I didnt vote for the flames, but on the other hand, they do work on him. The progression from red to blue is smoother and it really works on his truck mode (maybe i should have voted for it then...). I dont think i like this redneck type of truck he turns into though...
I do however like the idea that Prime co-ruled Cybertron with Megatron. It gives a nice twist to their relationship. I also like the G1 idea that he was a worker that was rebuilt into a warrior, but that version doesnt explain how all of a sudden he came to lead the autobots. So maybe the two ideas could be merged into one. Prime was a ruler but not a fighter (Megatron had the military command anyway). He was rebuilt into a war machine when the war began.
The transformers scanning and tf into anything gets a yes. On the one hand you need to suspend your disbelief that the autobots dont just fly anywhere they want, but on the other it gives the franchise the freedom of movement it needs. Consequently, the fact that the robots can turn into jets and travel around the universe without the need of another vehicle makes sense, so yes to that as well.
Furthermore, i voted yes for the bayverse origin of the TF. The cube is mystic and nobody knows anything about it so it could be the creator of Primus and Unicron or maybe Primus' spark. The thing is that i never liked the Quintessons and how they ****ed up the stories in G1. I'd rather the robots werent created by those things (wasnt primus the creator anyway?) but even if they were, i wouldnt like to see them around. Its strange when you get to meet and talk with your creator...
On the other hand, i give a "WTF" to the hatchlings and the Matrix being a key ideas. Also, the movie doesnt explain why the Primes needed to harvest suns when they had the cube, neither does it explain how the current robots survived without sun harvesting or the cube for all this millenia. So that idea has to be worked on before i even consider voting for it.
I also voted no for the idea that Optimus is a prime descendant. Though it is kinda cool, it means that Prime is inherently the only special robot of the franchise and no other leader or robot "has the touch". In the G1 series if you could hold the matrix, you were one of the chosen ones and thus Rodimus could ascent to leadership status. Here nobody can replace Prime.