MovieWood; Comedy Based on Hollywood Movies, Actors/Actresses!


Forever Haunted
Dec 31, 2007
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Just this funny idea I had about a movie inspired by the television series Extras. Not exactly the same but it's sorta the same idea, it's about this a Hollywood agent named Cory Burrows who is looking for an actor/actress to be assigned to.

Alarm clock rings, Cory Burrows carrys himself up and off of the bed. He walks into the washroom and opens the medicine cupboard and pulls out some eye drops and squirts a drop in one of his eyes and then moves to the other eye and squirts but accidently squirts a bit too much in his remaining eye.
Ass... CRAP! - Cory Burrows
Cory then enters his vehicle, places his key in the ignition and reverses out of the driveway.
Cory slows down his car then stops once he reaches the traffic light. A man dressed in rags walks along the sidewalk then oddly steps onto Cory's vehicle and walks over it with forceful steps.
What the hell(Cory steps out of his car and walks towards the man who had been walking on his car)? What was that for, jerk-ass? - Cory Burrows
Maybe you should learn how to drive, red-eye(refering to the eye that turned red after the eye drop incident) - Rag Guy
Look, jerk-off! I already had a ruff day so far so please don't make it worse, okay? - Cory Burrows
Hey, I'm not the one who parked along the crosswalk - Rag Guy
Cory looks over to the crosswalk as he notices his car is on it and fully taking up the crosswalk, he takes a deep breath.
Burrows, if you want to keep your job you're going to have to find a new client - Jeremy Daniels
I know that, Jeremy. It's just that I haven't been getting any calls lately - Cory Burrows
Here(Cory's boss hands Cory a small slip of paper), Val Kilmer is making an appearence at a nearby public school down the street. You should check it out - Jeremy Daniels
Class, today we have a special guest. So please give a warm welcome to Mister Val Kilmer - Teacher
Val Kilmer walks into the classroom, although he looks like he has a major hang over.
I need to go to the washroom - Val Kilmer
Val Kilmer leaves the room the same way he came in. (2 Minutes Later)He comes back into the room.
I'm sorry about that but do I look what I know what I'm saying when I don't know what you're saying? - Val Kilmer
The students looked like they had just saw a ghost.
...ahh, now kids. I'm sure that he's only refering to the movie that he did a while back called Mindhunters - Teacher
A young boy raises his hand. Val Kilmer points to him; directing that he can ask a question.
Are you Batman? - Young Boy
No; that's a stupid question, next - Val Kilmer
Were you gay in 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang'? - Young Girl
Yes. I mean no, I was on drugs when I signed on for the role - Val Kilmer
Val Kilmer is thrown out of the public school.
Where's Kilmer? - Cory Burrows
He hit the road - Teacher
He's also gay! - Young Girl
hey, can I have a super dumb moment?

I just stumbled upon the fan fiction and films section of the forums here and I had an honest question: What's this all about, can we post movie ideas and such up here to get some feedback, or what?

Sorry bout that...but if you'd like to help me out it'd be really apreciated, thanks...
hey, can I have a super dumb moment?

I just stumbled upon the fan fiction and films section of the forums here and I had an honest question: What's this all about, can we post movie ideas and such up here to get some feedback, or what?

Sorry bout that...but if you'd like to help me out it'd be really apreciated, thanks...
Yeah, that's what it's all about my friend. Just sharing our own imagination with others, that's all.

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