Monopoly Movie?

I believe Ridley Scott is attached (or interested) to direct.
I've dreamed of making a movie based on Monopoly. They may not seem like it at first but board games are full of potential for film adaptation. If there's anything I can compare this too it's probably how disney turned a simple pirate ride into a fun adventure movie. There's so much potential here though, it'd be ridiculous for them to mess it up. Think about it... who the hell is mr. moneybags? How much drama would there be if our heros had to face that long stretch leading down to board walk an park place? Oh the suspense! oh the humanity!

Yes yesss, and if you step on a certain place you don't pass go...
Scott said something about a loose adaptation. A rivarly between businessmen (which is what the board game amounts to) is most likely the plot.
Scott said something about a loose adaptation. A rivarly between businessmen (which is what the board game amounts to) is most likely the plot.
I certainly wouldnt mind a story like that...But I have a feeling it will be somewhat corny.
McDonalds will have their hands all over this film...I dont mind because I love the McDonalds Monopoly game.
Daniel Day-Lewis
Johnny Depp



A Ridley Scott Film​
Depp: Well, I see you've bought the Boardwalk. That's all well and good, but you'll need somewhere to stay on the way. And my hotel on Park Place would just be perfect. Here's your bill!

Day-Lewis: Nooooooooooo!
The problem is that monopoly is different for everyone, It wouldn't even begin to make sense for those who are from other countries which have different properties on their boards...
What the hell would the story be. A real estate tycoon fights another real estate tycoon for control of the city and he builds hotels everywhere kicking everybody out of there homes.
If they set this in the 1930's when the game was first released as a period piece, I'd be all for it. But even a modern day setting would work. And is this like the 5th thread about this?
Clue is one of my favorite comedies, so maybe this will be the start/return of the board game movies...


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