Linkin Park


I'm ya Huckleberry!
Jul 7, 2005
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I did a search and could not find any related thread. Please, if you don't like this band exit now, it's not a bashing thread. I was just hoping someone new any info on when their new album was coming out? I know they were working on one and said it would be out around spring, anyone know any more info on this?
AllThingsComic said:
Please, if you don't like this band exit now, it's not a bashing thread.
Hahaha. *Exits now*
AllThingsComic said:
I did a search and could not find any related thread. Please, if you don't like this band exit now, it's not a bashing thread. I was just hoping someone new any info on when their new album was coming out? I know they were working on one and said it would be out around spring, anyone know any more info on this?

Mike Shinoda has been busy with Fort Minor and so far there hasn't been any news of a new album from the group that I know of.
I liked that song they did with Jay-Z...but only because of Jay-Z
I like them. I met them. Mike Shinoda was very nice.
Yes, yes they do kick ass. I will wait patiently, for how long I do not know?
I heard they broke up. Which would suck, their albums are awesome.
I have their first CD.... all that screaming is scary. :(
No they didn't break up (last I heard), I heard they had a contract dispute but it was settled and the album was to be released this spring. Please, I hope that's not true?
If you liked Linkin Park you'll Like Fort Minor, just Download "The Hard Way, Kenji or Where'd You Go its basicly a rap CD but its Mike Shinoda so if you liked his '"raps'' on the LP albums then you like this.(if you don't have it already)
I can't stand Fort Minor already... he has a song in NBA Live and I have to hear it every ****ing time I play.... I wish someone would put a sock in his mouth... or that he was too busy kissing his fellow band members.
Equint77 said:
I can't stand Fort Minor already... he has a song in NBA Live and I have to hear it every ****ing time I play.... I wish someone would put a sock in his mouth... or that he was too busy kissing his fellow band members.

I'm not a huge fan of Fort Minor either...I only like those 3 songs, the honestly its all pretty much over-hyped crap.
I'm not really feeling Fort Minor, to me Chester Bennington is the man and Mike Shinoda only works well vibing off him.
Oh crap, not a bashing thread??? Wtf??

*exits lame band's thread*

AllThingsComic said:
I'm not really feeling Fort Minor, to me Chester Bennington is the man and Mike Shinoda only works well vibing off him.

Whats funny about the album is that Mike has barely any vocals...its usually his band mates that rap just about every song
Oh crap, not a bashing thread??? Wtf??

*exits lame band's thread*


Coming from a person named power ranger? lol
AllThingsComic said:
Coming from a person named power ranger? lol

You can't read. :(

It's "Pwner Ranger", n00blet.

As in, he pwns a lame band like LP.
I know what it means, first i was just kidding, second, almost 6000 posts in 6 months, wow on this site a bit much? Happy to be a "noob" only on this to pass time at work, here apparently before you.
I've been here for two and a half years.

Fail. :down
You people kill me, like I said in the the first post,not a bashing thread please exit if you do not like them.

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