Guardians killed it. So much for them being D-List characters. Marvel marketing is incredible.
Let's not also forget attaching an "A-List" creative team of Bendis and McNiven. True, an A-List team didn't save MOON KNIGHT, but then again MK isn't getting a film. It's promotion for the film which helps this, which in corporate speak is synergy. Hell, promotional artwork for the film will literally be used for at least one variant cover, and likely more. I'd probably be on board if Bendis weren't just making up continuity from the "DnA" run as he goes along, but all reports are that he is, so blah.
Been a while since I commented on sales. Overall, I say Marvel is looking pretty good this month. All three issues of AGE OF ULTRON sold in the Top 10, and all of them at over 100k an issue. SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN is still paying off compared to average sales for ASM for the most part in 2012. WOLVERINE's latest reboot did well, although the second and third issue drops will be interesting to see. The swap from DARK WOLVERINE to WOLVERINE: WEAPON X years ago actually damaged the character's sales for several years, and all the buzz is that Marvel feels he's more popular than he actually is (or at least that Wolverine's popularity peaked years ago).
On the other hand, quite a few books down the bottom of the list. The fact that MORBIUS is selling below 23k and under the top 100 by issue #3 all but confirm it is a dead book walking. It will be lucky to exist beyond a 10th issue, as demand for this wasn't high, but I imagine this was done with some zeal since the last two ASM spin off's have done modestly well. It isn't pretty that SCARLET SPIDER and VENOM aren't too many shades above MORBIUS, but both have at least been around over a year (VENOM has been around for almost 3 by now). FEARLESS DEFENDERS #2 saw a drastic drop and it's another title which probably won't see a dozen issues. I'd say launching it mere months after not even Matt Fraction could keep a DEFENDERS book afloat was a misstep. That franchise hasn't sold decently since the 1980's and it's unlikely to snap that streak.
I do wish DAREDEVIL sold better, but it does seem to be holding steady; it's been around 35-38k for months now if memory serves. Steady sales and critical buzz can keep a book going; after all, X-FACTOR hardly sets the racks on fire but it has had that for years.
YOUNG AVENGERS #3 shows a nasty drop, and AVENGERS ARENA is slipping, although the latter not as quickly as some books such as MORBIUS or FEARLESS DEFENDERS. Those deaths are sticking, folks. Apparently nobody gives a damn about Mettle or Chris Powell.
I do like seeing some third party competition; a couple of Image, Dark Horse, and IDW books are in the top 10, and even one from Aspen. The dilemma is that some of these are licensed properties, especially STAR WARS for Dark Horse which they'll be losing next year. While HELLBOY and BUFFY still do well for the company, one wonders how they'll rebound from losing that LucasCash. It has been fascinating to watch THE WALKING DEAD march up the Top 150 even before the TV show hit, and SAGA deserves to sell where it is selling. And considering that "My Little Pony" has a disturbing legion of "Brony" fans, its success in a direct comic book market which cliche claims is dominated by dorky, antisocial men is probably too much of a stereotype to make fun of.
Still, I think part of the unpublished story is that if you look at all those issue numbers from the "big two", you see few titles with issue counts above 20. Those that are usually are not selling too hot. A majority of those titles are in single digits and/or mini series. I think that showcases the boom-and-bust trend, which has become a tough nut to crack. Sales overall for the industry are good and have been for a while in comparative terms (and especially considering the Great Recession and dwindling magazine sales). I'm sure digital sales are a factor, but publishers are not obligated to list sales for those, so how much they offset any poor selling print comics are unknown. Although I imagine if some digital comic moved six or even five figures online in a month, Marvel or DC would be bragging about it on Newsarama as if they'd just cured cancer with a reprint. Still, I think this list shows that Marvel and DC have become very reliant on the cyclical relaunch, and it's had dwindling long term success ever since.
It used to be a joke that one day, every comic book would be a #1 issue. We're not too far removed from that being reality. At the very least, we may be reaching a point where every comic or franchise has a "season" and gets renumbered once a year.