Kong or Narnia which was better?

I'm pretty sure I warned ya not to get involved with Vile, so I'm voting against you. :p
I never saw Chronicles of Narnia but I'll vote for it. Kong was good but lasted too long and had parts that were a waste of time like that whole plot with the kid. I wish they'd focused more on the main three people and of course Kong instead of going on tangents.
guitarsingerguy said:
I'm pretty sure I warned ya not to get involved with Vile, so I'm voting against you. :p

I'm going to have to agree with this logic. :p
You know what's so funny about this? PyroProductions hasn't seen the damn movie either!!!! He just borrowed my copy. HAHAHA. Kong is getting smoked.
Kong was better, but in my eyes both were overhype and overrated.
Well, truth be told, I like them both equally, but Matt, you should HAVE to vote Narnia simply because of your freakin' sig.
Wesyeed said:
I never saw Chronicles of Narnia but I'll vote for it. Kong was good but lasted too long and had parts that were a waste of time like that whole plot with the kid. I wish they'd focused more on the main three people and of course Kong instead of going on tangents.

guitarsingerguy said:
Well, truth be told, I like them both equally, but Matt, you should HAVE to vote Narnia simply because of your freakin' sig.

Damn King Kong, inspiring American women to leave their men to turn to beastiality with apes :mad:
Matt said:
Damn King Kong, inspiring American women to leave their men to turn to beastiality with apes :mad:

Thats why I voted for Narnia. :(
Matt said:
Damn King Kong, inspiring American women to leave their men to turn to beastiality with apes :mad:

Don't knock it 'til you try it. :o "You either **** monkeys or you **** people. You don't **** monkeys and people."
Kong was good but a little to long & could have used a little gore here & there. Narnia was also good, but some of the creatures were just goofy looking (trolls, dwarfs, minotaurs, etc) probably because it was a PG movie & they didn't want to scare the children who watched it, now if it had been PG-13 then they could have gone a little scarier with the prosthetic make up & cgi characters.
Wesyeed said:
I never saw Chronicles of Narnia but I'll vote for it. Kong was good but lasted too long and had parts that were a waste of time like that whole plot with the kid. I wish they'd focused more on the main three people and of course Kong instead of going on tangents.

You're an idiot.
I never saw Chronicles of Narnia but I'll vote for it. Kong was good but lasted too long and had parts that were a waste of time like that whole plot with the kid. I wish they'd focused more on the main three people and of course Kong instead of going on tangents.
We see the kid for 4 mins top in a 3 hour long movie!!...what King Kong did you see? :confused:

I hated Narnia...after the part with Santa Clause I wanted to leave...my friends made me watch it on Christmas Day!!! What a waste of life :mad: :(

On the other hand King Kong was awsome!!imo
Wesyeed said:
I never saw Chronicles of Narnia but I'll vote for it. Kong was good but lasted too long and had parts that were a waste of time like that whole plot with the kid. I wish they'd focused more on the main three people and of course Kong instead of going on tangents.

I weep for the future.
They're not comparable. I'll make a thread; Which was better: The Wizard of Oz or Rambo?
Immortalfire said:
They're not comparable. I'll make a thread; Which was better: The Wizard of Oz or Rambo?


I know im sorry but Vile said that Narnia was so much better and king kong wasnt good,and I wanted to prove him wrong.
I really liked Narnia, but it's no Kong.

Kong is in my top 3 or 4 favorite films of all time.

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