Come Ross' art style was transferred to a more cartoony vibe hence why it could be done in animation.
Kingdom Come IS Alex Ross and Mark Waid "child". It has an amazing story, great details, awesome character portrayals and incredible paintings. No cartoony sequel can compare with the original story :S

They can make an awesome KC miniseries, in cartoons or actors. The cartoon must be realistic, maybe considering the level of detail of the rotoscoping of the F&F Superman cartoon.

Why degrade it?
If Bruce Timm's not fond of the story I wouldn't want them to do it. I love the story, and I wouldn't want to see it adapted by those who don't appreciate it.

Plus, that artwork is one of the things that makes it so epic. I can't see them being able to replicate that in animation.
Sorry for de doublepost. From the Wikipedia article:

Thy Kingdom Come

The Kingdom Come Superman on the cover of Justice Society of America #10. Art by Alex Ross.
The final issue of 52 reveals that Earth-22 is the designation of the Kingdom Come alternate universe.
In Justice Society of America (vol. 3), a new Starman appears wearing a costume identical to that of the Starman from the Kingdom Come series. It is soon revealed that this individual is indeed the Starman from Kingdom Come, and that he is also Thom Kallor, a native of the planet Xanthu and member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 30th and 31st centuries. Due to a time travel error, Starman traveled to Earth-22 before arriving in 21st century New Earth.
The "Thy Kingdom Come" story arc of the Justice Society of America title features the involvement of Alex Ross, as well as the appearance of the Kingdom Come Superman. Seeing the connection between Gog of New Earth and Magog of Earth-22, Superman-22 and the JSA seek to prevent New Earth from going the way of his own world by stopping Gog in his crusade to rid the world of false gods, and before he can choose a successor one day in Magog. The JSA is split in their opinions on Gog; some believe he is truly a benevolent god, while others are suspicious of his true intentions. To prove himself, Gog heals certain JSA members such as Starman, Doctor Mid-Nite, and Damage, and he resurrects Lance from the dead to make him his successor, Magog.
Soon, the JSA learns that Gog is forming a parasitic relationship with the planet Earth where, if he remains long enough, the planet will not be able to survive without him. All of the heroes turn on Gog, and he takes back the gifts he had given them, but he is still defeated. They remove his head, and Superman-22 and Starman take it to the Source Wall. Starman, whose costume has the power to transport people throughout the Multiverse, sends Superman back to Earth-22. He arrives in time to see the carnage caused by Captain Marvel detonating the bomb. The events of Kingdom Come continue from there and conclude in its entirety, except that it ends with several scenes depicting Superman and Wonder Woman's life as a couple and the legacy Superman leaves to his Earth.
Alex Ross states that this story is not intended as a sequel to Kingdom Come as that would negate the purpose of the original story.
It will never ever EVER happen but I would give my left nut for a live-action KC movie.Anyone got $250 million and a contact at DC? Cause I have the knife ready and can overnight it to you...:p
KC it's to big to be a movie. Must be a mini-series, as Justice or TDKR should be.
Nah I disagree they could do it, I think it might have to be a two-parter but it definitely could be done. Also its not about degrading it its about bringing the story to life maybe they could even do a loose adaptation of it like Doom was to Tower of Babel. Its the Ultimate Supeman story for me and the greatest graphic novel of all-time IMO.

Also I know Thy Kingdom Come is not necessarily a sequel I don't know what you'd call it with it been set in between a scene in Kingdom Come.
Both creators of KC aren't attached, and Ross said that Thy KC ITS NOT A SEQUEL, so crearly is a move of DC to steal more money from us D:

And also, KC is not about Superman, it's about de JL...
Both creators of KC aren't attached, and Ross said that Thy KC ITS NOT A SEQUEL, so crearly is a move of DC to steal more money from us D:

And also, KC is not about Superman, it's about de JL...

Have you read Kingdom Come? Trust me its mostly Superman's story.

Also Alex Ross was involved with Thy Kingdom Come he even wrote the chapter where the Joker kills Lois Lane.
Here are Bruce Timm's and Alex Ross' comments on the subject of a Kingdom Come animated movie.

At the Batman: Year One panel at the San Diego Comic-Con in 2011, when asked if Kingdom Come is possibly going to be made into a movie, Bruce Timm said, "It's just not made for 2D animation. It's just not. I don't think we...It's not a good fit. Yeah. So, impossible dream, yes. I'm sorry."
According to Alex Ross, Bruce Timm doesn't even like Kingdom Come. Alex Ross said, "For some reason, as we were both approaching Superman at exactly the same time – he was just starting on designing the show and I was starting work on Kingdom Come – we shared each other's experiences of what things we were doing for design and direction, and he was nothing if not hypercritical… well, to be fair, we were both hypercritical of each other. In what each other was doing towards the same source. And he fell out of love with anything that he had liked before with what I did. In fact, he fell out of love with it to such a point that he hated the very idea of what I was doing."

Rich Johnston: "I asked Bruce Timm at last year’s Batman: Year One panel whether he might take Kingdom Come on as a project. He told me that it wasn’t a story suited for animation. Do you think your style could be adapted to animation?"

Alex Ross: "I’ve seen some of the Warner Brothers stuff, some of it is quite good, but they don’t have the budget for my style. They can’t even bring to life George Perez’s art style in traditional animation. When you’re talking about my style, you’re really talking about 3D graphics. What I try to do is bring this stuff to some kind of physical life that exceeds comic book illustrations. If you’re not trying to cast people to match my drawings, you’re talking about computer animation on a level we still haven’t seen done. Things that have tried for realism haven’t worked out perfectly well yet. The best on-screen example of that would be Final Fantasy (2001). They did it very well, but there’s still a certain level of stiffness. Until that’s fully conquered, a style like mine just becomes reduced when you turn it into 2D animation. The next question is, 'is the story line so important that we just need to get it told soon.' I’ve always hoped that DC would never have to scrape the bottom of the barrel in doing that. I’d like to think that I’m no easily replaceable and that my style could not so easily be thrown out just to get the production on the schedule. And, as you can imagine, I have absolutely zero input in that process.
Say that you use the technology that they use for video games now. It’s not perfect, but if they tried something like that for Kingdom Come, then I might be interested."

Rich Johnston: "Like Arkham City (2011 video game)?"

Alex Ross: "Yeah, that’s physically possible to do—an animated feature that looks like that. Will it be everything I hope it would be? Not yet, but it’s heading in that direction."
Yeah I know they said that but I can live in hope ha ha. You just never know tbh I reckon it'd have to be done as a CG movie maybe like Final Fantasy was done. I really wou'd love to know why Bruce Timm didn't like it i think it's perfect.
I take Timms opinion over Ross, he is widely known as a prick in the industry.
I take Timms opinion over Ross, he is widely known as a prick in the industry.

That doesnt have anything to do with the point here. I'm making the point that Kingdom Come could be done in animation and would like to see it as an animated film. If Ross is a prick so what doesn't stop KC been one of the greatest comic stories ever written and good material for a DC Universe option.
That doesnt have anything to do with the point here. I'm making the point that Kingdom Come could be done in animation and would like to see it as an animated film. If Ross is a prick so what doesn't stop KC been one of the greatest comic stories ever written and good material for a DC Universe option.

Calm down! I was just saying that if Timm thinks that, I respect his opinion over Ross's. Timm has been in the animation industry for two decades and if he says it can't be done properly than it probably can't.
Calm down! I was just saying that if Timm thinks that, I respect his opinion over Ross's. Timm has been in the animation industry for two decades and if he says it can't be done properly than it probably can't.

Sorry I wasn't having a go honest that's why I hate text sometimes what you write can come across aggressive when its not so if I came across that way I'm sorry.

Well actually they're both saying it wouldn't work well in animation, Ross more so for the budget but Timm for the fact he doesn't think it'd work in 2D animation. But fan demand could change that and I'm sure at one time they said they wouldn't do DKR's but the fact they were allowed to do a two-parter has changed that so circumstances can always change it. Its probably wishful thinking from me but as I said I hope one day we get to see it brought to life.
one thing they could try to bring KC to life in animation is what marvel did with LOKI. i usually don't like motion comics since i feel it is a half-ass attempt at animation. i would rather see the character animated and moving around like a traditional animated show. but thor&loki blood brothers was animated good. you get to keep the artwork and see some animation or movement. if they try to use alex ross art i would prefer this method. the 2d animated translation would not be something i would want. now that is if we could only get an animated version.

ideally a live action movie would be the way to go.
Live-action would be perfect but I can't ever see that. I would love to see it done as a CGI movie.
Well I know I'm clinging on to hope here but Bruce Timm did say no yellow S on the cape for Superman but Dark Knight Returns Part 2 its there so there's a slither of hope we might one day get this project.
Care to explain your response? Its quite a clear post one of the main reasons people think Kingdom Come wouldn't work is because of the artwork in the book and how it would translate to a cartoon yet I pointed out in the sequel Thy Kingdom Come Ross' art style was transferred to a more cartoony vibe hence why it could be done in animation.

I don't think the main knock against Kingdom Come as a film is the art. I think the concern is that it's a very dense story that relies quite a bit on the reader having a solid background knowledge of the DCU.
I don't think the main knock against Kingdom Come as a film is the art. I think the concern is that it's a very dense story that relies quite a bit on the reader having a solid background knowledge of the DCU.

I get what you mean but tbh I don't think it would matter to much as most of the other characters are in the background anyway and they'd probably streamline it and call if Justice League Kingdom Come or something. I still think it could be adapted even if its not a frame for frame like Year One it could be more loosely based like Doom was to Tower of Babel.
Just found this on google, if only WBs would give a budget to make this with CGI models:


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