Need Fantastic Four Flying Annihilus


The Solution

Hey guys...

Been lurking for some time, joined and now my third post....

And being the selfish bas**rd that I am, I want something....

The Flying Annihilus figure has eluded my grasp at every turn.....

It haunts my dreams and every waking laughs at taunts me with its toothless bug smile....

I must have him, if only to end his berating of me...."you can't find me, na na na, na boo boo"

Can you help? (no not the psychiatric therapist may not be able to help me get over this obsession, but she is hot)

If you don't have Flying Annihilus please send me a lead....if your lead helps me to aquire this figure, not only will you have my gratitude, I will send you a nice little present (no seriously, I won't be great or anything, but merely a token of my the way, what colour Porshe is your favourite? No that is not the present, just curious)

I will sit here on this thread and refresh every minute for the next 22 days....if nothing happens by then I will refresh only every 3 minutes...

In advance, thanks
You might try the Fantastic Four section of the forum.

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