ragdus said:
I don't think Sylar's brain thievery has anything to do with his abilities. Consider: Claire was unable to regenerate until after the stick was taken from her brain. Sylar must know that if her brain is damaged she has no power (not necessarily HER but he knows there's someone out there). Also consider: Hiro tells Peter HE is the key and he needs to save Claire. Peter needs Clair's powers to stop Sylar, and Sylar needs her brain destroyed to prevent her from regenerating thus prevent Peter from gaining her power.
I suspect Sylar doesn't know WHICH hero has the regenerative abilities, or maybe the supers he's killed so far also had it and Claire is the last one. I don't know. But I don't think Sylar can gain her powers by taking her brain, he will just prevent Peter from being strong enough to beat him.
Well, you're completely right. There is absolutely no proof, nor any overt implication that his abilities are derived from the brains he steals. All we have to go on is that he appears to have multiple abilities, telekinesis primary among them, and certain predilection for the brains of other super powered individuals.
Now, he could just be a deranged serial killer/psychopath, with an intense paraphilia, involving emancipated brains. Or maybe it's diet related. Who knows? But they've made an explicit (and empty brain pans are rather explicit) point of showing his fascination for brains, and their removal. I'd love to explore some other ideas as to what this fascinating tendency is really about... What are you thinking the brain stealing is about?
As for Claire, you're quite right. Her powers ceased to work when her brain was put out of commission. I'm under the assumption that the writers raise this as an important point for later. It almost felt like there was a little flashing red light "important plot point". Perhaps they wanted to make the point, juxtaposed with his brain stealing, that her ability isn't a simple immune response (as it would normally be attributed, and is, in the comics) and that it is brain dependent. So why make the point? What does it mean? What are the writers trying to say?
It's a really good point about Claire, and deserves further discussion. Because as you say, her power may be useless to Sylar, if her brain is disconnected.
I'm going to have think about this.