Mr. Terrific, just because....


The praetor of prattle
Apr 25, 2005
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A thread to Mr. Terrific, one of my new favorite heroes. Dang this guy is cool.
So pictures, comments and anything else about him is more than welcome.
I do have a question though, anyone know if he ever had his own series? or played a prominent part in the TPB's of JSA or anything?

he plays a prominant part in just about every JSA story.
Yeah, I like him quite a bit, also. He's a great character. The JSA named him their official leader.

Here's some more pics for ya:



There might be more out on the web, but I'm having trouble finding them.
Whoo hoo, of DC token Black heroes! Let's hear it for DC!
Scorpion said:
Whoo hoo, of DC token Black heroes! Let's hear it for DC!

I know you're probably joking, but what about Black Lightning, Black Manta, Steel, Jakeem Thunder, John Stewart, Thunder, Cyborg (well, half of him anyway :) )? There's plenty of them, man.
I'm not trying to be A Black extemest, but I'm not exactly joking either.

How much have we seen Black Lightning in the past 20 years? Has he ever had his own long running book?

I can't remember the last time I saw Black Manta other than the new Justice book by Alex Ross.

Steel was around for awhile, but John Henry Irons isn't even Steel anymore, his neice is. And I haven't seen her around since Cir-El.

No idea who Jakeem Thunder is, so I can't comment on that. But, since it's a name I am not familiar with, I have to ask, how popular and widely used are they?

John Stewart only showed up again because of the Cartoon Network's JLA cartoon, and I think he was there instead of Kyle Rayner, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, or Alan Scott just so that they could try to be P.C. and have a token black character.

Thunder I believe is on the Outsiders, and I'd never heard of that character before that series started. If I'm correct, she was created for that comic, specifically.

Cyborg has been around for awhile, but, again, has he ever had his own ongoing series?

I'm just saying, I'd like to see a few more people with a variety of ethnicities in DC as dominate characters (not sorry a$$ cheap knock offs like Orpheus in a purple trench coat), instead of a token here, and a token there.
Not this again! :(

Scorpion said:
I can't remember the last time I saw Black Manta other than the new Justice book by Alex Ross.

If you read Aquaman you would see that he had a big part in the "Thirst" story arc. He came back after that and made another appearance in last month's Aquaman. If I'm not mistaken he will (again) have a central role in the upcoming story. I'd say he's a recurring character but I don't want to go agaoinst anyone's conceptions. :(
Please please please don't turn this into a ethnic equality thread. It doesn't matter that he's black or white, Mr. Terrific is just plain cool thats why we like him so much.

So just love him for who he is. I don't think, "oh look Mr. Terrific is black, and cool..."
I think, whoa Mr. Terrific sure is cool!
His being black never enters my mind.
"Not this again!

That's what everybody said in the 60's when Martin Luther King Jr. marched. But, I won't continue,...I know that the majority of the Hype users are anti-heroes of color.
no, we enjoy heroes of colour just as much or more as anyone else, we just don't care about the colour of a heroes skin, we care about the heart that beats beneath it.
Scorpion said:
How much have we seen Black Lightning in the past 20 years? Has he ever had his own long running book?

This month and last month in Outsiders, next month he is having a two part arc with Green Arrow and he was in Identity Crisis. And yes he had a solo series in the 1970s and then again in 1995.

Scorpion said:
I can't remember the last time I saw Black Manta other than the new Justice book by Alex Ross.

recently been in an aquaman arc.

Scorpion said:
No idea who Jakeem Thunder is, so I can't comment on that. But, since it's a name I am not familiar with, I have to ask, how popular and widely used are they?

he is the controller of the thunderbolt. he was in JSA every month till a few issues ago, soon there will be an arc about where he went too.

Scorpion said:
John Stewart only showed up again because of the Cartoon Network's JLA cartoon, and I think he was there instead of Kyle Rayner, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, or Alan Scott just so that they could try to be P.C. and have a token black character.

actually he was selected to be in it as paul dini said he was his favourite green lantern. he can now be seen in both JLA and in the Green Lantern series. Even when he wasn't a green lantern he would regulary be in the comics as a supporting character.

Scorpion said:
Thunder I believe is on the Outsiders, and I'd never heard of that character before that series started. If I'm correct, she was created for that comic, specifically.

she is black lightnings daughter. well yes she was created for the comic, but so?

Scorpion said:
Cyborg has been around for awhile, but, again, has he ever had his own ongoing series?

no he hasn't had a solos eries, but he has still been the main stay in the titans for a good thrity years.

Mr. Terrific is one of the best characters in comics at the moment. To be honest, I can't see your problem with him.
Scorpion said:
That's what everybody said in the 60's when Martin Luther King Jr. marched. But, I won't continue,...I know that the majority of the Hype users are anti-heroes of color.

Chill, dude! This is a thread to praise the character and you came in to belittle it. You should do a search and see that there was a lengthy thread discussing this same theme, It doesn't have any place in here! And if you think that the MAJORITY of the Hype posters are racists you'd be surprised at how wrong you are.
Scorpion said:
I'm not trying to be A Black extemest, but I'm not exactly joking either.

Fair enough.

Scorpion said:
How much have we seen Black Lightning in the past 20 years? Has he ever had his own long running book?

He's currently leading The Outsiders

Scorpion said:
I can't remember the last time I saw Black Manta other than the new Justice book by Alex Ross.

He's an Aquaman villain, and thus apeares in his book on and off.

Scorpion said:
Steel was around for awhile, but John Henry Irons isn't even Steel anymore, his neice is. And I haven't seen her around since Cir-El.

Both John and his neice have been apearing in Superman's supporting cast regularly.

Scorpion said:
No idea who Jakeem Thunder is, so I can't comment on that. But, since it's a name I am not familiar with, I have to ask, how popular and widely used are they?

Jakeem Thunder (also known as J.J. Thunder) is the other junior member of the JSA along with Stargirl (and Captain Marvel, I guess), and is the most recent inheritor of the Thunderbold geni.

Scorpion said:
John Stewart only showed up again because of the Cartoon Network's JLA cartoon, and I think he was there instead of Kyle Rayner, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, or Alan Scott just so that they could try to be P.C. and have a token black character.

Actually, John had been a major supporting character in Kyle's series for years before JL and JLU came on the air. And, he's going to be featured prominantly in Green Lantern Corps: Recharged.

Scorpion said:
Thunder I believe is on the Outsiders, and I'd never heard of that character before that series started. If I'm correct, she was created for that comic, specifically.

She was. Does that make her any less of a character? Oh, and she's also Black Lightning's daughter.

Scorpion said:
Cyborg has been around for awhile, but, again, has he ever had his own ongoing series?

No, but he's a very major character in TT. Has been for years.

Scorpion said:
I'm just saying, I'd like to see a few more people with a variety of ethnicities in DC as dominate characters (not sorry a$$ cheap knock offs like Orpheus in a purple trench coat), instead of a token here, and a token there.

I see what you're saying. But I'd only agree with that if they focus on the character, and not just try and say "hey look, this guy's (insert nationality/ethnicity/religion here)".
SuGarRush said:
Please please please don't turn this into a ethnic equality thread. It doesn't matter that he's black or white, Mr. Terrific is just plain cool thats why we like him so much.

So just love him for who he is. I don't think, "oh look Mr. Terrific is black, and cool..."
I think, whoa Mr. Terrific sure is cool!
His being black never enters my mind.

Exactly. And yes, Mr. T (oh my God, I just got that) is one hella cool character. Batman has even riped of his tech, he's so cool.
The Question said:
Exactly. And yes, Mr. T (oh my God, I just got that) is one hella cool character. Batman has even riped of his tech, he's so cool.

Yup, the dude's one of the smartest human characters in the DCU. I 'd love to see him get his own on-going series or at least a mini. He's very uderrated and underutilized.
Just found this:


looking at the signature it is drawn by Simone Bianchi, who is currently drawing seven soldiers: shining knight, and will be drawing green lantern soon.

but I could be wrong.
yenaled said:
Just found this:


looking at the signature it is drawn by Simon Bianchi, who is currently drawing seven soldiers: shining knight, and will be drawing green lantern soon.

but I could be wrong.

Yeah, that's a cool pic, I wanted to post it but was looking for a larger version. Unfortunately there's not a lot of pics of him available on-line. :(
Did anyone notice that his name can be shortened to "Mr. T"? Is that a coincidence, or a gag put in by the writers? I mean, I know Mr. Terrific predates T, but since the new one is black, I'm just saying, it's funny. Even though he's about 1,000,000 times smarter than Mr. T.
I think it is a coincidence. Well I wouldn't even call it a coincidense as Michael Holt doesn't look anything like Mr. T except that he is black and male. ;)
"This month and last month in Outsiders, next month he is having a two part arc with Green Arrow and he was in Identity Crisis. And yes he had a solo series in the 1970s and then again in 1995."

Wow, this month and last month,...not bad for a character that's been around since the 70's. And in Identity Crisis,...he did have a rather big part in that, didn't he? And, dang he had his own series in the 70's and '95? Then he's had more than his fair share of airtime.

"recently been in an aquaman arc."

That's astonishing! One of the few rogue's gallery Aquaman actually has, recently was afforded an arch. Did he have his helment off at any time during that arch?

"he is the controller of the thunderbolt. he was in JSA every month till a few issues ago, soon there will be an arc about where he went too."

It's weird that I've been reading various DC titles for 20 or more years and I don't recall ever hearing about him. I'm sure he's an overly used character, I must have just missed him.

"actually he was selected to be in it as paul dini said he was his favourite green lantern. he can now be seen in both JLA and in the Green Lantern series. Even when he wasn't a green lantern he would regulary be in the comics as a supporting character."

Really, I can't remember the last time I saw him in comics before his return around 2002-ish.

"she is black lightnings daughter. well yes she was created for the comic, but so?"

Just notating that she's not a main character and was created as, no doubt, another token character for filler.

"no he hasn't had a solos eries, but he has still been the main stay in the titans for a good thrity years."

Cyborg made his first appearance in October of 1980, hardly "a good 30 years," and has been in the various Titans books, over the years. I would hardly say he's been a constant.

Does DC have even one character on par with Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, or the majority of the GLs? I can't think of one.
yenaled said:
I think it is a coincidence. Well I wouldn't even call it a coincidense as Michael Holt doesn't look anything like Mr. T except that he is black and male. ;)

Good point. I'm just saying, the writer had to have noticed that. Anyway, Terrific is hella cool. One of the best.
Scorpion said:
Really, I can't remember the last time I saw him in comics before his return around 2002-ish.

He had been a major supporting character in Kyle's book for years befor 2002.

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