Monthly Comic Sales Thread

Mr. Dent

Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
Rather than making a thread for each month:

April sales:

1 Batman 19 $3.99 DC 132,147
2 Thanos Rising 1 $3.99 Marvel 114,720
3 Jupiters Legacy 1* $2.99 Image 105,437
4 Age of Ultron 4 $3.99 Marvel 101,057
5 Justice League 19 $3.99 DC 100,943
6 Age of Ultron 5 $3.99 Marvel 97,982
7 Age of Ultron 6 $3.99 Marvel 97,242
8 Walking Dead 109 $2.99 Image 90,362
9 Batman and Red Robin 19 $2.99 DC 89,182
10 Guardians of the Galaxy 2 $3.99 Marvel 88,184
11 Superior Spider-Man 7 $3.99 Marvel 87,945
12 Superior Spider-Man 8 $3.99 Marvel 85,671
13 All New X-Men 10 $3.99 Marvel 84,760
14 Uncanny Avengers 6 $3.99 Marvel 80,863
15 Uncanny X-Men 4 $3.99 Marvel 80,047
16 Uncanny X-Men 5 $3.99 Marvel 78,919
17 Avengers 10 $3.99 Marvel 78,905
18 Detective Comics 19 $7.99 DC 77,922
19 Avengers 9 $3.99 Marvel 77,780
20 Uncanny Avengers 7 $3.99 Marvel 77,027
You know THANOS RISING sales figures really make me beg the question, if Marvel had timed THANOS IMPERITIVE in conjunction with The Avengers film, DnA would have been Gods.

Just another way Marvel has screwed them over.
Totally true. I just think it didn't match up. Are you saying they should have let the them keep writing Guardians and Nova for an extra year?
I think Thanos will drop quite a bit. It was promoted as a lead-in to Infinity and was later mentioned as not being necessary but nice to get into Thanos' head. That was sorta misleading in a "we'll say anything to get your money" sort of way.

Also, I find it interesting that 3 DC and 2 Indie titles outsold the highest selling ongoing Marvel title. Particularly the 2 Indie titles. I buy Walking Dead in trades and I'm not caught up yet, so I can't comment on that one, but Jupiter's Legacy was pretty good.
Im glad to see Bendis' X-men books at the top of the pack. Those are the only books Ive been reading
7 out of the top 16 are Bendis books. That's pretty awesome for Bendis.
Totally true. I just think it didn't match up. Are you saying they should have let the them keep writing Guardians and Nova for an extra year?

Yeah.. for sure...they were not even in cancellation range when they pulled them. The market was about the same then, and look at what marvel is letting linger now. DnA left a lot of hanging plots out there..they easily could have done another stable year, especially with a tweak or two (or better showing from Nova in Secret Avengers?).

Not like Marvel doesnt do this for other books...

Case in point "Captain Marvel" which i feel was an incredibly poorly planned series whose hook was mainly a costume change (add that with Ad Nauseum Time travel stories and some silly Flash Gordon Sky Cycle)..but marvel had something big planned for the character in Infinity, so the cancellation has been delayed and the book has slumped way down in sales.

Another book was Kevin Grievioux New Warriors run, which got about an extra year for no real reason IMO. I liked it, so I wasnt too mad about it..but it was selling very poorly the last 6 months or so.
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Captain Marvel is actually really good. I finally picked it up regularly when Dexter Soy left and was pleasantly surprised. The main drawback to its earliest issues for me was Carol acting like kind of a wet blanket and having all these self-confidence issues. But apparently that first arc was literally all about getting her over that, and she's been her normal, badass self since.
Honestly, I feel that Guardians ended fine. It tied up all its plots and was handled well. Nova's the one that ticked me off. Dangling plots like Tarsil (I think his name was) being rescued by Supernova, and then the Darkhawk being the most wanted man in the universe story. Nova had a bad showing in Secret Avengers because of Marvel's intent to kill him off. Give him another year or even 6 months to wrap up those two stories, give him a good showing in Secret Avengers, and maybe his title could have lived on.

And as THANOSRULES said... neither, and especially Guardians, were in cancellation territory. I mean, Marvel didn't even have the balls to call the books canceled. Just "hiatus". They just ended them, and I have no idea why.
Honestly, I feel that Guardians ended fine. It tied up all its plots and was handled well. Nova's the one that ticked me off. Dangling plots like Tarsil (I think his name was) being rescued by Supernova, and then the Darkhawk being the most wanted man in the universe story. Nova had a bad showing in Secret Avengers because of Marvel's intent to kill him off. Give him another year or even 6 months to wrap up those two stories, give him a good showing in Secret Avengers, and maybe his title could have lived on.

And as THANOSRULES said... neither, and especially Guardians, were in cancellation territory. I mean, Marvel didn't even have the balls to call the books canceled. Just "hiatus". They just ended them, and I have no idea why.
Would've been nice to see more of what Rich was doing with the new Nova Corps, too. I still wonder what happened to them or if they'll turn up in the new series once the origin story's out of the way and it catches back up to the present. There's really no reason Sam should be going it alone if they're still around, even without the Worldmind and Rich. Obviously the Nova Corps powers survived somehow.
My big thing is that Nova pulled it all into the Fault with him. It's bothering me that this Nova has the powers without any mention as to how it's even possible for him to be powered.

I get "all will be revealed", but when you expect readers to wait a year or more to even give the faintest of mentions as to why something that shouldnt' make sense is happening, that's just stretching it. It's essentially, "We may or may not reward you with an explanation that you may or may not like provided you first pay us $48+ in story leading up to it." If it's being revealed as the story is going, that's one thing, but no mention at all, or small enough mentions that it might as well be none (such as Star Lord and Thanos' return), yeah, that's an entirely different thing.
Oh hey, I just noticed this thread is now ongoing. Good call, Dent. I was hoping someone would eventually do that. I like reading about this stuff but always forget where to find the official reports. I recommend posting a list of the top 100, though, when it's released. Those are the numbers that people are interested in. The top numbers for who is winning, the bottom of the Top 100 to see what's in cancelation territory. And of course, for those who follow, the middle to see how sales are holding for various titles.
Would've been nice to see more of what Rich was doing with the new Nova Corps, too. I still wonder what happened to them or if they'll turn up in the new series once the origin story's out of the way and it catches back up to the present. There's really no reason Sam should be going it alone if they're still around, even without the Worldmind and Rich. Obviously the Nova Corps powers survived somehow.

yeah y'know i never really thought about that, those guys were dedicated and had a good structure..they would have survived even if they had to use tech and weapons to do there was like Loeb read a short paragraph summarizing DnA's run and TI and set his series based on that.

There's just no sense that any of this is building on what DnA did. It's basically pretending it never happened.

My big thing is that Nova pulled it all into the Fault with him. It's bothering me that this Nova has the powers without any mention as to how it's even possible for him to be powered.

I get "all will be revealed", but when you expect readers to wait a year or more to even give the faintest of mentions as to why something that shouldnt' make sense is happening, that's just stretching it. It's essentially, "We may or may not reward you with an explanation that you may or may not like provided you first pay us $48+ in story leading up to it." If it's being revealed as the story is going, that's one thing, but no mention at all, or small enough mentions that it might as well be none (such as Star Lord and Thanos' return), yeah, that's an entirely different thing.
Today 03:56 PM

And another big thing is all the wacky stuff Loeb threw 17 years ago Gamora and Raccoon are there..I mean maybe there is an explanation for that, maybe it was just a mistake...theres no even hint to tell me to stay on or that waiting around for answers is even worth it. It's not like Loeb has the rep that he's strong with continuity.

The simple guess is the Black Nova Corps goes off self powered tech or suits..or maybe there is some cheesy Black Nova Force or something.
With this decompression we'll get the answer 2 years from now.
I'm hoping it'll come in the next arc during Loeb's hiatus, because I'm fairly certain it's not coming in this one.
I havnt picked up #4 yet but the spoilers sounded like suckitude..and seemingly no answers to any of this stuff.
As far as I'm concerned, Gamora and Rocket were just independent agents adventuring around the cosmos 17 years ago. I ignore the Guardians mention and view Jesse's encounters with them as just stuff that happened long before Star-Lord assembled the present-day Guardians of the Galaxy.
Eh, Jigsaw still technically broke Spider-Man's arm in New Avengers' first couple issues. You learn to live with it. :oldrazz:
Oh hey, I just noticed this thread is now ongoing. Good call, Dent. I was hoping someone would eventually do that. I like reading about this stuff but always forget where to find the official reports. I recommend posting a list of the top 100, though, when it's released. Those are the numbers that people are interested in. The top numbers for who is winning, the bottom of the Top 100 to see what's in cancelation territory. And of course, for those who follow, the middle to see how sales are holding for various titles.
I have the link posted to where you can view that in the OP, underneath the quote of the top 20. I don't like posting the top 100 in forums posts because it's super long and super ugly under these HTML codes.
May sales:
1 X-Men 1 $3.99 Marvel 177,633
2 Batman 20 $3.99 DC 129,039
3 Justice League 20 $3.99 DC 97,676
4 Age of Ultron 7 $3.99 Marvel 96,664
5 Age of Ultron 8 $3.99 Marvel 95,522
6 Superior Spider-Man 9 $3.99 Marvel 93,656
7 Superior Spider-Man 10 $3.99 Marvel 85,346
8 Justice League of America 3 $3.99 DC 83,283
9 All New X-Men 11 $3.99 Marvel 80,582
10 Detective Comics 20 $3.99 DC 78,252
11 Iron Man 9 $3.99 Marvel 78,006
12 Justice League of America 4 $3.99 DC 77,856
13 Walking Dead 110 $2.99 Image 76,455
14 Uncanny Avengers 8 $3.99 Marvel 75,655
15 Avengers 12 $3.99 Marvel 74,978
16 Uncanny X-Men 6 $3.99 Marvel 73,621
17 Uncanny Avengers 8AU $3.99 Marvel 72,514
18 Avengers 11 $3.99 Marvel 70,687
19 Green Lantern 20 $7.99 DC 67,414
20 Thanos Rising 2 $3.99 Marvel 67,262
Full list:
I'm glad X-men #1 sold that much!

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