Iron Man 3 Lines in trailer cut from film


The Spuzziest of Spuzzes
Jun 15, 2012
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Did anyone notice the ABUNDANCE of prominent and memorable line sin the trailers that were nowhere to be found in the finished film? Ones that come to mind:

"Heroes. They do not exist."

"Do you want an empty life...or a meaningful death?"

"This is the last day of what's rest of your life."

Any others you can think of? This sort of stuff happens all the time where they cut stuff. I've noticed it countless times before but it's usually just that they go with different takes of lines. Never before have the lines that were cut seem so...prominent in the trailers. It'd be like having "You have my permission to die" never appear in TDKR after hearing ti over and over again in the trailers.

Thoughts? Almost makes you wonder if what they ended up doing with Mandarin was originally planned from the get go or not given how much serious, dark, and cool dialogue we heard from Mandarin in the early trailers.
Was Killian's "the world's going to be watching" line in the film?
Did anyone notice the ABUNDANCE of prominent and memorable line sin the trailers that were nowhere to be found in the finished film? Ones that come to mind:

"Heroes. They do not exist."

"Do you want an empty life...or a meaningful death?"

"This is the last day of what's rest of your life."

Any others you can think of? This sort of stuff happens all the time where they cut stuff. I've noticed it countless times before but it's usually just that they go with different takes of lines. Never before have the lines that were cut seem so...prominent in the trailers. It'd be like having "You have my permission to die" never appear in TDKR after hearing ti over and over again in the trailers.

Thoughts? Almost makes you wonder if what they ended up doing with Mandarin was originally planned from the get go or not given how much serious, dark, and cool dialogue we heard from Mandarin in the early trailers.

"My soldiers will destroy your country"

"we're going to change the world"
Good catches. Man so much stuff was cut. Something tells me IM3 was under the knife up until the last second.

Anyone know if any of these lines appeared in the Chinese version perhaps? (No idea why they would be. Just a thought.)
I also really like, "I'm Tony Stark. I make neat stuff, I gotta great girl, and occasionally I save the world. So why can't I sleep?"
I also really like, "I'm Tony Stark. I make neat stuff, I gotta great girl, and occasionally I save the world. So why can't I sleep?"

That one I actually didn't fully expect to hear in the film since it seemed like it was made for the trailer but when I realized the film actually did have voice-over narration I was surprised to find that one to be absent as well!
Black and Pearce revealed in the Empire interview that the film at one point had a 3hr+ running time. Hence, a loooooot was excised...
Wow. Perhaps it was for the best they cut a lot of lines. 3 hours would be a bit much.
Yep apparently 1 hr and 15 minutes were cut from the film. So there is a lot of stuff we never saw or heard. Some of i might be these lines. Hopefully we'll get an extended cut sometime.

That said, it is possible that these lines were purely recorded for the trailer and to help cover up the Mandarin twist.
There was supposed to be a Mandarin broadcast speech to Tony Stark after Stark threatens him. It would have played on the television at his Malibu home where Maya Hansen sees it before they're attacked by the "Media" choppers. They kept her reaction of noticing the tv, too bad it wasn't another Mandarin speech that would feature those lines.

Odd that they decided to drop it and show the helicopters firing a missile on the screen instead.
Was there ever a Mandarin broadcast where he announces he killed Stark or was able to destroy his home? Seems like something he would boast about considering he's Iron man and all.
Was there ever a Mandarin broadcast where he announces he killed Stark or was able to destroy his home? Seems like something he would boast about considering he's Iron man and all.

If there was it wasn't shown. I mean, there were probably a few broadcasts while Tony was on the lam.
not just the line, I'm pretty sure all the Mandarin footage from the trailer isn't in the movie either.
I think all Mandarin stuff was for trailers only. Hell he knows who Stark is in the trailer but not the film....
I think the Mandarin stuff was deliberately trailer-exclusive, to further conceal a certain twist.

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