Fantasy New Lord of the Rings movies in the works

I absolutely agree on that, these spin-offs scream "desperate" but if they start making **** up whole cloth then just make a different high fantasy franchise. If you divorce Middle Earth from Tolkien's writing then it really isn't that unique (I know it's the OG but you don't need the LOTR IP to tell stories about a quasi-medieval world inhabited by elves, dwarves and orcs).
Thing is though, those original ideas don't have a brand attached to it and thus will either notnget made or get the necessary budget required. I am perfectly okay using an established IP as a way to fund something new and original that otherwise wouldn't get eyeballs because all anyone supports is popular IPs. To me, that's just more interesting than "Hey, here is a movie about Gollun joining a Middle Earth folk band and touring the country side, and then gets chased by some Nazgul looking for the ring and he gets saved by random cameo characters just to get cheap nostalgia pops" movies they're likely to make
I understand a younger actor as Aragorn, especially this is presumably a couple years before Fellowship of the Ring.

But a different Gandalf other than McKellen would feel all sorts of wrong. If this was a different continuity than the others I could understand but it’s not. Especially with Serkis back as Gollum.

It’s not like he was doing his own stunts even in the original trilogy. As long as the voice is still there, there’s no reason he couldn’t do it again. Unless he just doesn’t want to.

We’ll see.
Ultimately that's what it all hinges on. Because, well...

Hard to believe but I don’t think they have a scene together in any of the movies.

I’d like to see McKellen act with Serkis.
WB could maybe throw one of these to Snyder, have that be his big coming back home party. film is set in,a quest to find Gollum.


How to successfully pull off a no budget CGI Gollum, stick him in a sack :cwink:
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There definitely are concerns about this, especially with star wars being the example of an IP that, imo, has lost so much of its novelty. That being said, I can't help but to be excited knowing serkis is directing, starring and Jackson is involved too. Will the film work? Who knows, but I'm gonna remain optimistic
There definitely are concerns about this, especially with star wars being the example of an IP that, imo, has lost so much of its novelty. That being said, I can't help but to be excited knowing serkis is directing, starring and Jackson is involved too. Will the film work? Who knows, but I'm gonna remain optimistic
Yep, with Serkis having a big involvement I will be optimistic and enjoy speculation while not having expectations.
They're already butchering the IP, they might as well go crazy with it.
After Rebel Moon, he should be in director jail. Not given more 200 million dollar films. Reward people who make actual good movies
I guess it was bound to happen. It is a story that I might be interested in but these things feel like big cash grabs to me and I wouldn't want them to cheapen the mythos any further, especially after seeing Rings of Power. Also I'm glad Serkis is back in the role but none of his three directorial attempts have been particularly good and that puts it mildly. Maybe with the right material he can break that streak.

So, very mixed about all this, but I'm willing to give it a chance if I like what I see.
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I want a movie where a village full of hobbits have to recruit 7 badasses to help them protect their weed.
I prefer a movie about 7 mercenaries who hire a village to hide them and provide cover from tax collectors and a multitude of process servers. To keep from being discovered they must spend months without using weapons or getting into any fights. They spend 10 to 12 hours a day toiling in the field. This will be a shoo-in for best picture Oscar.
I want a movie where a village full of hobbits have to recruit 7 badasses to help them protect their weed.
I prefer a movie about 7 mercenaries who hire a village to hide them and provide cover from tax collectors and a multitude of process servers. To keep from being discovered they must spend months without using weapons or getting into any fights. They spend 10 to 12 hours a day toiling in the field. This will be a shoo-in for best picture Oscar.
I wanna several year series about the creation of Arda, the corruption of Melkor, the Flight of the Noldor, and the end of the 1st age, but, hey, that's just me. :funny:
I want a movie about the nine Ringwraiths where a baby gets dropped off on their doorstep and they have to figure out which one is the father while simultaneously trying and failing to take care of the kid. Box office gold.
They should do a new trilogy: Entmoot part 1, 2 and 3 :)
I think the Fall of the Kingdom of Arnor would be a good basis for a trilogy.
I think the Fall of the Kingdom of Arnor would be a good basis for a trilogy.
There's all kinds of stories that would be really cool that could be filled by "not Bull S***"", but they'd need context. The story of Arvedui claiming the kingship and Gondor's refusal, in favor of Earnil, is certainly an interesting story. Add to that, the story of his son Earnur and his encounter with the Witch King would be awesome. Throw in the aid Glorfindel provided and his prophecy that the Witch King would not die by the hand of man and you've got a great story.

Here's the I see it. We're talking about a history and most of the stories depend on earlier events.

Good thing we've got Rings of Power to set everything straight. :barf:

Anyway, that's why I'd like to start with the Ainulindale and move forward from there.
I think it’s cool they saw the success of the last Gollum game and said “hey let’s do more of that!”

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