Action-Adventure Mad Max: Furiosa Spinoff

Finally some news about this. Can’t wait to have a look at this mad world once again. Fingers crossed it looks good. Exciting.

So we are talking early December right? A couple weeks before aquabro releases so it can play in front of it in the theaters?
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It’s about time we get something for this… We’ve been living on breadcrumbs.
Hey WB, you've still got time to move it away from Apes.
Hey WB, you've still got time to move it away from Apes.

Listen here, son. We will eat them monkey brains for supper. Our leather chaps will shine bright in the mist of glorious sand and gazzzoline.
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According to this Brazilian twitter the trailer will be released on Thursday night and he also says it’s going to be the best trailer of the year. Worth remembering that George Miller, Chris Hemsworth and ATJ are going to be at CCXP.

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Are they going to release it online as well?
Don’t know really but I have a feeling they are going to release it straight afterwards.
Don’t know really but I have a feeling they are going to release it straight afterwards.

ATJ has also arrived in Brazil.
I hope the news about the trailer is true, because it is World of Reel after all.

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