My cat....


Big damn hero
May 20, 2004
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This is the thread for sharing bizarre stories about your cat, kitten, ***** (not that kind :mad: ) or whatever you want to call your feline friend.

why cats you ask? because they act so diginfied yet they do the funniest craziest things ever.

i'll start this off:

My cat Monty is, right at this momment, laying in his litter box...just walked right in and laid down on his litter. he's been in there for about 10 minutes now so it's not a matter of doing this business or constipations. He even left and came back...This is a cat that, apparently, just enjoys chilling amongst his vapors...:confused:

lol, so wierd
My cat likes angel food cake
my cat likes potato chips and breads.

he also randomly attacks my elbows and when i look at him he just runs off!
My cats name is Spot and my family found him alone in our backyard on a cold november night in 1996. He loves to fight with my dog, eat tuna, pringles, and licks lollipops. I bought him a cat condo for christmas last year and he lives in that. He also enjoys sitting by the window watching birds at the bird feeder. He makes a weird noise and twitches his mouth when ever he sees one. Also, my cat will not take a dump in his litter box if someone is near or watching.
I think my cat has a foot fetish. He's also learned how to open the screen door by himself. He also gets attacked by this bird...and let's it attack him. Doesn't swat at it and doesn't run away. I don't get it.
HarleenQuinzel said:
He also enjoys sitting by the window watching birds at the bird feeder. He makes a weird noise and twitches his mouth when ever he sees one.

you're cat makes that wierd "meh...meh eh eh meh meh..meh meh" noise too :eek:

my cat does that whenever he sees a flying bug in the house and is in pursuit. maybe it's a cat's way of saying "i'm gonna get you sucka!"
I think that the cat is trying to imatate the birds call to lure it. My cat got a bird once and bit it so it was half dead, then he toyed with it and batted it around before he ate it.
I have three cats and the strangest one is the second youngest. I've had him for a few years and he NEVER lets anybody touch him. If you approach him he runs away. The only reason he ever comes back is for food. I doubt we'll even find out when he dies cause he spends 90% of the time outside.
I really, really want to attempt to toilet train my cat. That would be so awesome.:up:

HarleenQuinzel said:
I think that the cat is trying to imatate the birds call to lure it. My cat got a bird once and bit it so it was half dead, then he toyed with it and batted it around before he ate it.

My cat catched lizards, sometimes big ones...but he never eats them. He brings them to the door like some sort of offering.
HarleenQuinzel said:
I really, really want to attempt to toilet train my cat. That would be so awesome.:up:


HAHAHA I always wanted to try that to.
My cat also loves to wake me up at 3:00 in the morning by chewing on my hair and tapping my face with his paw.
One of my cats likes to eat bugs........
well, my cat has this weird habit of pulling his own fur out on the left side of his body and leaving it in my bed. he only seems to do it when he gets in trouble, mostly for pissing all over my moms "lesbian convict" shoes in her closet. hes a sweetie!
My cat will pull and pull on his claw with his teeth until it comes out (because cats shed the outer layer of there claw).
i have 2 cats ...

both males and tend to fight one another whenever one gets to close to other

one is really wierd when it comes to what food they eat ...

his name is Rocky and he doesn't touch cat food :confused: ... he usually just eats whutever i eat ... chips, burgers, nachos with chili cheese, etc.

the other eats the cat food i put out ...
I've taught my cat to sit on command like a dog.
Does anyone here have a cat that hates being picked up? I don't pick up my cat because he hates it, and I wouldn't like it if something twice my size picked me up.
HarleenQuinzel said:
Does anyone here have a cat that hates being picked up? I don't pick up my cat because he hates it, and I wouldn't like it if something twice my size picked me up.

yep, that would be Rocky ...

sometime i'll get away with it if i pick him up after he's been sleeping for hours ...

but when i try it when he's awake, he'll start grouling ...

i swear it sounds like he's saying "why you son of a b****!"

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