Marijuana binaural beats - getting "high" off of sounds.

Sentinel X

optical illusion
Apr 30, 2005
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Wow...I stumbled upon this while I was on youtube :dry:...Is this crazy or what!?! For me, nothing happened (I felt a little bit light headed but I think thats a placebo) but Im wondering if anyone here had any effects. Here is the video

Its basically binaural beats that causes your brain to behave the same way it does when you smoke weed. Its kind of funny when you think about it :hehe: ....but its not working :o well at least not for me.
didn't work for me but then smoking... is one of my hobbies
I tried it. Didn't do anything for me.
That's kinda cool. I was kinda spacing out, and the pattern in the background gave me shivers. :confused:
Nothing, but it may have triggered a flashback for me.

EDIT: Nope. Nothing.

EDIT 2: I watched this again, and while it caused no affects on me I think I'm compelled to worship Satan. You guys should probably stop watching it :dry:
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It works and I enjoyed it. Quick make it illegal so we can waste tax dollars to build more prisons for people who like it.
Certain songs from 90's techno pioneers Orbital give me that "high" effect. Also alot of Enigma songs are just as hypnotic. The secret is to put yourself into a hyper relaxed state of consciousness.
I coulnt concentrate on anything and i felt lightheaded.
If that what smoking weed feels like then its not for me.
Then agian, i kinda have an urge to listen too it agai. I think its addictive.
I coulnt concentrate on anything and i felt lightheaded.
If that what smoking weed feels like then its not for me.
Then agian, i kinda have an urge to listen too it agai. I think its addictive.
No, no, no, that not what weed is like at all.

On weed, everything is amazing, funny, compelling, meaningful...the only thing you got to worry about is the cough and the paranoia - if that happens to hit you (it happened to me, so i stopped years ago).
No, no, no, that not what weed is like at all.

On weed, everything is amazing, funny, compelling, meaningful...the only thing you got to worry about is the cough and the paranoia - if that happens to hit you (it happened to me, so i stopped years ago).

weed is awesome. the coughing and paranoia isn't the best. but other then that its a fun trip :]

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