World Mac Gargan's Venom Thread ! ! . .


Nov 5, 2004
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Here's a thread dedicated to latest incarnation of Venom also known as Mac Gargan of Scorpion fame.
Obviously the move to seemingly kill off Eddie Brock and end up having the symbiote bond with Gargan to create the new Venom has proven to be quite controversial with readers either digging the idea or being quite displeased.

So anyway the point of this thread is for fans of the new Venom to discuss the character and post pictures of him as they filter through for the upcoming mini series he will be appearing in titled 'Beyond'.
The mini should hit in June and the team behind it are Dwayne McDuffie
& Scott Kolins.

Don't bother posting if you just want to slag off Venom and say he sucks, do it in another thread.
For now, all I'll say is that whatever positive OR negative feelings for the new "Scorpom" will be reserved until I see him in action again. I hated the original Scorpom but this one looks new. I rather have the original Scorpion back as a better character, but if by some grace of God the new Scorpom succeeds then I'll accept him as the new Venom.
Cool a Venom III thread!, we need some pics in here though, hmmmm.
Dangerous said:
Cool a Venom III thread!, we need some pics in here though, hmmmm.

I fully concur,

Anyway welcome to the boards. Now that's a whopper!
your not gunna find any fans of the new venom.....except for the people that hate venom period (prolly not even them)....i honeslty think this thread is a waste of time...if anyone actually thinks that this venom will actually last is sadly mistakin...anyone whos anyone knows venom's popularity and his status in the marvel universe (look at his endless amounts of mini series and so on...) realize that this just a stunt by marvel to make eddie brocks re-appearence as venom all the more dramatic and "sale-boosting". Theres only one venom
You make a valid point about Eddie Brock’s return and that that maybe they are just having someone else as Venom so that when the original one returns it will be all hyped up and stuff.
I actually like this Venom though, I only recently read the issues of Marvel Knights that he was in but I thought the new take on the old costume was really cool, and who knows he may be around much longer than anyone suspects. Like Jason Todd replacing Dick Grayson, and becoming a legitimate successor no matter how long he is around for.
Preach brother, and welcome to the Hype!
VenomIII rules.
I can't seem to get the images from newsarama to host here weird.
..Sure there will be more as we get closer to Beyond tho,
I liked the idea of a thread like this!Always been a fan of McGargan and Venom and I hope this new Venom to give spidey a hard time in the future.
wow im honestly suprised to see fans of guys must not have been that big of fans of the original....i truley think you guys stand alone
Er yea dude whatever.
I'm a big fan of Venom/Brock got every core appearence of his,
I just think VenomIII also rules.
Here's the badass pic when we saw the new Venom for the first time.
Sent shivers up my spine, what would be cool would be if Venom fought Toxin, I reckon Venom would kick his ass.

Sweet pic. Can't wait for it personally, to be honest, I love it.

Cheers, and thank you.
E.Brock said:
wow im honestly suprised to see fans of guys must not have been that big of fans of the original....i truley think you guys stand alone

I wish Marvel could have done something better with him as the Scorpion, but I'll see where they go with this.

I was a BIG fan of the original Venom... for his first two appearances (and his only good ones).

You make a comment about his popularity and all those mini's... which were not very good stories at all, and Venom made SO MANY appearances in every Marvel comic in the early 90's that it really sugar-coated any type of creative character development for Brock.

However, with the potential for a Brock/Venom movie thing going, I doubt that Marvel with keep Mac as Venom, because they certainly wouldn't want to "confused" all the new readers from the movies...



As for Venom III...sleek look, but they should play more on the Scorpion thing. I saw a great picture someone drew of Venom more Scorpioned out, with a tail, and claws, and everything. I'd love tos ee it.
Dwayne Mcduffie,lol, that is the most ******ed name ever! It has to be a fake.
Cool lots of Venom Gargan fans.
As for Venom III being able to take Toxin- no way, compare their stats over at Spiderfan.
I don't know of any plans for Toxin's return as yet, but as other have stated in this thread he has an action figure coming up so you have to think that means they will be using him again.
The New Venom Looks Awsome but I bet the old venom could bet him
I like the new incarnation of Venom because, and lets face it, Old Venom and Scorpion both were going nowhere fast.

I only hope, as others have stated, that his looks takes on a more 'scorpionish' appearance.
Well in the preview art for Beyond Venom can be seen attacking Spidey w/ his Scorpion tale, I think just Venom w/ the tail would be f**king badass.
Vile said:
I like the new incarnation of Venom because, and lets face it, Old Venom and Scorpion both were going nowhere fast.

I only hope, as others have stated, that his looks takes on a more 'scorpionish' appearance.

The look for the new Venom is great, but Gargan will always be Scorpion no matter the circumstances. He didn't really do much as far as I was concerned towards developing Gargan further - it may have raised the bar visually, but I wasn't that impressed with it.
The-Arachnoid said:
Here's the badass pic when we saw the new Venom for the first time.
Sent shivers up my spine, what would be cool would be if Venom fought Toxin, I reckon Venom would kick his ass.


A part of me wants thinks he's always been envivous of Eddie Brock for having the suit from the get-go since Brock has done his share of damage to Peter and co.
fudgeewudgee said:

I'm not saying otherwise.

What I am saying, Venom was going nowhere and nowhere FAST. Honestly, his character was awesome in the beginning...then basically dropped quicker than a meteor (Let us not forget he joined the...FBI, was it? at one point). Recently though, he's been on the upslide - and why is that? Because we dont need an Eddie Brock for it to be Venom - it's the SUIT thats Venom. The suit should be changing up hosts like there is no tomorrow.

As to Scorpion?...Gimme a break. Besides the couple of one shots here and there he's been basically idling between mercenary/psycho with a hardon for Jameson. How many times are we going to see him 1: Working under someone as a lackey or 2: Going after Jameson for the million time? Yawn.

Do I think Gargan-Scorpion should last? No, actually I dont. Like I said, I want the Symbiote jumping ship any chance it gets! But as long as it's with Scorpion...I certainly dont have a problem with that.

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