Lucid Dream

the last son

Aug 23, 2012
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Does anyone else do this. I swear every night when I sleep I enter a dream world which feels real and I have full conversations with people and wake up thinking they actually happened. I also write a lot of my short stories form dreams I have.
This would happen to me all the time in college. I'd wake up convinced that I had a paper due in five minutes.
Does anyone else do this. I swear every night when I sleep I enter a dream world which feels real and I have full conversations with people and wake up thinking they actually happened. I also write a lot of my short stories form dreams I have.

Certainly not every night, no.

From time to time I do.
Happens to me as well. I also experience sleep paralysis, which sucks.
The other night I had a dream something grabbed ahold of my right leg. I immediately woke up and could still feel something gripping both my legs, even though I knew it was from the dream.
The other night I had a dream I was floating around Des Moines grabbing people's legs as they slept. Weird.
I don't live in Des Moines anymore so that really IS weird!

On a completely unrelated note, I need to update my profile. :)
How do you lucid dream anyway ? I've been trying forever , but always fail.
Since highschool, iv always been a lucid dreamer. I was watching a documentary on dreams not too long ago and one of the things they said most lucid dreamers have in common is they tend to spend a lot of time doing interactive activities such as video games(which i do).
How do you lucid dream anyway ? I've been trying forever , but always fail.

I've always wondered what it would be like to have Lucid Dream. So I looked up some answers and found that keeping a dream journal would help. Write down all the dreams you keep having and read them over every night before you would go to sleep. I've had at least 4 Lucid dreams in the past year. 3 of them were short lived.
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I had some pretty impressive zombie dreams after drinking wine before bed. I think they'd make some good story lines. Who wants to buy? :p
AMC presents: Wine-Induced Zombie Hallucinations, Season 1.
Ive been having re occurring dreams of my ex. I wake up in the morning thinking we got back together. Its pretty frustrating.
I've been able to do that quite a bit over the last few years.

Realize that I'm dreaming and take control of it. Haven't had a nightmare in ages because of this.
Wow...I have had dreams all the time. I love dreaming. :hrt: Especially the lucid ones. Its always good to write them down and they're good for putting them into stories.
I thought this was going to be somehow related to Vanilla Sky.
When I was a kid I was convinced the people in my dreams were sharing the same dream, so each night I was determined to say something to my brother in my dream and have him remember it the next day. A couple of times I'd remember the plan while in my dream, but it never seemed that important anymore. Finally I managed to do it, although it was a pretty weak attempt. In the morning I asked him if he remembered me doing it, but he didn't.
Does anyone else do this. I swear every night when I sleep I enter a dream world which feels real and I have full conversations with people and wake up thinking they actually happened. I also write a lot of my short stories form dreams I have.

Actually, this is not Lucid Dreaming. Infact, what you are describing is actually the opposite of Lucid Dreaming. Lucid Dreaming is when you are conciously AWARE you are dreaming. For example, (I like to Lucid Dream when I sleep after meditation) I few weeks ago, I was dreaming I was in a ball room dancing with some girl, when a shooter came in, unfortunately. It was scary, but something happened, and I knew I was dreaming. I consciously said to the girl I was with, it's all good, this isn't a big deal because I am just dreaming, and I have more important things to worry about, like my bio exam tomorrow.

You basically KNOW you are dreaming. That's what lucid dreaming is.

Sometimes it gets strong enough where you can actually control what happens in your dreams. It's pretty cool

For those asking how to Lucid dream, I mean, personally since I started meditating seriously I have lucid dreams regularly, and occasionally can control them, very rarely. However, if you want to lucid dream, it's not really easy. Keeping dream journals helps. As you remember your dreams, your brain subconciously makes notes, and your body and soul remembers experiences in dreams, which can lead your body to ultimately recognizing that it is dreaming. Some thing that always helps along with a dream journal are reality checks. draw the letter "D" on your hand. Through out the day, make sure you know you are awake. Ask yourself through out the day, "am I awake?. I am." and look at your hand with the "D".

If you go to sleep and dream, if you happen to see your hand, you should be able to realize you are dreaming, especially if the D isn't there, because your mind has subconciously developed a correlation with you being awake, and the letter D

happy dreaming guys :D
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I had a dream that braincrusher woke me up at 7am by mowing his front lawn.
I sleep walk. I sleep eat. Once somebody caught a picture of me sleeping then doing a small victory dance WHILE I was sleeping! Apparently when people say my name when I'm sleeping I don't reply. But, whenever they call me Somnu I do. I think I'm possessed... Somnu's the name of the sleep demon. :(

In reality, I have no idea what's real sometimes even when I'm awake lol. We all go a little mad sometimes.

Also one of my dreams is going to be the start of a movie soon lol. If you see an alien invasion movie hit theaters that's shot in a very weird way and opens with a scene that's beyond f*^@#$ that's a dream I actually had.
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