New Character Banners?

Neto Magnus

Sep 11, 2003
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Not sure if these are official or not but there is a new image of Magneto we haven't seen yet.






Source: IGN FilmForce
Cool. Thanks:up:

I don't think these are official.:confused: I may be wrong of course.
Nice. I wonder why they are calling her Jean Grey still.....
Majmun said:
Nice. I wonder why they are calling her Jean Grey still.....
Because i don't think she'll be called Phoenix in the movie.
this are fan made banners. because there is not one new pic in there.

this are pics from magazines,leaked pics,screencaps from trailers.
hmmm . . . somethings missing here, there's Jean Grey check, Professor X check, Storm check, Wolverine check, Magneto check but somethings wrong, something is'nt there that should be . . . hmmm . . . I wanna say it's sssss or Cyyyyy I hmmm . . . Sccc . . . . Cyyyyy I don't know but somethings missing.
Holy shizznit! :eek:

Love the Magneto one. :D
vanillacyke said:
hmmm . . . somethings missing here, there's Jean Grey check, Professor X check, Storm check, Wolverine check, Magneto check but somethings wrong, something is'nt there that should be . . . hmmm . . . I wanna say it's sssss or Cyyyyy I hmmm . . . Sccc . . . . Cyyyyy I don't know but somethings missing.
I know what you mean..
Oh wait it's CYCLOPS!!!! There missing CYCLOPS!!!! to hell with those stupid damn idiotic loser moron jerk-offs they keep Cyke out of EVERYTHING!!! I HATE THEM ALL!!!!
vanillacyke said:
Oh wait it's CYCLOPS!!!! There missing CYCLOPS!!!! to hell with those stupid damn idiotic loser moron jerk-offs they keep Cyke out of EVERYTHING!!! I HATE THEM ALL!!!!

They are also missing Beast, Angel, Juggernaut...
Are those from the official site?
they lok like some fan made them on photoshop 5.0
I wonder where the heck they got the Magneto pic if it's fan-made.
I don't think IGN would post fanmade stuff.
That Magneto picture is new!

They are cool a bit good to be fanmade I think...
Magneto looks like he's in his lair...
ok i belive you guys. but it makes no sense. it doesnt fit with the last posters. i thought they will have always the same feel.

this are completely different.
Xverse confirms they are from FOX

Also, IGN has received five character banners (for use with their blogs) by 20th Century Fox. The banners include a new look at Magneto, along with an unseen picture of Jean Grey. Be sure to check those out!
Yeah, obviously, it's for the website. As image links, I think.

Thanks, Electrix. :up:

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