Marvel Films non stopping!


David Self is the man.

Screenwriter David Self spoke with the trade as well and provided fans with an idea of what to expect from the Captain America movie. "He's a Norman Rockwell character who is faced with today's America and is forced to look at his own past, things in the '40s that weren't necessarily what they were cracked up to be," the scribe said, adding, "and also how today's country may be different than it looks."

Captain America is going to be awesome, just like Iron Man. Thanks for posting this, Wolverine.
I'm so excited. There's a possibility that this movie could fall into the trap of being corny or schmaltzy, but the comments that Self dropped still make it sound like he knows what he's doing. Now if the director is really as awesome as Avi seems to think he/she is, then this movie's gonna be one to look forward to.
Joe Q said it best when he said the one thing that will make a Cap movie successful, is heart.
GNR4Life said:
Joe Q said it best when he said the one thing that will make a Cap movie successful, is heart.

I like that. :) :up:
Nothing on Luke Cage still? When is there going to be a decent update, dammit.
More marvel movies- cool.

I just hope peoples would not get bored of Superhero movies, it's so many now.
Luke_Cage said:
Nothing on Luke Cage still? When is there going to be a decent update, dammit.

I truly believe the next thing we'll hear about Luke Cage is that the rights have reverted back to Marvel. Obviously an impass has been reached. Singleton really wants Tyrese, which clearly the studio doesn't seem to agree with (Singleton wouldn't have had to threaten that he'll do it his way or not at all if the studio didn't have a problem). Ben Ramsey's script was being tweaked significantly last we heard. Marvel has said nada. They're just waiting to get the rights back like they did with DD and Hulk.
Hey anyone know what happened to the Hero for Hire film they were going to make? Was it shelved or what? Never mind just read post above mine
^ I want to see that, though it won't happen.
sadly the everyday public probably hasn't heard of him, the list of heros that most people know (excluding DC) is Spider-Man, Hulk, Fantastic Four, X-men, and Captain America, that's it pretty sad huh? those are the only heros my non comic reading friends can name (and that's most of my friends since I've only got one friend who does read comics, well and my Uncle but he's been reading comics since he was a kid!).
Just a few words of advice to Marvel, "Stay close to the source material!"
I mean costumes, orgins, villians, superpowers and abilities. I love the classic mega stories. Every main Marvel charecter has one or more. Draw from those stories! Good luck Avi, don't let us down!:up:

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