MxDC Vs ~ The NOW 52 - Part 1

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Marvel x DC #1
WolfCypher (Creator) • The Corpulent One (Authorized)
Variant Votes by DOCKER 2.0, BLACKVULCAN, OBI-RON, runawayboulder, & THE MIGHTY THOR
Sketch Variants by BIGSAMS50 & PemLam
Digital Variants by DUKE, chiefchirpa, & flash13
Typeface Variants by ROUGEDK & CANARYFAN
Blank Cover by SPECTRE313
• THIS IS IT! The greatest era of the HYPE! starts here!
• MWF vs Pale Rider! With EVERYTHING on the line!
• The devastating secret of Yodaman!
• Who is...hops?!!
• lixdexia is kind of a dick.
• And a major death, so shocking, so out of nowhere, that will change the HYPE! forever...ANUBIS dies!!! True Believer!
• Special appearances by Didio, Loeb, and Liefeld! Guest-starring Wolverine and Batman!
7 PGS./Rated SEXY …41 Euros



Approved by TheCorpulent1.​

Archieves of All Rounds

Retroactive Round 175
Iron Man x The Dark Knight

Retroactive Round 1568
Catwoman x Black Canary

Rounds 1531 - 1600
Wolverine x Wonder Woman
The Thing x Aquaman
Mr. Fantastic x Martian Manhunter
Daredevil x Black Canary
Gorilla Grodd x Vandal Savage
Ghost Rider x Captain Atom
Spider-Man x Batman
She-Hulk x Dr. Strange
ROM x Death's Head II
Electro x Captain Cold
Namor x Hawkman
Cable x Grifter
Blizzard x Icicle II
Atlas x Geo-Force
Black Lightning x Blue Devil
Black Lightning x Cyborg
Superboy x Power Girl
Spectacular Spider-Man x Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Invisible Woman x Wonder Woman
Punisher x Daredevil
Batgirl x Black Canary
Absorbing Man x Giganta
Bane x Lobo
The Hulk x Wolverine
Red Skull x Lex Luthor
Hercules x Guy Gardner
Trickshot x Merlyn
Major Force x The General
Lockheed x Krypto
Kitty Pryde x Supergirl
Zatanna x Catwoman
Doomsday x Cyborg-Superman
Catwoman x Red Robin
Doctor Strange x Aquaman
Union Jack x Grifter
Spider-Man 2 x Amazing Spider-Man
Catwoman x Black Canary
Super-Skrull x Despero
Taskmaster x Black Manta
Doctor Octopus x Baron Zemo
Apocalypse x Black Adam
Scorpion x Captain Cold
Tim Burton's Batman x Batman Returns
Venom (Flash Thompson) x Deathstroke
Emma Frost x Martian Manhunter
Daredevil x Green Arrow
Wasp x Phoenix
Jason Todd x Damian Wayne
Swamp Thing x Animal Man
Juggernaut x Lobo
Spider-Island x Ends of the Earth
Scarlet Spider x Red Hood
Spider-Man x Deadpool
Cyclops x Sinestro
Hal Jordan x Sinestro
Falcon x Steel
Falcon x War Machine
The Joker x Superman
Red Hulk x Venom (Flash Thompson)
The Thunderbolts x Exiles
Loki x Black Adam
Black Cat x Harley Quinn
Ang Lee's Hulk x Superman Returns
Fear Itself x Spider-Island
X-23 x Blue Beetle
Ronald Raymond x Jason Rusch
Rogue x Donna Troy
Avengers vs. X-Men x Night of the Owls
Hypno-Hustler x Typeface x Big Wheel
Condiment King x Rainbow Raider x Kite-Man
Nova x Kyle Rayner
Nova (Sam Alexander) x Simon Baz
Red Hulk x Captain Atom
The Black Mirror x Night of the Owls
Quicksilver x Barry Allen
Harry Osborn x Gwen Stacy
X-23 x Ravager
Batgirl x Red Robin
The Avengers x The Dark Knight Rises​

Rounds 1601-Ongoing
Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman x Anne Hathaway's Catwoman
Phoenix x Raven
Psylocke x Starfire
Colossus x Beast Boy
Beast x Cyborg
Civil War x Avengers vs. X-Men
Nuke x Bane
Sabretooth x Bane
Sabretooth x Cheetah
Bane x Hush
Lightning Lad x Timber Wolf
Kate Bishop x Stephanie Brown
Marvel's The Avengers x The Dark Knight
Maestro x Old Man Logan
Hit-Monkey x Gorilla-Man
Songbird x Starfire
Daken x Jason Todd
Defenders x Doom Patrol
Grizzly & Gibbon x Shimmer & Mammoth
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman x Smallville
The Avengers run of 2012 (COMICS ONLY) x The X-Men run of 2012
Kyle Rayner x Blue Beetle
Nova x Kyle Rayner
Nightwing x Kyle Rayner
Fantastic Four x Wonder Woman
Wolverine x Iron Man
Ultron x Black Adam
Venom (Flash Thompson) x Scarlet Spider (Kaine)
Nightcrawler x Nightwing
Heath Ledger's Joker x Tom Hardy's Bane
Loki x Thanos
Mesmero x Psimon
The Amazing Spider-Man x The Dark Knight Rises
Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow x Anne Hathaway's Catwoman
Wonder Man x Captain Atom
Red Hulk x Captain Atom
Attuma x Ocean Master
Mystique x Cheetah
Luke Cage x Back Canary
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Thunder,Thunder,ThunderrrCats..I mean Bolts!!
Gotta go with Wolf on this one, so Exiles!!!
I'm going T-Bolts by default.

I never read Exiles so my apologies to all you Exiles-lovers.
Exiles. That book used to be fantastic.
The Winner of Round 1581 is...Thunderbolts (7-4)



Round 1582
Loki x Black Adam
I lean more DC, so Black Adam.
Black Adam, only because of his appearance in that Superman cartoon
Freakin Wolf! :argh: I'm going Loki but barely.
I'm going to go Black Adam. He's just a boss.
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