Nasty-B said:
No, but it would still be an improvement on FBI agent who loses his whole extended family out of retaliation not randomness in a scene lifted directly from Mad Max. Obake hit the nail on the head with his call for a reboot- Jonathan Hensleigh and the script writers really missed what makes the Punisher tick. The first film completely misunderstood the character too. Why is it that filmakers can't do justice to the Punisher's origin?
because those same latte sipping Hollywood types are too gung ho about mass marketing then genuine creative storytelling. Thanks Nasty!! But for all the Storm philes out here....
Why? Nam was a far more controversial, dangerous, ****ed up, war!!! Its been such a long time since Ive seen a good Nam flick, a really good creative director could take this flick to town!!! Why do you guys want to trade the psychoticness of Vietnam for the breifness of Storm??? Castle did 3 tours!!! (Hello!!!~Mcfly!!???) Spin off anyone!!??? Oh wait you mean to tell me none of you die hard Pun fans want to see Born translated to film? Whats up with this damn cop BS!!!??? Ive read Punisher since his first inception in Amzing Spidey and he was never no damn cop. The two entities are as different as apples and Oldsmobiles! A cop storyline is boring and usual!!! Punisher has detective skills, but hes a tactician not a cop who serves under rules. Omitting the cop angle would help audience members connect to him, because after Nam the poor guy was out of work, just like alot of other ex Nam soldiers. Frank was going to go back and train special forces soldiers not police officers!!! Castle knew that the force wouldnt let him get away with that down home Sicilian flavored killing the military would allow and praise!!! That would have been a much more interesting story!! Im sorry you guys, but I hate the desert storm angle, and the cop angle.
I hate the Storm angle because not many people were worried (back then) that their kids would come home safe, as opposed to everybody treating Nam like its the end of the world. Storm had many technological advances as opposed to nam where a soldier would worry about his M-16 backfiring, while the enemy had the ak-47 (a weapon that could fire good dirty)
Storm didnt last as long as the Vietnam conflict, Nam dragged on for years. Oh, and desert locations (for me anyway) are so dull to watch on film. Give me a hot steamy exotic asian jungle anyday!!!
But if they asked me to write the film, after asking everyone here for help and input Id have the film formatted this way.
Castle and his troops on patrol in a jungle in Cambodia, suddenly they get attacked. Explosions, body parts, and flip flops everywhere. Castle whooping that ass on the enemy, then a voice over...
"Punisher's War Journal#***
In Nam we let the point man first...."
A good hour and a half of concentrated ass whipping until the films end we see...
Castle's family murdered in Central Park, retold in vivid brilliance..
when the girl behind you in the theater mutters "oh my God thats so awful.."
You know that was a good ass film.....
Oh and if you keep him at 62 years old you have the female audience. Why? Women love older men, especially buff older men!!!!!
Punisher rules damnit!!!!