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Sequels Magneto is kinda dead

I know that I am going to get flamed on for this, but, for all this talk of Fox being "unorganized", and making the wrong decisions and stuff, I think that they are doing this pretty much correctly.

I am not happy with all of the politics that have gone on behind the scenes that have influenced particular story arcs, but overall, I think the handling has been correct, going all the way back to the beginning.

You start with Bryan Singer, who comes in and basically takes the foundation of the story, the essence of the world and the characters, and brings them to life in a realistic way. I know a lot of people complaining, because they didn't "look" right, the powers were toned down, etc... but X-Men to me isn't about fancy powers and bright costumes. It's about oppression, and a particular group of people fighting back for their equality, as well as protecting those who hate them from the bad ones. Even when I was a kid, too young to quite grasp all of the themes, just the idea of the X-Men fighting to protect the humans who hated them was something appealing to me.

I don't love Sentinels because they are big giant robots. I love Sentinels because they are the ultimate symbol of human hatred, prejudice, and discrimination. I don't love Magneto because he flies around in magnetic bubbles, I love him because he has seen the pinnacle of human hatred, and refuses to allow that to happen to his people again, yet in the process, becomes the very thing that he is fighting against.

Sure, X-Men might be a comic book, but to me it's so much more than that and I thank Bryan Singer for grounding the movies in reality where they could be taken seriously, and their true meaning allowed to shine through.

As far as X-Men: The Last Stand goes, while people complain about the cure story and the Phoenix Saga both being done in one movie, they couldn't hold off the Phoenix Saga. Those seeds were planted in the previous movie, and they needed to strike while the iron was hot, so to speak. They needed to tell that tale, they couldn't afford to wait, and X-Men 4 was no guarantee. They made the right call. The problem was in their telling of it, where even then I still feel they made a lot of right decisions, they just killed off the wrong guy and had the wrong guy save Jean in the end. But I am satisfied with the rest.

As far as X-Men Origins: Wolverine goes? Damn right they needed to do the origin story first, and not Japan. I don't care how beloved the Japan story is, there was no basis for the Japan story to be told at this point. There were no seeds planted, there was absolutely no connection, it would have been completely random.

However, the seeds of Wolverine's origin story were planted, and that needed to be expanded upon. They absolutely told the right story, and I feel except for an adamantium bullet, and the exclusion of a particular mind wipe scene, they told the story correctly as well. I know a lot of details were changed, but that is the Logan story as I've always known it at the core.

And as far as future spin offs go? We don't need Magneto. We really don't. It shouldn't be done. Whatever story of his you need to tell, you can tell in a First Class film, and there are really no questions that need to be answered for his past. We get it. If Logan didn't have a mysterious past, there probably wouldn't have been such a demand for his story to be told in the comics, and that story wouldn't have been made into a movie. There is demand, because questions are left unanswered, and a story is there to be told. There's not much to tell about Magneto's past.

Now that we have X-Men Origins out of the way, go ahead and branch off into the Wolverine series, tell his solo stories now, and make a couple First Class movies that bridge the gap between X-Men Origins: Wolverine and X-Men.

Fox is doing this right, and I know I will get blasted because Fox is the anti-Christ around these parts, but Fox is handling this franchise right and I feel has been from the beginning save for a few lapses of judgment in the creative department.
FOX has handled this franchise in a disgusting way, and it doesn't surprise me one bit that Wolverine 5 is what they have planned next.
The MAGNETO script isn't brilliant. But it's actually very good. It's easily the best thing I've ever seen David Goyer write. Ever. I hope they make it, and I hope they do it soon enough for McKellan to be involved in some capacity.
I heard way before Wolverine was released that the Magneto script was good and that the Wolverine script was awful from one source that reviewed both. But look at which film ended up actually getting made...
Like others i can't say i'm surprised about Magneto. At the same time it does puzzle and disappoint me how the Wolverine sequel is first in line to get made.First Class and especially Magneto (which was once really close to getting made) have been in development for years now. Surely those must have preference over another Wolverine movie?:huh:
And isn't Wolverine 2 not even written yet? They just announced the screenwriter a few weeks ago.

It's been 3 months now actually so there may be a draft ready - McQuarrie was hired in August - but i do get your point. It seems all too soon.:o
I know that I am going to get flamed on for this, but, for all this talk of Fox being "unorganized", and making the wrong decisions and stuff, I think that they are doing this pretty much correctly.

I am not happy with all of the politics that have gone on behind the scenes that have influenced particular story arcs, but overall, I think the handling has been correct, going all the way back to the beginning.

You start with Bryan Singer, who comes in and basically takes the foundation of the story, the essence of the world and the characters, and brings them to life in a realistic way. I know a lot of people complaining, because they didn't "look" right, the powers were toned down, etc... but X-Men to me isn't about fancy powers and bright costumes. It's about oppression, and a particular group of people fighting back for their equality, as well as protecting those who hate them from the bad ones. Even when I was a kid, too young to quite grasp all of the themes, just the idea of the X-Men fighting to protect the humans who hated them was something appealing to me.

I don't love Sentinels because they are big giant robots. I love Sentinels because they are the ultimate symbol of human hatred, prejudice, and discrimination. I don't love Magneto because he flies around in magnetic bubbles, I love him because he has seen the pinnacle of human hatred, and refuses to allow that to happen to his people again, yet in the process, becomes the very thing that he is fighting against.

Sure, X-Men might be a comic book, but to me it's so much more than that and I thank Bryan Singer for grounding the movies in reality where they could be taken seriously, and their true meaning allowed to shine through.

As far as X-Men: The Last Stand goes, while people complain about the cure story and the Phoenix Saga both being done in one movie, they couldn't hold off the Phoenix Saga. Those seeds were planted in the previous movie, and they needed to strike while the iron was hot, so to speak. They needed to tell that tale, they couldn't afford to wait, and X-Men 4 was no guarantee. They made the right call. The problem was in their telling of it, where even then I still feel they made a lot of right decisions, they just killed off the wrong guy and had the wrong guy save Jean in the end. But I am satisfied with the rest.

As far as X-Men Origins: Wolverine goes? Damn right they needed to do the origin story first, and not Japan. I don't care how beloved the Japan story is, there was no basis for the Japan story to be told at this point. There were no seeds planted, there was absolutely no connection, it would have been completely random.

However, the seeds of Wolverine's origin story were planted, and that needed to be expanded upon. They absolutely told the right story, and I feel except for an adamantium bullet, and the exclusion of a particular mind wipe scene, they told the story correctly as well. I know a lot of details were changed, but that is the Logan story as I've always known it at the core.

And as far as future spin offs go? We don't need Magneto. We really don't. It shouldn't be done. Whatever story of his you need to tell, you can tell in a First Class film, and there are really no questions that need to be answered for his past. We get it. If Logan didn't have a mysterious past, there probably wouldn't have been such a demand for his story to be told in the comics, and that story wouldn't have been made into a movie. There is demand, because questions are left unanswered, and a story is there to be told. There's not much to tell about Magneto's past.

Now that we have X-Men Origins out of the way, go ahead and branch off into the Wolverine series, tell his solo stories now, and make a couple First Class movies that bridge the gap between X-Men Origins: Wolverine and X-Men.

Fox is doing this right, and I know I will get blasted because Fox is the anti-Christ around these parts, but Fox is handling this franchise right and I feel has been from the beginning save for a few lapses of judgment in the creative department.

I agree with you.

About X-Men: The Last Stand. I think the main problem was the run time length. They had two potentially great stories, but squished them together in too little a time so that neither story really got the development that was required. A longer run time would probably helped to make the movie better.
I think it is a shame that Magneto probably wont be made now, I think it could have been something unique in the comic book movie world and I dont think it would have commanded a huge budget if done in the right way.

It would have brought something different to the franchise as well and maybe re-ignited interest from people who have given up on it after the last 2 movies. Oh well, I just hope Wolverine 2 is good, though i simply cant get excited about a Fox comic book movie.
I agree with you.

About X-Men: The Last Stand. I think the main problem was the run time length. They had two potentially great stories, but squished them together in too little a time so that neither story really got the development that was required. A longer run time would probably helped to make the movie better.

They completely raped the greatest X-Men story every and they killed Cyclops. They can all burn in hell for that travesty.

There has yet to be an X-men movie, just 4 chapters of


and his little mutie sidekicks

Wish FOX would lose the franchise, but fat chance of that. There will NEVER be a good X-Men related movie of any type as long as FOX has it.
We don't need they did a young Hannibal Lecter movie. We don't need that except with Magneto.
Maybe he meant we don't need an awful movie like the Lecter origins..?
The Magneto story is nothing like Hannibal Rising.

It's vaguely similar at the very beginning, but MAGNETO does a better job of exploring themes and concepts, whereas HANNIBAL RISING was basically just a story. It evolves into something much more compelling by about the second act.
They completely raped the greatest X-Men story every and they killed Cyclops. They can all burn in hell for that travesty.

There has yet to be an X-men movie, just 4 chapters of


and his little mutie sidekicks

Wish FOX would lose the franchise, but fat chance of that. There will NEVER be a good X-Men related movie of any type as long as FOX has it.

Yes, because a mistelling of a comic book story in a movie is truly deserving of a place reserved in Hell next to rapists, murderers, masters of genocide...
We know Magneto's story. People aren't going to see a Magneto movie. You can't market a Magneto movie.

A Hannibal Lector origins movie is equally ridiculous.

Wolverine sucked, but you can make a Wolverine movie because Wolverine is hella popular and you can market the hell out of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.

Guys I know you are fanboys and you guys love and want to see all this ****, but you have to take off your fanboy hats. The studios want to make money. And in this economy they want to take fewer risks than ever. That is why we are seeing even more sequels, remakes, and reboots. All this stuff. Studios want to invest in existing IP that has some sort of established fanbase or something that's been around before in some way shape or form.

Studios are doing fewer tentpoles. More and more movies are moving out of LA because our state government has flushed the state down the toilet and everyone wants to shoot out of state now.
Guys I know you are fanboys and you guys love and want to see all this ****, but you have to take off your fanboy hats. The studios want to make money. And in this economy they want to take fewer risks than ever. That is why we are seeing even more sequels, remakes, and reboots. All this stuff. Studios want to invest in existing IP that has some sort of established fanbase or something that's been around before in some way shape or form.

Studios are doing fewer tentpoles. More and more movies are moving out of LA because our state government has flushed the state down the toilet and everyone wants to shoot out of state now.

Sadly, this is very true.
We know Magneto's story. People aren't going to see a Magneto movie. You can't market a Magneto movie.

Not sure I agree. McKellen has made that character more of a draw.

A Hannibal Lector origins movie is equally ridiculous.

Well, it was silly because it never explained why he started chopping people up and eating them. Magneto doesn't bite off people's cheeks, so it's quite different!

Wolverine sucked, but you can make a Wolverine movie because Wolverine is hella popular and you can market the hell out of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.

Guys I know you are fanboys and you guys love and want to see all this ****, but you have to take off your fanboy hats. The studios want to make money. And in this economy they want to take fewer risks than ever. That is why we are seeing even more sequels, remakes, and reboots. All this stuff. Studios want to invest in existing IP that has some sort of established fanbase or something that's been around before in some way shape or form.

Studios are doing fewer tentpoles. More and more movies are moving out of LA because our state government has flushed the state down the toilet and everyone wants to shoot out of state now.

This is fair comment. However, I'm not a fanboy and I fully understand the nature of the entertainment INDUSTRY. Hollywood is a business at the end of the day.
It's actually, in the end, more about Magneto meeting Xavier and their ideologies clashing than it is simply Magneto's story.
Sadly, this is very true.
Yup. I said it from the beginning though. Magneto's an interesting character, but I don't think quite as many people are gonna wanna see him in his own movie. For the purposes of the movieverse, I really think that we've learned all that we really need to know about Magneto from the trilogy.
Hugh was on Katie Couric's webshow about two weeks ago, and he said it was being worked on, but it didn't sound like it was anywhere close to being done.

He's doing a play for the rest of the year, and he mentioned 2 other film projects that he's got going on after that, so it sounds like it will be awhile before any Wolverine sequel is ready to go.

I love Hugh as Wolverine and I wouldn't mind seeing the Japan movie (although I'm enjoying having him back on Broadway more), but I'm dying to see some of the other stuff they've got planned for X-Men too.
You'd think they were further along with the other projects.

Jackman likes to stay busy, doesn't he? I was going to say that I thought Goyer had even gone so far as to scout locations for Magneto, but Retro posted the link. We'll find out which movie Fox plans to pursue one way or another, but that comment by Donner really took me by surprise.

Like others i can't say i'm surprised about Magneto. At the same time it does puzzle and disappoint me how the Wolverine sequel is first in line to get made.First Class and especially Magneto (which was once really close to getting made) have been in development for years now. Surely those must have preference over another Wolverine movie?:huh:

This is the article that came to mind. :up:
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cant believe they want to concentrate on wolverine 2, hes already had a bloody movie if they wanted to do the japan story they should have done it in the first - there are other x men!!!!!!!!!!!!! then suddenly deadpool appears for 5 minutes and he gets a film where as magneto who we have had for 3 doesnt deserve it when it could be brilliant. i remember reading the prequel comic to x1 where eric and charles meet in israel, it was brillaint, magneto film could be brilliant, base it upon that comic and have cameos and glimpses of other mutants, quicksilver, scarletwitch, set up first class with having storm, emma, scott an jean as kids somewhere, i had an idea where you could even bring sentinels in to show what the governments first responce to mutants was decades ago, the way charles and eric deals with this situtation is what splits them, anyone ever read the first story of ultimate x men, where eric rearanges the sentinels to kill humans - would be brilliant

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