Dr. Fate said:
Very true. And SR is definitely NOT a good film.
I think you've learned by now that this "fact" here is argueable. If you need a demonstration of it's arguability, I've just provided it.
I think the 200M mark is an arbitrary peice of political shuffling from WB execs. They realized they didn't get the fan reaction they wanted and tried to give some arbitrary thing to discoruage continuing the franchise a long time ago. Superman Returns turned a notable profit, and did so quite a while ago, the 200M is arbitrary, WB could have easily said 300M or 150M or whatever they wanted to.
I think we all realize that restarting the franchise is not going to happen, especially when Singer promises a more action packed sequel and there are many people who did, on some level, enjoy the movie. Not only that, the things that we like about Superman: good clean action packed fun, can be easily inserted into a second movie without restarting the franchise. A restart seems silly, to me honestly, I don't understand what it is supposed to accomplish that a change in production goals won't.
Reaching the mark is a good thing, as it helps silence naysayers who say there is nothing good that can ever possibly be said about SR, that is was more boring than watching paint dry, and that Singer deserves a nameless grave next to Adolf Hitler.
But beyond that, it has no meaning. Singer won't get the greenlight again unless WB thinks he can give them good press, that he'll stop trying to be deep or try something new with Superman using old situations and instead give us Superman doing the same old same old things in new situations.