Marvel Studios has us covered.

I'd love to see a remade Blade series, myself. I just hope it strikes the same tone as the Snipes movies, as he made that character. Before those movies, Blade was essentially a regular guy. Their making him a "Daywalker" was a fantastic idea, and it's something that was carried over into the comics afterwards. Not to mention the really great look that they created for Blade. The fade, the tattoos, the unique sword (as opposed to just using a regular katana), the coat with the interior red lining (a takeoff of Dracula's cape), etc, all worked fantastically. So if they do more of the same then I'd be glad to see it. Only difference I'd like to see is for them to embrace the supernatural version of vampires, as opposed to giving them a scientific explanation. They want to make Dr. Strange and other supernatural properties, after all, so I say embrace that aspect, and let's see Marvel's supernatural side in all of its glory. Damn, shame, though, that Ghost Rider won't be a part of that anytime soon.
Elba would make a great Luke Cage. Just not right for Blade IMO.

We should be done with Snipes, let him go. No J.White either, he's not a good actor at all (not that Snipes was in Blade either).

Get an unknown to relatively unknown and get closer to the Comic Blade, pre-movies. Blade was WAY to powerful in the movies IMO. The Vampires were complete b**ches and horrid eurotrash. Frost was the only one that worked IMO. He's half human/half Vampire and he's somehow WAY more powerful than a full blooded Vampire. I enjoyed the first movie but when they reboot I hope they do it better.
I don't know, Blade is supposed to be British. :o
Added MI-13 to the list, could be a great way to re-approach Blade and also get Marvel Studios to be international.
Whatever they do with Blade, I hope that they don't depower him and make him a supporting character like they did in Trinity and the tv show. Hopefully that doens't happen in the anime.

I think Green Lanterns biggest mistake was the casting of Ryan Renolds as Hal Jordaon/Green Lantern. To be a lead in a Superhero film, an actor needs to be able to portray character depth. Renolds' Hal seemed like a cheap Downey Jr.'s Stark. The biggest difference was that even though Downy Jr.'s Stark is comedic at times, he's still able to give a sense of he's hiding something, whether he fears his heart may give out or he's just not telling the whole story, which makes for an interesting character. Renolds' Hal was too one dimensional.

The guy has done great in other roles. Could it be that it was the script had a lack of depth. Also he slept with one girl at the start. I think the only problem with casting him is that people can't stop seeing everything he does as van wilder. But thats a whole nother conversation

Marvel has a christload of characters plus

They can create new ones. Hell with the ultimate line they are already experimenting with new folks in the costumes. Marvel don't get Spiderman back anytime soon, they got a backup in the making.
I don't blame Reynolds. I blame whoever wrote the script........and the fact that Hal Jordan sucks. :o
I don't blame Reynolds. I blame whoever wrote the script........and the fact that Hal Jordan sucks. :o

Ryan Reynolds has a comic-book curse. Blade Trinity, Wolverine, Green Lantern, those movies were bad. Its not his fault those movies were terrible but still.
Ryan Reynolds has a comic-book curse. Blade Trinity, Wolverine, Green Lantern, those movies were bad. Its not his fault those movies were terrible but still.
if marvel wants spidey back they shoul put reynolds in amazing spider-man 2, and if that doesn't work, put uwe boll as the director of 3
Ryan Reynolds has a comic-book curse. Blade Trinity, Wolverine, Green Lantern, those movies were bad. Its not his fault those movies were terrible but still.

Deadpool might buck the trend. Pre-Deadpool Wade was the best thing in Wolverine so I don't Reynolds can that bad as Deadpool.
Doesn't Marvel Studios have The Thunderbolts too?
^Yes they should, they'd have to pick the team carefully yet the team itself and the concept should be under the banner of Marvel Studios.
Surprised I'd forgotten to add it.
Deadpool might buck the trend. Pre-Deadpool Wade was the best thing in Wolverine so I don't Reynolds can that bad as Deadpool.

I kind of think it would honestly. Especially if they go the hard R route they are talking about. His campy humor and mannerisms would contrast awesomely with the sick and twisted violence and scenes.

I really think it would work.
Given that Disney owns Marvel we can pretty much rest assured that our only hope for hard R Marvel adaptations will probably be left in Fox's hands.

I wonder how the Agent Coulson/Thunderbolt Ross short will expand the universe, it's an added feature on the Thor dvd. I'm guessing it'll just be an update on the Hulk, be nice if they dropped a hint at another character though.
After seeing Captain America I have even more faith that Marvel Studios can use the lesser known properties well. Their track record is looking pretty stellar so far. The only thing that worries me about The Avengers is Whedon and his dialogue. It gets really annoying, but I still have high hopes for the movie.
After seeing Captain America I have even more faith that Marvel Studios can use the lesser known properties well. Their track record is looking pretty stellar so far. The only thing that worries me about The Avengers is Whedon and his dialogue. It gets really annoying, but I still have high hopes for the movie.

Thats your opinion of course but thats actually one of his strengths IMO. I'm very confident in great dialogue.
I've no clue how he goes from directing a bunch of shows of varying quality to helming Marvels most important movie ever.

It really boggles my mind.

Nothing about Glee, Buffy, Angel, The Office, or Firefly give me confidence that this guy would be the right choice to be in charge of something that should Marvel's biggest action extravaganza, the culmination of the efforts of Favreau, Branaugh, Letterier and Johnston...

I just don't get it.
I've no clue how he goes from directing a bunch of shows of varying quality to helming Marvels most important movie ever.

It really boggles my mind.

Nothing about Glee, Buffy, Angel, The Office, or Firefly give me confidence that this guy would be the right choice to be in charge of something that should Marvel's biggest action extravaganza, the culmination of the efforts of Favreau, Branaugh, Letterier and Johnston...

I just don't get it.

I've never been a buffy fan honestly, never really watched it. I LOVE Firefly though (and Serenity of course). The main thing I would say to take from that series would be his ability to write and direct and ensemble that all seem important and viable. Each character seems important, group chemistry and dialogue is great, and the character development is very well written and fit within the story and group dynamics.

I think Whedon is a great writer. I'll agree that I was surprised they chose him to direct, I figured he's just be re-writing the script. I like the choice though, and have faith that he will deliver. Favreau had little experience as a director when they let him do IM. Johnston had been very hit and miss. I think it was about picking people with the proper skill set and vision for the particular projects and Marvel has excelled at it.
I've never been a buffy fan honestly, never really watched it. I LOVE Firefly though (and Serenity of course). The main thing I would say to take from that series would be his ability to write and direct and ensemble that all seem important and viable. Each character seems important, group chemistry and dialogue is great, and the character development is very well written and fit within the story and group dynamics.

I think Whedon is a great writer. I'll agree that I was surprised they chose him to direct, I figured he's just be re-writing the script. I like the choice though, and have faith that he will deliver. Favreau had little experience as a director when they let him do IM. Johnston had been very hit and miss. I think it was about picking people with the proper skill set and vision for the particular projects and Marvel has excelled at it.

Some other hypesters have enlightened me on the subject as well so I'm a bit more at ease. Anyways, it's set in stone, they wouldn't conceivably blow things at this point.

I didn't know marvel was planning on Luke cage to be a TV franchise ...

Nothing is concrete yet, they were just throwing around ideas. So far as t.v. adaptations I've heard about Hulk seems for sure, Cloak and Dagger is in development for ABC Family with nothing attached, Mockingbird is an idea as is Moon Knight.

I'd heard Luke Cage mentioned more specifically as a 20-40 million dollar which is a lot of money if it is well managed. A film like the 2008 Rambo only cost about 50 million. Machete cost 10.5 million, Super cost 2 million, Taken cost 26.5 million. All are great in their own rights and show what can be done without the giant budgets.
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I'm pleased yet sort of disappointed.
Pleased because we'll be getting some television variety featuring Marvel characters yet disappointed because I have my doubts these characters will have anything to do with the movie-verse.
I'm pleased yet sort of disappointed.
Pleased because we'll be getting some television variety featuring Marvel characters yet disappointed because I have my doubts these characters will have anything to do with the movie-verse.
I would like the TV verse to be part of the marvel cinematic univerve

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