So I have a cat now... sort of


Apr 23, 2005
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My friend has had a stray kitten showing up outside his house the past week or so, but he's unable to take it in since he and his roommate are allergic to cats... but they wanted it to have a home because it's been stuck sleeping out in the cold. They've been leaving food and water for it, but that's about it.

Well I was over at their house tonight, and they were asking if anyone wanted to take it. So I stepped up, and brought it home. Another friend gave me a new bag of cat foot, cat litter, and a litter box for the cat to take home with me. We also have arrangements to get it checked out for what shots it needs and such.

Unfortunately, my apartment complex requires a deposit to keep pets, a deposit that I can't afford :( So I probably can't keep it long term, but luckily my friend says he knows someone else who'd be willing to take it. So in the meantime, I'm probably just giving it a home until that other person can take it.

But damn, she's so cute and sweet, and she's adapted really well to my apartment, I hate to give her up :(
Talk to your landlord and maybe you can work something out to where you pay the deposit slowly.
My friend has had a stray kitten showing up outside his house the past week or so, but he's unable to take it in since he and his roommate are allergic to cats... but they wanted it to have a home because it's been stuck sleeping out in the cold. They've been leaving food and water for it, but that's about it.

Well I was over at their house tonight, and they were asking if anyone wanted to take it. So I stepped up, and brought it home. Another friend gave me a new bag of cat foot, cat litter, and a litter box for the cat to take home with me. We also have arrangements to get it checked out for what shots it needs and such.

Unfortunately, my apartment complex requires a deposit to keep pets, a deposit that I can't afford :( So I probably can't keep it long term, but luckily my friend says he knows someone else who'd be willing to take it. So in the meantime, I'm probably just giving it a home until that other person can take it.

But damn, she's so cute and sweet, and she's adapted really well to my apartment, I hate to give her up :(

How much is the deposit? Can your friend help you out with that?
Its a $300 deposit. I dont think he could help out, he's pretty broke too.
Tell your landlord that you're thinking about getting an animal, but the pet deposit is a little too steep for you and ask if you can pay it in monthly installments (the fewer payments the better).

That, or just not tell the landlord you've got a cat.
That being said, not to sound harsh, but if you can't afford a 300 pet deposit (which isn't bad, mine was 500), then you need to ask yourself if you can afford to take care of an animal, especially if it's a young stray. It'll need shots and other vet-matianence which very quickly adds up to a LOT of money, which will make that 300 deposit seem like chump change.
That being said, not to sound harsh, but if you can't afford a 300 pet deposit (which isn't bad, mine was 500), then you need to ask yourself if you can afford to take care of an animal, especially if it's a young stray. It'll need shots and other vet-matianence which very quickly adds up to a LOT of money, which will make that 300 deposit seem like chump change.

Too true. Though mostly you can find a vet that will give your cat all the required shots and all that on the cheap. Just hope your cat never gets sick (she will) or hurt (probably).
You might also want to check if anyone has lost a cat nearby.
You might also want to check if anyone has lost a cat nearby.

I may look into that, simply because when I went to feed it this morning, the cat knew exactly what was going on as soon as I grabbed the bag of food. I don't know if a stray who's simply had a bowl of tuna left outside of my friend's door would know that me grabbing a bag = feeding time. Maybe I'm wrong.

All the other financial stuff outside of the deposit is all stuff that I've considered. And honestly, as much as I'd love to keep the cat, I think I'm leaning towards giving it up.
What Spider-Who said about vet bills, but look around your area. There are always going to be low cost spay/neuter and vaccination options out there because those are the basics.
I had friends in college who kept pets in the dorms and weren't supposed to. As long as little kitty doesn't pee all over the carpet (and cats normally don't), then it shouldn't be too difficult. As long as you keep the curtains drawn. :funny:

You can get low-cost vaccinations at clinics. I volunteered for a spay-neuter clinic that did ferals for free. If you didn't want your cat to have a clipped ear (which is how they marked the ferals), then it would be $50 or so. Vaccinations and FELV tests were a little bit more, but it was very affordable. Everything under $100.

I have a cat myself, and they're fairly low maintenance compared to dogs. But you can never be too ready for a medical emergency and a $500 vet bill. I feed my cat very healthy because of that - if it's a boy cat, definitely think about only feeding it wet food to discourage UTIs. My kitty is a spoiled kitty, but at least he's healthy! :word:
I had friends in college who kept pets in the dorms and weren't supposed to. As long as little kitty doesn't pee all over the carpet (and cats normally don't), then it shouldn't be too difficult. As long as you keep the curtains drawn. :funny:

You can get low-cost vaccinations at clinics. I volunteered for a spay-neuter clinic that did ferals for free. If you didn't want your cat to have a clipped ear (which is how they marked the ferals), then it would be $50 or so. Vaccinations and FELV tests were a little bit more, but it was very affordable. Everything under $100.

I have a cat myself, and they're fairly low maintenance compared to dogs. But you can never be too ready for a medical emergency and a $500 vet bill. I feed my cat very healthy because of that - if it's a boy cat, definitely think about only feeding it wet food to discourage UTIs. My kitty is a spoiled kitty, but at least he's healthy! :word:

Yes. I only give Clint wet food with the occasional bit of dry food at night to hold him over.
Yes. I only give Clint wet food with the occasional bit of dry food at night to hold him over.
When we leave for a couple days, we have to give him dry food because raw chicken obviously goes bad in no time. He does fine on it for a few days, but he's being very annoying right now because I haven't have a chance to cut up raw chicken for him since we've gotten back. :funny:

He is a very discerning kitty. :woot: One time we even got him ground chicken pet food from Whole Foods (the big frozen block from their store butcher) that said, "Not for human consumption." We tried to feed him some. He sniffed, then looked at us like, "Excuse me, this isn't fit for MICKEY consumption either!" I only feed him human-grade chicken now. :oldrazz:
When we leave for a couple days, we have to give him dry food because raw chicken obviously goes bad in no time. He does fine on it for a few days, but he's being very annoying right now because I haven't have a chance to cut up raw chicken for him since we've gotten back. :funny:

He is a very discerning kitty. :woot: One time we even got him ground chicken pet food from Whole Foods (the big frozen block from their store butcher) that said, "Not for human consumption." We tried to feed him some. He sniffed, then looked at us like, "Excuse me, this isn't fit for MICKEY consumption either!" I only feed him human-grade chicken now. :oldrazz:

I don't go all out like that. I just buy him some cans of Wellness of Blue Buffalo.
**** cats...

... get it?

Do this Knows...


Op if anyone recalls I had a stray kitten rescued, but I sent her to petsmart. If worse comes to worse do not take her to a shelter, a Petsmart will adopt her, and if she is cute she should be adopted within a day. Good luck!
Do this Knows...


Op if anyone recalls I had a stray kitten rescued, but I sent her to petsmart. If worse comes to worse do not take her to a shelter, a Petsmart will adopt her, and if she is cute she should be adopted within a day. Good luck!


I don't want to send her to a shelter. I have an appointment tomorrow at Petsmart for one of their free checkups on the cat, to see what all she needs.

I'm definitely trying to weigh the pros and cons of keeping her versus giving her up, and right now, I just really really don't know.
I hope you are able to keep the kitty or at least she finds a good home with someone else.

I miss my cat............meow. meow. :waa:
Do this Knows...


Op if anyone recalls I had a stray kitten rescued, but I sent her to petsmart. If worse comes to worse do not take her to a shelter, a Petsmart will adopt her, and if she is cute she should be adopted within a day. Good luck!

I already know what you're going to respond with, but please, tell me why so I can tell you why you're wrong.
Because they kill them after 3 days, duh!
Because they kill them after 3 days, duh!


But actually they don't. Especially not healthy kittens with an excellent chance to get adopted. Sure, if you're an old, unhealthy, mean ol' bastard of a cat, yeah, you're probably going to get the pink stuff, but even that's not a certainty, and even if it does happen, shelter medicine is about the big picture, and the spot vacated by the deceased can be better used holding a young, healthy animal that actually has a chance of being adopted and won't be a drain on the (typically very limited) funds of the local animal shelter which is almost unanimously staffed by dedicated and caring individuals who really don't deserve the bad reputation that stupid people who don't know just what the **** they're talking about like to spread, sucka.
Dress the cat in clothes and pass it off as a person from a very unknown country.

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