The Dark Knight Rises Must Have Quote for the Third Film!

Bruce Wayne Jr.

Apr 23, 2007
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"Criminals are a superstitious cowardly lot, so I must wear a disguise that will strike terror into their hearts! I must be a creature of the night, black, terrible, a bat!"

Or something very much similar with the "superstitious cowardly lot...strike terror into their hearts" intact...

Perhaps as a narrative at the beginning or end of the movie when Bruce realizes that he must be batman forever.

Anyway, just geekin it out right now over the awesomeness of the new trailer!
Didn't he pretty much say lines equivalent to that in Batman Begins?
Didn't he pretty much say lines equivalent to that in Batman Begins?

Hey, wait a minute, you're right.

Alfred Pennyworth: Are you coming back to Gotham for long, sir?
Bruce Wayne: As long as it takes. I'm gonna show the people of Gotham that their city doesn't belong to the criminals and the corrupt.
Alfred Pennyworth: In the depression, your father nearly bankrupted Wayne Enterprises combating poverty. He believed his example could inspire the wealthy of Gotham to save their city.
Bruce Wayne: Did it?
Alfred Pennyworth: In a way. Their murders shocked the wealthy and the powerful into action.
Bruce Wayne: People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy and I can't do that as Bruce Wayne, as a man I'm flesh and blood I can be ignored I can be destroyed but as a symbol, as a symbol I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting.
Alfred Pennyworth: What symbol?
Bruce Wayne: Something elemental, something terrifying.
Didn't he pretty much say lines equivalent to that in Batman Begins?

Close...but, I was thinking of a narrative at the beginning or end of the film. with the ""Criminals are a superstitious cowardly lot..." again when Bruce realizes that his war on crime will have to continue for quite some time.
Close...but, I was thinking of a narrative at the beginning or end of the film. with the ""Criminals are a superstitious cowardly lot..." again when Bruce realizes that his war on crime will have to continue for quite some time.

Nah, it'd be repetitive. He's already said something along those lines. Saying it again wouldn't have much of an impact, might come off lame. And the "criminals are a superstitious cowardly lot" works well in the comics but I don't think I can see this Batman saying it that way.
Nah, it'd be repetitive. He's already said something along those lines. Saying it again wouldn't have much of an impact, might come off lame. And the "criminals are a superstitious cowardly lot" works well in the comics but I don't think I can see this Batman saying it that way.

In Nolan's Films, It would be better if Bruce, in a more natural voice, delivered the lines as opposed to Batman. Overall, It's all in the delivery. Or maybe just wishful thinking.:cwink:

To be more specific,
It would exist either in the beginning or end of the film as a narrative that would be delivered over a montage of Bruce working in the cave, training, etc. All building up to Batman poised into this iconic image...


Yeah, just wishful thinking...Still, I believe it could work!

Two Face: Heads I win, Tails you lose...
Wait that's my line....:woot:

Good stuff.
In Nolan's Films, It would be better if Bruce, in a more natural voice, delivered the lines as opposed to Batman. Overall, It's all in the delivery. Or maybe just wishful thinking.:cwink:

Batman, Bruce, whatever. What I meant it was a line I would expect from Adam West. It just sounds a little corny. Mainly the "superstitious cowardly lot". And if you changed the wording then you've pretty already had the line in BB. And saying it again, no matter what circumstances, would seem weird. Like "um, yes Bruce, you told me before... you know, when you came up with the idea originally". But if he hadn't already said something along those lines it might have been a good idea.
It should end with him jumping off a building and says "I am the Knight, I am BATMAN"
It should end with him jumping off a building and says "I am the Knight, I am BATMAN"

I like long as it's a narrative. Not uttering that statement as he jumps off.

Batman, Bruce, whatever. What I meant it was a line I would expect from Adam West. It just sounds a little corny. Mainly the "superstitious cowardly lot". And if you changed the wording then you've pretty already had the line in BB. And saying it again, no matter what circumstances, would seem weird. Like "um, yes Bruce, you told me before... you know, when you came up with the idea originally". But if he hadn't already said something along those lines it might have been a good idea.

I do hear where you're coming from. It is a fine line, no doubt about it.

As corny as the words "superstitious" and "cowardly lot" may sound to some, I believe it could be glossed over by how well it's done.

The more I watch Memento and The Prestige, I know that Nolan could make it work. The narratives work so well in those films. Especially the last scene of Memento. In the context of the third Begins film, it would be a narrative over the series of images I described. Preferably at the end. All setting the tone for Bruce's continual war on crime.

As far as sounding repetitive,
of course it is! That's what's great about it! It would be a throwback to the lines delivered in the first film thus tying everything together full circle. You can tell I've thought about this. :woot:
Joker: (same tone as when he said "Come on, hit me!" in TDK) "you don't own the night Batsy!"

Batman: (in an even louder, growling voice) "i am the night!"

then crashes Mr. J's head through a window/mirror...
lol that's pretty much in reference to the comic book adaptation of B89 where in the first few minutes of the film, the thug asks "Who are you?!" and Batman says "I'm Batman.".. In the comic book adaptation, the thug instead claims "you don't own the night!" then Bats says "I am the night", but in a very low-key, Keatonesque fashion.

However, I would foresee that scene/quote I posted above taking part in the finale, probably in the carnival, in the house of mirrors, bats throwing him around while he's laughing but near death along with a few quick cuts of clown pictures and mannequins burning..

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