Mos - fan-tasy


May 2, 2005
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here to discuss your Fan-tasy on MOS. i mean the imaginary scenes that you have thought of to make MOS more perfect.

for me, i would like to inject in a few dose of emotional engaging scenes like below

1. Cut to the Kent’s house after the school scene.

Pa Kent woke up in the middle of night to see Ma Kent weeping in sorrow.
“What happened, Martha? Are you alright?” Pa worried
Ma Kent turned to his shoulder and cried on…
“John, please don’t let them take away our son… please don’t let them take away our son…” She cried uncontrollably.
“nobody will gonna take away our son…”consoled Pa while patting on her back gently.
The room door opened and the kid Clark ran in and jumped into his parents’ embrace.
“See, Clark heard us…” Pa Kent cleaned her tears on her face…
Clark saw and did the same…
“Mom, why do they want to take me away?” Clark cleaning her face while asking in puzzle.
“Because you have gifts. You are special. They are interested in special people.” Pa Kent cut in.
“Clark, promise us that you will not use your gifts in front of anybody… they will take you away from us if they see that…”
Clark nodded eagerly.
Three of them then fell into a tight embrace…
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My fantasy is me and Faora.

It's not, but someone was going to say it so just getting it out of the way. :o
My fantasy is me and Faora.

It's not, but someone was going to say it so just getting it out of the way. :o
o i c. that kinda fantasy...
damn... wrote a wrong title again. :(
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2. Cut in between the fight scene of superman and general Zod.

Superman heard the scream of help and he sprinted down and caught the falling debris just in time to save a family.
When he was about to say "you are safe", general Zod dove into him and blew him away...
The debris fell and crushed on the family...
Superman was in shock and with his x-ray; he saw all the family member were dead including a kid. The image was getting blurry as tears began to fill up his eyes.
General Zod gave him another blow in the face, sending him across buildings and plummet into the debris.
Superman pulled himself up, injured and in daze.
He saw people dead, injured, crying and running for shelter.
He looked up and saw general Zod hovering in the air; shooting heat eye-beams, destroying missiles and fighting jet planes.
His emotion gradually changed from terror to anger and determination. He knew General Zod must be stopped at all cost.
He Propelled himself up and caught General Zod…

Cut into the final fight scene. [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
3. Cut to the cemetery scene.

After Clark talked about his father’s tragedy to Lois, he turned around, eyes filled with tears. He blamed himself for not saving his father and being too selfish and too afraid. Lois came to him, and hold him into her embrace like caressing a kid. We see the affection between them growing.[FONT=&quot][/FONT]
After the final battle with Zod, scientists at S.T.A.R. Labs find that Zod's neck was snapped by the force of his heat vision pushing against the wall. "He just couldn't bring himself to do it". "That's why we need a new saviour, one who isn't afraid to do what's necessary." Cue a chair swiveling around and Lex Luthor sitting in it.
After the final battle with Zod, scientists at S.T.A.R. Labs find that Zod's neck was snapped by the force of his heat vision pushing against the wall. "He just couldn't bring himself to do it". "That's why we need a new saviour, one who isn't afraid to do what's necessary." Cue a chair swiveling around and Lex Luthor sitting in it.

Sorry, that's a cop out.

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