Namorita is blue?

Mr. Green

Where the Wild Hulks Are
Jan 30, 2005
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I have a Namor issue where Namorita is in it. She is definately white. When did she turn blue, and how?

Can't remember the exact issue but it was in New Warriors vol. 1
It's strange because not all that long ago she was going out with Johnny Storm and she wasn't blue...and then she's blue again w/ the New Warriors recently.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I found this one while I was looking for pictures of Namorita!
Isn't there Namorita and Namora

Or was namora just in Exiles.....Oh I'm thinking of Marinna.

Either way Namorita is now
just plain dead
According to the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, there is both a Namora and a Namorita.
Namorita is a clone of Namora, who, like her cousin Namor, was half human and half Atlantean, which means she was sterile and had to clone herself in order to reproduce. They're both dead now.
Namorita's DNA seems to be in flux alot. She goes back and forth between a hybrid and a full blown Atlantian. I's assume that it's a result of her being a clone.
Yeah, apparently her creator spliced some goodies into her DNA.
I did not know she was a clone. Learn something every day. I bet Johnny was banging her all the time then. No consequences when the person's sterile.
Mr. Green said:
I have a Namor issue where Namorita is in it. She is definately white. When did she turn blue, and how?


it has something to do with the water when there skin's not wet it's white or black or what have you and when it get's wet it truns back blue namor can't do this because of he's DNA as you know is 50/50
it has something to do with the water when there skin's not wet it's white or black or what have you and when it get's wet it truns back blue namor can't do this because of he's DNA as you know is 50/50

That makes no a Silver Age kind of way.
KingOfDreams said:
That makes no a Silver Age kind of way.

I'm sorry but that's what it say's in a namor mini I have from 02 so that's what I'm going by.
That's right....When Bobo went above water and covered his gills he turned white.
KingOfDreams said:
No consequences when the person's sterile.
Except for the dreaded AquaSTDs!
I'm sorry but that's what it say's in a namor mini I have from 02 so that's what I'm going by.

I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying it's a wacky concept.
it has something to do with the water when there skin's not wet it's white or black or what have you and when it get's wet it truns back blue namor can't do this because of he's DNA as you know is 50/50
That's cool. Thanks! :) :up: :up:

Still doesn't explain why her skin is blue when she's above ground in Civil War, which was awesome by the way.
I wondered about the blue skin myself........I noticed her makeup was blue, and at first I thought that they had just purposely made her blue for the "reality show".
Elijya said:
It was just another 90's effort to make someone "cooler" by overhauling their appearence. There's details about everything here:
Thanks Elijya!

Wikipedia really DOES have everything. I didn't even think about looking in there for something like this.
Mr. Green said:

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I found this one while I was looking for pictures of Namorita!
that's the funniest thing i've seen in a long long time.
eh, hope you don't mind, but that pic was toeing the line just a little. Not a big deal, but I'd rather it not be here
Mr. Green said:
Thanks Elijya!

Wikipedia really DOES have everything. I didn't even think about looking in there for something like this.

Just remember to not use Wikipedia as your only source of info. It's subject to interpretation, especailly on stuff like this.
Yes, and there have been instances of people intentionally or mistakenly including false information which goes unnoticed. It's rare, but it happens.

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