Magneto/Xavier Split



A question of the splitting factor for the two power houses. A friend from work mentioned a theory that the Phoenix was the issue that split the old friends and set them on thier paths. What if Professor X discovered that Jean was harboring the Phoenix force and his disicion was to contain it? This would grind Magneto the wrong way because of his stance on what mutants actually are. Also it would explain why the Phoenix comes after Professor X. In one of the previews Wolverine tells the Professor X that when you cage a beast long enough it will strike back. The rumor of Professor X's death would be explained.
Baden77 said:
A question of the splitting factor for the two power houses. A friend from work mentioned a theory that the Phoenix was the issue that split the old friends and set them on thier paths. What if Professor X discovered that Jean was harboring the Phoenix force and his disicion was to contain it? This would grind Magneto the wrong way because of his stance on what mutants actually are. Also it would explain why the Phoenix comes after Professor X. In one of the previews Wolverine tells the Professor X that when you cage a beast long enough it will strike back. The rumor of Professor X's death would be explained.

Baden77 said:
A question of the splitting factor for the two power houses. A friend from work mentioned a theory that the Phoenix was the issue that split the old friends and set them on thier paths. What if Professor X discovered that Jean was harboring the Phoenix force and his disicion was to contain it? This would grind Magneto the wrong way because of his stance on what mutants actually are. Also it would explain why the Phoenix comes after Professor X. In one of the previews Wolverine tells the Professor X that when you cage a beast long enough it will strike back. The rumor of Professor X's death would be explained.
dude thats an awesome theory i never would have thaugh of it:eek: yeah i think that would've played a part or might have been the last straw for magneto to leave. because we all know the main reason was professor wants peace and mags wants war and the pheonix would have been the ultimate thing both would want....very interesting wow
I like this theory and would tie things in perfectly.
Baden77 said:
A question of the splitting factor for the two power houses. A friend from work mentioned a theory that the Phoenix was the issue that split the old friends and set them on thier paths. What if Professor X discovered that Jean was harboring the Phoenix force and his disicion was to contain it? This would grind Magneto the wrong way because of his stance on what mutants actually are. Also it would explain why the Phoenix comes after Professor X. In one of the previews Wolverine tells the Professor X that when you cage a beast long enough it will strike back. The rumor of Professor X's death would be explained.

Exchange "Phoenix Force" with "incredible uncharted mental powers" and you may have something. Something we've been thinking would happen for awhile now.
Good theory! That would be awesome and they are both in the scene with her in the beginning as well!!!
Man I can't believe that Fox has Phoenix killing Prof X. That shyt sucks big time.
Very good theory i actually hope thats what happens cuz that would work for the plot.
I already thought this would happen. I thought everyone else did as well. :confused:
MJB said:
Man I can't believe that Fox has Phoenix killing Prof X. That shyt sucks big time.
actually thats the one death i think will work perfectly along wiht magneto, because its the ultimate emotional moment and plus they both would be passing the torch down. You know i just watched x1 and the deleted scenes (a lot of which should have never been cut) and one of those scenes was when jean comes into the professor and asks to use cerebro and you see how much of a connection they both share. So seeing this falling out between them and then her killing the professor is going to be incredible and moving.
The reason I brought this up is that it ties in with the movie story line well. In the first and second movies the Professor is getting more and more distracted, Jean gets stronger as the movies go along. She even says herself that the Professor is working with her on her control.
MJB said:
Man I can't believe that Fox has Phoenix killing Prof X. That shyt sucks big time.

I never knew fox wrote this movie.
Baden77 said:
A question of the splitting factor for the two power houses. A friend from work mentioned a theory that the Phoenix was the issue that split the old friends and set them on thier paths. What if Professor X discovered that Jean was harboring the Phoenix force and his disicion was to contain it? This would grind Magneto the wrong way because of his stance on what mutants actually are. Also it would explain why the Phoenix comes after Professor X. In one of the previews Wolverine tells the Professor X that when you cage a beast long enough it will strike back. The rumor of Professor X's death would be explained.

never thought of that
One thing that confuses me is the Professor wants to help fellow Mutants grow & learn to Control their Power but with Jean he you can say "turns off" most of her Powers. Which I find weird because one of his goals is to help Mutants "learn to like & control their Powers & use them for good" What I think is at one time Magneto agreed & shared the Professors opinions & did help him obviously but after Magneto seeing what he did to Jean & the Professor going against one of the things he stands for thats where the split begins
If Xavier dies, then I think that Magneto would have to die too...(or for them to appear to be dead).

I was watching the teaser trailer and the more I think about it, the more emotional I feel when I see Magneto apparently screaming Xavier's name.

If Phoenix does indeed kill Charles in the movie; it would explain why Magneto is on the ground and is in horror of what he sees. Should be very interesting and that theory he mentioned is excellent. :up:
It's a good theory and probably right. I just wish there had been another way of getting to it. Prof. X would have been cool to have around for another three films...
TNC9852002 said:
If Xavier dies, then I think that Magneto would have to die too...(or for them to appear to be dead).


I agree
its a good theory,but it isnt exactly new.
I like your thinking. Magneto and Xavier arrive at Jean's and her powers are out of control. Xavier puts mental blocks on her. Magneto doesn't agree with this and they part ways. Good theory. :up:

And with Magneto yelling Charles' name in the teaser, yeah, I bet it's going to be one of most emotional scenes. Magneto seeing his friend getting killed b/c of what he did. I hope there'll be a small line from Mags right after Xavier dies.

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