that I think about it, one of my friends from college was into SCA (he mentioned being part of the Kingdom of Meridies, but I had no idea what he was talking about). We worked together with a theater troupe that did swordplay shows at Renaissance fairs (which ended up getting me into studying fight choreography)
Not sure if that's quite the same thing, though.
I dont feel like looking up kingdoms so its possible Meridies is,
Its also quite possible alot of that troop where SCA,
Alot of theature based are,
Its awesome that you are a sword fighter,
I am but a boffer fighter
I have a lot of respect for guys who actually have the balls to do that and admit it, but I could never do it. Whenever I think of it I think of a skinny dude hitting someone with a wooden sword, screeching "Two magic! Two magic! TWO MAGIC!"
And I laugh.
That Is Nero,
Which I loath,
Our system is the honor system,
If its a good hit,
You take it,
Only Magic you call is simply "magic' which is assumed to do twice damage and is good for regenerating creatures when normal steel just doesnt do,
Also we use boffers
{see below}
A few years back, me and some friends used to go out to this amazing area absolutely filled with trees, and have ourselves a good old fashioned 2-on-2 sword fight, using wooden sticks.
We were young, and after a number of times of getting hit in the fingers with a stick and yelling at each other, we stopped. Was fun as hell though.
Our swords are Pvc pipe covered in open cell foam,
Sealed with ducktape,
Its mostly safte {it can STILL REALLY HURT sometimes},
But I dont want Ratan bruises {That stuff is MAD PAINFUL}
And real swords are dangerous especially in the hands of idiots,
So no Live Steel is to be brought to games,
And Yes we pretty much as Dan says,
Beat each other up with plumbing supplies,
I will admit i normaly hang back a bit,
I am a spell caster not a warrior,
Plus I like using the guys as Cannon fodder,
Its amazing what they will do for a skirt,
Also I would like to say that Larpers are not skinny geeks as I have seen,
A great deal are amazing with swords or boffers,
And I at least have found a couple to be quite attractive both of mind and body,
As such there tend to be some pretty girls about as well,
So do not be so quick to stereotype,